Players build decks which they use to earn Honour points which is earned by playing certain Hero or construct cards or by defeating monster cards on the gameboard. The cards in the deck also count towards the final honour score and the player with the most at the end of the game wins.
The end game is triggered when a pre-determined amount of honour has been awarded (set by the number of players) players then get one last turn and final scores counted. There is a lot fun to be had here, players build and burn cards to form a deck they think will earn them the honour they need. There is an element of luck here (as the face up cards players can purchase or fight are drawn at random), but there is also skill in deciding what cards to buy and discard to make your deck strong, there is a certain amount of player interaction as cards can have an effect on other players cards.
The thing that makes me like this game more than Dominion, is Dominion once experienced players work out card combos are hard to beat by new players. This game presents a much more even playing field whilst retaining fun and strategy elements.
Finally the artwork on the cards, the quality of the board and components are very high providing a coherent overall theme for the game.