Burton Delvers
Karma: 15
Posts: 282
« Reply #30 on: 16 March 2011, 01:09:09 » |
The classes and a brief description of them are:
Noble - Tend use knowledge, fame, wealth, intrigue and force of personality to make their way in the galaxy (careers include: politicians, scientists, doctors, reporters, diplomats, corporate executives and celebrities) Scoundrel - Tend to use deception, charm, cunning and subterfuge to get what they want (careers include: smugglers, thieves, rouges, gamblers, drifter, thugs, con artists and spys) Scout - Tend to be those who travel the galaxy or spend most of there time away from the more "civilised" parts of the galaxy (careers include: Guides, pilots, hunters, fringers, bounty hunters, explorers and navigators) Soldier - Tend to be those who have large amounts of military training (careers include: warriors, mercenaries, bodyguards, soldiers, commandos, security officers and martial artists).
I am still sorting out what the numbers mean for each of you (hoping to have that sorted on Thursday).
The reason I asked you to make those dice rolls was to determine some of the things that have happened to your charters in the last year (which will determine your influences - I have taken the idea of influences from the Babylon 5 RPG).
Influences will give you are modifier on skill tests when dealing with different groups.
The influence groups are (Policial, Economic, Military, Criminal and The Family - others may become appropriate later)
I hope that sates your curiosity a little