ok , while theres a thread here I may as well post my reason for being here :
I'm Jarvis (one of the founders) from the Aurochs Yu-gi-oh group based in Burton ( more information on us on
http://aurochs.desudesu.org/ )
I think Phil may have told you guys that we hope to venue share with you guys , can I please some have information on the venue and the facilities , etc availble there please, there's about 20 of us regularly attending the events and we are still a growing group , I was a little worried with space and cost issues
, Phil (From Spirit Games) tells me and Craig ("Poxon") (the other founder) that it should not cost us too much and the arrangements would be about once a month.
(( I know I have prob worded this wrong , anyways if you want to contact either me or Poxon our MSNs are
tjk@desudesu.org (Me) and
vegetasonofskalamanda@hotmail.com (Poxon) or if you would rather contact us through E-mail the Joint Aurochs YGO email that both me and Poxon have access to is
aurochsygo@googlemail.com , feel free to ask us anything ))
Thanks , hope we can sort things out and we may come down on the 21st March to say "hi"
P.S. us in the paper lol << (( Link ))
EDIT : That "Jarvis" that posted was not me
- Jarvis