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Author Topic: DARK SUN at Raiders II  (Read 4330 times)
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Burton Delvers
Great Old One

Karma: 29
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« on: 18 October 2010, 11:57:59 »

What has gone before

Our hero's where part a plan by Tyr's new high templar of trade to discover  who was disrupting the city's external trade since the revolution as trade is as it always has been Tyrs life blood. There had since the revolt been an increasing amount of losses from trade caravans more than experienced hands would put down to the harshness of the desert and casual raiding by desert tribes even if they sensed opportunity with the Sorcerer king gone and became more aggressive.  

Unable to get the King and his council to act in a coordinated way as they where finding running a city with no administrators experienced in doing so quite a task. The high templar of trade hires several groups of adventures to go into the desert and discover the problem. Our hero's where one of these groups. After arguing about payment and reaching a conclusion which satisfied them our hero's where assigned as where all the other teams to scout out a sector of the desert where they where to look for signs of unusual attacks or other suspicious activity.

Our Hero's declined to do exactly as instructed & decided that it would be better to get payment form two sources. They sought out

to be continued.....

« Last Edit: 19 October 2010, 04:55:42 by EvilGinger » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
Burton Delvers
Great Old One

Karma: 29
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BoardgameGeek: Evilginger
Posts: 5339

I speak only of the Evilerginger who is coming

« Reply #1 on: 19 October 2010, 04:14:22 »

The Hero's

Defender:    Dwarf            Fighter        Theme Gladiator
ex Gladiator, born free but like many freemen in Tyr dirt poor became a gladiator for the money and retired after the big organised games stopped with the revolution. (could change to a Mul quite easily)

Defender:    Human           Fighter         Theme None
ex Soldier Deserted from the army of Tyr during the revolt when it became apparent that the sorcerer king was dead his unit murdered its Templars & officers and dispersed without taking much part in the fighting.

Defender     Mul                Battle mind             Theme None
a minor Templar of Kalak who survived the revolt trained as a body guard for a higher ranking Templar to whom he was bonded psionicaly. Released when the Templar was killed but hideously scared by wounds he got trying to save his master (could quite easily be changed to a dwarf)

Jedar Sharp Eye
Striker:       Human           Ranger                   Theme Dune Trader
Caravan escort/guide came in from Nibonay with a caravan about three weeks ago and having recovered is looking for work

Striker:       Half elf           Rogue                    Theme Escaped Slave
City Thief escaped slave originally who has been hiding in the poor districts of Tyr ever since keeping his head down & scratching a living by thievery & thuggery. Belives the master from whom he escaped was slain in the revolt and anyway slavery is now illegal in Tyr isn't it

Striker:       Human           Seeker                    Theme  Waste land nomad
Avenging desert nomad Raiders destroyed his people, and the oasis they had protected for generations for a quick profit & he wants revenge except he knows little of city folk or where his enemy's came from.

Controller:   Dragon born    Psion                       Theme None
a prisoner awaiting execution who escaped during the revolt, quite what his crimes against the old regime where only he knows and he isn't telling

Sul Kur Veran
Leader:       Human           Ardent                    Theme Noble Adept
Dispossessed scion of a noble house crushed by Kalak just before the revolt, seeks to rebuild his house

There was also a monk  & another character whose names I can not recall as they where player created

« Last Edit: 19 October 2010, 04:31:47 by EvilGinger » Logged

seek solace in the doom of empires and the death of great kings
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