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Author Topic: Part Two - Poodle Rescue  (Read 3016 times)
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Mild Psychosis

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« on: 21 September 2010, 11:47:17 »

Will write a synopsis shortly but I've attached a Word Doc of our new ship The SS Origami so that we don't have to rumage through book 3 all the time. I've dropped our modular long range module into the plan but we don't have the lab/med bay kitted, probe drones or the extra air raft.

Custard: A detestable substance produced by a malevolent conspiracy of the hen, the cow, and the cook.

Devil's Dictionary (1906)
Mild Psychosis

Karma: 6
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« Reply #1 on: 21 September 2010, 15:46:30 »

In search of someone to decrypt the chip from Forbes' arm we head to the Mongo(Jewell 0404) system. The main world in run by Magneto Dynamics LIC who extract minerals from the oceans by filtration.

Using our trading contacts we find out that our target is a female Vargr computer programmer working on Mining Platform 1(MP1) out in the northern ocean. Ito gets a job in the motor pool and emails the Vargr only to have a couple of corporate spooks come and grill him as our soon to be chum is in trouble accused of trying to steal corporate secrets. He acquires some uniforms (sort of the right size/race for the crew) and an air raft that needs a test drive. Knowing that MP1 will be out of contact during a cyclone we take a chance our piloting skills to arrive in the middle of the storm.

We are questioned by security but having a plausible excuse of taking shelter and corporate kit (although only one legit ID) we hit the canteen to get the local situation. Slipping a comm dot into our Vargr's food we eventually make contact. She claims innocence but is willing to help us if we can break her out and get off planet. Borrowing cutting gear we burn our way into her holding room from below and sneak her onto the airraft. Taking off while the storm still rages we escape with only slight dents to MP1 and our air raft.
Although the storm gives us a head start the news gets out before our return and Ito's work chums at the motorpool have been taken in for questioning. This gives us enough time to get off-world and jump to Nakege(Jewell 0505). Our Vargr needs to go to her home on Lysen(Jewell 0507) to use her kit to decrypt the chip.

In the Nakege system there is a major salvage operation going on off the debris from major space battles so we decide that as our ship's ID will be all over the police systems by the time we get to Lysen(Jewell 0507) we could do with a disguise and a transponder change. Then we have the idea of selling Valley Forge and buying another ship. The best we can find is a retired Type SX Frontiersman 150Ton Scout with long range module. We buy this and name it Origami due to it's resemblance to a paper aeroplane. To give us more of a head start on the authorities we don't carry the mail as you would normally when leaving system so our ship dealing take longer to become known in the rest of the sector.

Arriving at Lysen we dock at the highport and take a shuttle down. There are large workers rights demonstrations going on which we get through and in the Vargr part of town (not the nicest!) we get to the flat where the decrypt is made.

The message is a report by Forbes saying the Zhodani have the "Tripwire" weapon hidden under Farreach (0602) starport, that his cover may be blown (is there a leak?), and there may be a connection to civil unrest on Louzy (0804) by a group called Huh??. He recommeds sending another agent called Huh?? to investigate. The group seems to be the same that are agitating here on Lysen.

Custard: A detestable substance produced by a malevolent conspiracy of the hen, the cow, and the cook.

Devil's Dictionary (1906)
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