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Author Topic: King's Breakfast  (Read 2153 times) Average Rating: 0
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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
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"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 20 January 2008, 21:06:03 »

You are at the Kings breakfast and need to eat as much as you can but not exceed the amount of food the King has or you don`t score any points at the end.

The number of cards is determined by the number of players, cards used each turn is double the number of players, the cards are placed face up for players to choose the type they want each turn and all of that choice is taken, or take one card from the deck. once all players have chosen the remainder goes to the kings Breakfast table. Play continues until the last full deal, any remaining cards are disguarded. There are also Emerald the dragon cards which eats two random cards from the Kings breakfast pile, these are taken from the game.

Scoring - If you have more than the King in any one type then your cards are taken out of the game, no score. If you Have the same or less than the king you score your number of cards times his,as this example ; King has 5 Bottles of wine, you have 4 bottles of wine, you score 4x5=20 and so on for each type of food [there are 7 types]

This game was entertaining with 3 players but may benefit from having more. Good game.


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