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Author Topic: Infernal Contraption  (Read 2477 times) Average Rating: 0
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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
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"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 20 January 2008, 21:03:31 »

Infernal contraption is a very neat little game where players compete to build their contraptions and consume the resources of the other players. Each player receives a power core and the cards are dealt evenly between all players to form their parts pile. Each player then takes 7 cards from their own parts pile to form their hand.

On each turn the player may place one card onto their machine for free any additional cards must be paid for by discarding a card from their hand into the scrap pile in the centre. Cards are added either to the main line or as a plug in. Each card has different coloured and shaped sockets and these must match for a card to be added to the machine, there are some universal sockets which allow anything to be connected. When you have finished adding cards to your machine you pick a target fire up your contraption starting from the far left you work you way through the components of the machine taking the actions described on each card. At the end of your turn you replenish your hand upto 7 cards from your parts pile, or reduce it to 10 by scrapping the excess.

The machine is made up of the following parts: The Main Line: Each players machine is built in a horizontal line; Plugs: Cards placed vertically on top or bottom of the Main Line; Terminals: Any card in machine attached at only one socket.

The parts come is various guises, Power Sources(Provide additional power); Contraptions(Create the effects of the machine but require power); Upgrades(Modify Performance of attached contraptions); Consumables(One-Time effects removed from game after use)

Players are eliminated when their parts pile is depleted at which point their hand and machine parts are taken out of the game. The winner is the last Gremlin standing with parts left in their parts pile.

This is a really fun game which has really colourful and amusing artwork on the cards.


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