As we disembarked from the Ship into the Starport Mr Forbes was assassinated with high-velocity rounds. Most of the crew managed to dodge aside but I managed to get covered head to toe in Mr Forbes blood and had to catch his falling body.
A got some weird "Data" blast from Mr Forbes and with his dying breath he urged me to get some important information to a Martha. He indicated a data chip under the skin of his arm, which I had to remove using the only knife I had to hand (not a pretty sight), our recovered crew members helped mask this activity from fellow passengers and any surveillance.
The three of us caught in the middle of this were interviewed by the Port authorities, but later released. Mr Forbes affects were held for collection by next of kin.
As I started to assimilate the mental images sent to me by Forbes, we managed to work out Martha ran the Redway Hotel and that she was a shapely middle-aged woman. We tracked down the location and hired a car to drive there and try and get some answers. Managed to gain some images of a specific car park slot to place the car and after booking in and piecing together some more images and recollections we managed to gain the Trust of Martha abut she was unable to help as she was not aware of any pickups but said we were welcome to stay and see if a courier arrived.
No courier arrived but talking with Martha she gave us a name of another contact of Forbes who may be able to help, Daniel (trader) located on Ruby.
In the meantime we had to make arrangements to aid us leaving the system as it had been discovered something had been removed from Forbes's body and we were now the prime suspects. We arranged to hire a temp Pilot, and Martha told us of an abandoned farm we could use to land the ship. So under the ruse that we were collecting cargo the new crew flew the ship to the farm they were paid and told to return the hire car and we left planet.
We travelled to where Martha said we could find Daniel, which was the rather seedier bars & trading areas. After a bit of asking around and people watching we were approached by a man who after a long conversation and building of trust said he could put us in touch arrangements were made for a meeting.
At the meeting it transpires this man is indeed who we are looking for but he had no better news to help us, however he suggested we may be best to contact someone that he had arranged for Forbes for another job. This was a Programmer Gakha - Cryptology expert for Magneto Dynamics, Mongo.
We Paid him for his information,
As we were leaving the system heading to find this new contact, we got word from Daniel that news had reached Ruby that we were wanted in conjunction with Forbes's Death.
We will need to make some serious plans......