This is a fun little game I can thoroughly recommend
Players make a hand of 5 cards selecting from two decks a creature deck and an action deck. They then can do one of four actions: Place a creature card in front of them; Place an ability card on existing creature card (theirs or another player); Play a battle card; or discard a card.
The main aspect of the game is the battles, each player must field the stated amount of creatures into the fight. You roll dice to determine your battle strength and 1's count towards treasure (though abilities and certain creatures change this). After the battle is over players get the chance to play event cards which can effect the outcome of the battle. These are revealed all at once and the various effects acted upon. The winner of the battle takes the treasure they found during the fight and then loses their most powerful creature from the fight to the discard pile.
The winner is the first player to reach 15 gold
I really like this game, its fun and the artwork is funny and very good. There are a few quirks in the rules but these can be ironed out by group concensus. On the whole I would recommend this to anyone to play.