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HHGG Quote:
You Pinstriped barbarians! I`ll sue the council for every penny it`s got! I`ll have you hung, drawn and quartered, and whipped and boiled, and then I`ll chop you up into little bits until . . . until . . . until you`ve had enough! - Arthur Dent
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Author Topic: Star Wars: Corellia Campaign  (Read 19441 times)
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Burton Delvers

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« Reply #30 on: 16 March 2011, 01:09:09 »

The classes and a brief description of them are:

Noble - Tend use knowledge, fame, wealth, intrigue and force of personality to make their way in the galaxy (careers include: politicians, scientists, doctors, reporters, diplomats, corporate executives and celebrities)
Scoundrel - Tend to use deception, charm, cunning and subterfuge to get what they want (careers include: smugglers, thieves, rouges, gamblers, drifter, thugs, con artists and spys)
Scout - Tend to be those who travel the galaxy or spend most of there time away from the more "civilised" parts of the galaxy (careers include: Guides, pilots, hunters, fringers, bounty hunters, explorers and navigators)
Soldier - Tend to be those who have large amounts of military training (careers include: warriors, mercenaries, bodyguards, soldiers, commandos, security officers and martial artists).


I am still sorting out what the numbers mean for each of you (hoping to have that sorted on Thursday). 

The reason I asked you to make those dice rolls was to determine some of the things that have happened to your charters in the last year (which will determine your influences - I have taken the idea of influences from the Babylon 5 RPG).

Influences will give you are modifier on skill tests when dealing with different groups. 

The influence groups are (Policial, Economic, Military, Criminal and The Family - others may become appropriate later)

I hope that sates your curiosity a little
Snakes in the Tiki Lounge
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #31 on: 16 March 2011, 05:41:49 »

It certainly wets my apetite.  Wink
Burton Delvers
Blissful Ignorance

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« Reply #32 on: 16 March 2011, 17:44:54 »

Definitely leaning towards scout for me - thanks for the explanations, i was not sure what each class included.
 No idea yet on position within family, probably go with close cousin or sister depending on what would fit best with others.
Burton Delvers

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« Reply #33 on: 21 March 2011, 23:05:23 »

Soldier for me.  I was planning to be an enforcer type for Tiki.  Sniper/cleaner/bodyguard.
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