This is a fun little game which captures the flavour of those TV & Film Kung Fu fights.
You can have a Stance and / or a weapon attached to your character these will add bonuses to attacks and or defence. You have a hand of cards which can consist of attacks, attack enhancements, blocking moves or one of the special kung fu cards.
At the beginning of your turn you can replenish your hand size back up to 7, you can also discard before you do this. On your turn you build up an attack using an attack card and if you have one an attack enhancement. If your opponent can block any part of your attack it will fail.
Everyone starts with 20 Chi, when this runs out you are out of the game. Some cards allow you to regain chi.
This played very fast, was very enjoyable and I would play this again. Its a perfect game to finish a games night on.
The cards and play mats are very well made and suit the theme perfectly.