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Raiders of the Game Cupboard L
: 02 October 2021
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Topic: Raiders of the Game Cupboard L (Read 2733 times)
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Deep One
Karma: 37
Posts: 2139
"One who cares is one who listens."
Raiders of the Game Cupboard L
08 August 2021, 14:07:08 »
There is light at the end of the tunnel and it has been a while so thought it was about time to post an update for Raiders of the Game Cupboard.
Our current plans, subject to Government or Public Health England requirements, is to host an event on Sat 2nd October 2021
Our plans are as follows:
• Hand Sanitiser provided around the event to aid cleaning hands.
• Tables cleaned at the start of the day, and wipes provided to wipe down as required.
• Whilst Negative Lateral Flow Tests Will not be required, it would be preferable for attendees to have one to ensure everyone's well being
• If you have covid-like symptoms Do Not attend the event
• Not sure if the venue has an NHS Track & Trace QR code and we are liaising with them. If they do, whilst no longer compulsory, it would be preferable for at least one attendee in each group to register, but better if everyone does.
• Masks, whilst there is no longer a requirement, please respect others wishes in this matter. Our preference is for people to wear masks whilst moving around the event, but when sat a table it will be down to what that group decides.
•The organisers wish to enjoy the event as well, our job has never been to police fun and if that becomes a requirement by a change in the Covid-19 requirements then the event regretfully will be cancelled.
• We may look into providing disposable gloves for those concerned about handling items in games from other people or people handling your games. Again please respect others wishes in this matter concerns for your own or others safety should be taken seriously.
• Unfortunately we will no longer be providing Tea & Coffee, hot water via the urn will be available to make your own but you will need to bring everything else
We will also not be providing any snacks and would ask that you only bring items to consume yourself for everyone's safety
Should there be any changes we will endeavor to notify via this website, BoardGameGeek and the forum with as much notice as possible.
Many thanks for your patience and understanding during these extraordinary times
Last Edit: 08 August 2021, 15:24:32 by Zarniwoop
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