So in a way I can understand them raising the prices as they are increasing the amount of original content. This would normally be a good thing but sadly Netflix has some bizarre metric on how it gauges success of a new series/film which seems to depend on how many new subscribers it draws in immediately on release and presumably how many existing subscribers also bing watch at the same time.

you are a streaming service, born on the audiences of traditional tv wanting the option to watch their favourite shows at a time convenient to them and watch multiple epiodes back to back. Yet they judge based on normal studio constraints.. This is utter madness, some of the best shows have taken 2-3 seasons to build a following that has then boosted the show into a must-watch gaining bigger audiences.
You would think a streaming service would be in a better position to wait out and even foster this kind of ground swell. Yet many a good show is now getting cancelled after only one season without even a decent conclusion.
Why then should existing subscribers look at any new content, they may as well wait and see if it gets canned so as not to waste time watching dead ended content, especially if they are going to charge more. There are only so many shows I can watch simultaneously and keep up with all the plot lines, so instantly watching new programs is not viable and as I said earlier the reason I watch using a streaming service because I can watch it later when I have the time after completing something else.
In light of all the studios looking to get a piece of the streaming pie maybe it will be enough to get the big leaders to re-think their models and criteria for keeping shows. Though the biggest problem for all the streaming services is the whole cost and logistics of getting global rights. Netflix has such diverse content depending on where you are in the world that some regions have far better choice than others.
Tv in general needs to evolve to better fit into the digital age but in doing so it needs to cling onto the quality of content rather than the quantity, I would rather has a dozen good to excellent shows to choose from than hundreds of badly produced rubbish just because it makes you look like you have a lot of content to offer.