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  • Con-Quest 2011: 30 April 2011

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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
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"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 08 June 2010, 14:53:47 »

Details from their Website:

Con-Quest promises a day packed with games for you to play.
From old favourites to something new, there is plenty of choice in the games you want to play.

Role-playing Games - Board and Card Games -Collectable Card Games - Trade Hall - Live Action Role-playing - Bar and Food

« Last Edit: 04 April 2011, 01:11:53 by Zarniwoop » Logged


<*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*>

Slight Inkling

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« Reply #1 on: 23 October 2010, 15:13:26 »

Just to let you all know that Con-Quest Midlands 2011 will take place on Saturday 30th April 2011 at the Derby Assembly Rooms.

Tickets from the Box Office are now on sale!

You can now get your Early-Bird tickets at the special rate of £6.00 via the Con-Quest website using Paypal.  Cheesy

More news about events and games will follow...

Slight Inkling

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« Reply #2 on: 08 January 2011, 15:30:00 »

With new art work by Cherrie Button especially for Con-Quest, here is the new flyer.

Slight Inkling

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« Reply #3 on: 05 April 2011, 13:36:57 »

We do have some breaking news!  Cheesy

We are very excited about the sponsorship and support we are getting off DriveThruRPG!
Many thanks to Sean P. Fannon for sorting this out for us.

DriveThruRPG is proud to support Con-Quest Midlands 2011 by providing a special coupon code for 20% off the following products:

•   Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion [Pinnacle Entertainment]
•   Realms of Cthulhu [Reality Blurs]
•   Karma Roleplaying System Core [Bards and Sages]
•   FantasyCraft [Crafty Games]
•   Fat Dragon's Dragonshire Deluxe [Fat Dragon Games]

The code will be printed in the Con-Quest 2011 Convention Booklet that every attendee of Con-Quest 2011 will receive on arrival.
The code will be valid from 30-04-11 for three months.
Slight Inkling

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« Reply #4 on: 05 April 2011, 23:49:17 »

With the success of the first Con-Quest we are going to do it all again in 2011 only bigger and better than before.
Dates are Saturday 30th April 2011 and we are at the Derby Assembly Rooms again.

Run A Game - Get In Free!

We endeavour to provide a wide and far reaching games programme for our attendees to showcase what UK role players can offer.
To avoid clashes and overlaps the day will be split into two slots for games that will run for 3.5 or 4 hours with a gap in between for food, refreshments, wandering the trade hall, etc.

Day will be split into slots
    Slot 1 = 10:30 until 14:00
    Slot 2 = 15:00 until 18:30

    To register your games before the convention, you will need to email me at the gaming hotline address at and I’ll see to it that you’re booked in with a table and advertised on the website.
    Pass on to me the usual sort of details:

      GM name
      Title of Game
      Game System
      Game Slot
      [morning or afternoon?]
      Quiet or Display Game? [In a quieter room or in the main hall]
      Max Number of Players
      Length of Game
      Short Description
      [up to 500 words]
      Tags [any short, snappy key words, such as age, experience needed, drop in or sign up?][/list]

      We’re happy to get any kind of game with a variety of settings or genres for all tastes and gaming philosophies.
      From D&D 4e to Polaris via Dead of Night, RuneQuest and Savage Worlds, traditional to radical, chess to Heroclix, demo game to playtest, Last Night on Earth to Warmachine with a little Call of Cthulhu along the way – label up what you want to run and we’ll do our best to promote it and provide you what you need from the venue.

      For those that are unsure or are not confident GMing a game for strangers we will offer support and help.
      Some advice below may be helpful for novice Con GMs and experts alike:

      Evilgaz’s Top Ten Covention Game Pitfalls
      Darran Sims’ “Convention Gaming Advice”
      UK Roleplayers Collected Advice
      Slight Inkling

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      « Reply #5 on: 13 April 2011, 14:21:44 »

      We are proud to announce that we will be having a game seminar taking place at Con-Quest 2011.

      'Come and ask Alessio Cavatore all sort of questions about games he has designed, like Kings of War, as well as about the latest project in development for both Mantic and Warlord Games'.

      Details and timings will appear in the programme.

      Alessio Cavatore

      After studying biology at Turin’s university, Alessio Cavatore has moved to the UK at age 25 to work as a translator for Games Workshop.

      One year later he became a games developer, and has continued to do that job for the last fifteen years. For Games Workshop he has worked on several game systems and supplements, like Warhammer Fantasy Battle, Warhammer 40,000 and the Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game.
He is now the managing director of the company he co-founded River Horse Ltd, in order to publish games of his own making. The first one is Shuuro, the game of creative chess, soon followed by its four-player expansion Turanga.

      He also hires his games-design skills as a consultant for many gaming companies out there, like Mantic (for which he has written Kings of War) and Warlord Games.
      Slight Inkling

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      « Reply #6 on: 15 April 2011, 22:03:57 »

      The relaxed and friendly gaming convention Con-Quest is back again at the Derby Assembly Rooms on Saturday 30th April 2011!
      Our inaugural year was a great success, with hundreds of delegates coming along and joining the fun, including fifty games masters, a live action performance group and several demo teams, retailers, traders and more!

      We have a top class programme of games on offer already, with great game masters , old and new, signed up to run wide variety of fantastic games - but we aim to go bigger and better, so can still squeeze a few more in.
      We also want some more wargames, battleboards that really impress and show off our hobby.

      If you want to run an RPG, or some drop-in games like skirmish wargames, card games and board games, you can get in to the event early and totally free with one of our sassy Volunteer Wristbands.  What's more, we have a GM Lounge with a water cooler, tea, coffee and hot chocolate for you to relax and freshen up between games.

      If you want to help out in other ways, volunteers are also wanted to run the Bring & Buy stall and assist at the game sign-up boards, so if you want to support us that way, there's all the benefits above for you too!

      If you are interested in helping out then send Darran a line at

      Current list of some of the game systems already offered:
      Dungeons & Dragons
      Basic D&D/Labyrinth Lord
      Mongoose Traveller.
      Dark Heresy
      Apocalypse World
      Savage Worlds
      Realms of Cthulhu
      Barbarians of Lemuria
      The Laundry RPG
      Pathfinder RPG
      Ghostbusters International
      SLA Industries
      Feng Shui
      Dresden Files
      3:16 Carnage
      Slight Inkling

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      « Reply #7 on: 17 April 2011, 16:01:21 »

      We are happy to announce that Team 8 will be running games at Con-Quest!

      Team8 was originally formed by a group of independent gamers to promote new material for existing games, we now offer Convention Support, Printing Services, and RPG support.

      Punishment Tour
      3:16 Carnage. GM = John Wilson.

      One of Our Agents is Missing
      The Laundry RPG. GM = Sue Wilson.

      A Midsummer’s Nighmare 2
      SLA Industries. GM = Ash.

      The Body in Question
      Basic D&D/Labyrinth Lord. GM = John Wilson.

      Race Through Time
      Feng Shui. GM = Ash.

      Hangover City
      Dresden Files. GM = Sue Wilson.

      A Hole in the World
      Nerdvana [Beta Sysytem]. GM = John Dodd.

      Black sky, White Terror
      Deathwatch. GM = John Dodd.
      « Last Edit: 18 April 2011, 12:01:33 by Darran » Logged
      Slight Inkling

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      « Reply #8 on: 19 April 2011, 12:55:54 »

      We a delighted to announce the first six traders and stall holders that will be attending Con-Quest 2011.


      The Dice Shop Online

      The Dice Shop Online is Europe's largest volume retailer of dice.  With over 4000 different dice wherever you live, whatever games you play, we have what you need and you should expect nothing but the best service from our team.


      House Atreides

      House Atreides at are specialists in 2nd hand role-playing games.

      They stock thousands of items, from the mundane to the rare and valuable, for hundreds of different game systems, plus single cards for many CCG systems.


      Cubicle 7

      Cubicle 7 Entertainment is a British-based publisher and events company, specialising in the games industry.

      Founded in 2006, by Angus Abranson and Dominic McDowall-Thomas, the company has published role-playing games from a list of licensed and home-grown properties including Victoriana, Starblazer Adventure (based on DC Thomson’s 80’s Starblazer comic series), SLA Industries, Qin: The Warring States and the recent Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space (licensed from the BBC).

      Cubicle 7 also works with a number of publishing partners helping bring their creations to print and into distribution.


      Genki Gear

      Genki Gear great Original designs from UK artists.
      At Genki Gear we take the great style of Japanese culture, Anime, Sci-fi and gaming and mix with our unique humour and style!


      Magic Geek

      Magic Geek are CCG traders primarily focusing on Magic: The Gathering.

      We stock a large range of single cards and boxed product. As one of the UK’s Advanced Level tournament organizers we also run regular monthly events at our Birmingham and Stafford venues. Finally, as we are board game fans we stock a growing range of card and board games too.


      Leisure Games

      Leisure Games, specialist games retailer and mail order service, stocking what is probably Europe’s widest range of RPG’s, Indie Press RPG’s, Board games, Card games and War games since 1985.

      Leisure Games is a specialist Games retailer. We stock only Games, and pride ourselves in having a remarkable breadth of stock of Games of all types (except computer Games!). We stock Roleplaying, Wargames, Collectable Card Games, Board Games from all over the World, Miniatures, Traditional Games and Non-Collectable Card Games.
      We also stock accessories, such as dice, scenery, game mats, counter trays, card sleeves etc., so if you are looking for something to do with Games give us a try!

      We operate a Worldwide Mail Order Service which has the highest reputation for being fast, efficient and friendly. We use First Class mail or 48 hour guaranteed delivery for UK destinations, and Air Mail for Overseas destinations.

      Slight Inkling

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      « Reply #9 on: 20 April 2011, 11:16:59 »

      We a delighted to announce the second set of six traders and stall holders that will be attending Con-Quest 2011.


      Pagan Angel

      Pagan Angel is a small family run business offering quality sterling silver jewellery, Pagan, Wiccan + other symbolic pieces, cutting edge steel and rubber jewellery, collars + cuffs, gaming themed jewellery as well as handcrafted pieces including circlets and various head pieces. Plus gaming, gothic, fantasy and quirky logo T-shirts for all alternative markets and a range of gothic and rock and roll accessories.



      Mantic is here to make fantasy model soldiers. It has been created to bring together the best sculptors, artists and writers from around the world to produce fantastic models that are a pleasure to collect, paint and then have huge wargames with!


      6d6 RPG

      At last year's Con-quest, we did our first public playtest of the 6d6 RPG. At this year's Con-Quest, for the very first time, we will be selling the 6d6 RPG. We are also running two demo tables where you can enjoy fantasy adventure (Savage Island), zombie horror (Outbreak!), science fiction (Quantum Fluxx) and the wild west (Shootouts).

      "...the idea is absolutely terrific and the writing is very, very clever." - G*M*S Magazine


      Viva Hate

      Viva Hate specialises in Music, T.V. & Film merchandise. We stock everything music, from Metallica Hoodies to Slipknot Wallets.
      We sell Film & T.V. merchandise from Star Wars Back Packs to Southpark figures as well as large ranges of 2000 A.D., Marvel, D.C. Comics and Living Dead Dolls.



      LeCardo is a playing-card word game that works by adding words together to make compounds or other idiomatic matches such as housework, break-in, time off etc. It’s easy to pick up and play but be warned- it’s no pushover!
      Whilst LeCardo doesn’t fall into the traditional spectrum of ‘hobby’ games, it nevertheless provides a fun diversion from longer games, and is not without strategic play.

      We are pleased to be celebrating our fourth anniversary this year, having first published in March 2007.

      Come along and see a demo or, better still, challenge Leo Marshall, the inventor, to a game!


      All Things Horror

      All Things Horror have a wide range of horror and industrial props that would cater for any game or event. From realistic body parts, weird curiosities, forensic, CSI & morgue props, Halloween decor, mad laboratory apparatus, mummified props, prop weapons, and horrific clothing. Whether you are just having a horror party, or going for the knock-out cosplay, or just want an atmospheric live action game we have every grotesque prop imaginable!
      We can even order in role playing games!
      Visit our shop located in the Market Hall in Derby.


      Slight Inkling

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      « Reply #10 on: 21 April 2011, 04:34:48 »

      The aftershow party will be at the Brunswick Inn near the Derby Railway Station.

      From 19:00 to late in the upstairs part of the building. Some games may even break out there as well!
      All are welcome to attend to discuss your war stories from the day’s games, relax in good company talking about the gaming hobby or even have some more games!

      Built in 1842, and nearly pulled down in the Eighties, the Brunswick is a red brick, triangular shaped building at the end of a row of former railway workers' cottages. The station is a couple of minutes away, which makes it very handy if you have time to kill between trains.
      They brew their own beer here, with the kit on show at the end of the stone-flagged corridor, such home-brewed delights as the bittersweet and refreshing Triple Hop or the dark and coffee-like Rockin' Johnny's Derby Pride. There were 14 real ales on offer, half of them brewed on the premises.
      Beer nirvana.
      Nicely priced too!

      Brunswick Inn Website
      1 Railway Terrace
      DE1 2RU
      « Last Edit: 21 April 2011, 04:42:09 by Darran » Logged
      Slight Inkling

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      « Reply #11 on: 22 April 2011, 09:08:44 »

      Pathfinder Society Games at Con-Quest

      We are delighted to announce the following Pathfinder Society games taking place at Con-Quest 2011.

      Pathfinder Society Organized Play is a constantly evolving mega-campaign played by thousands of players and the adventures you experience are shared by players around the world. Play is organized into Seasons, throughout which the actions and achievements of you and your fellow Pathfinders create an ongoing storyline. Each season consists of at least 28 Pathfinder Society scenarios (short, 4-hour adventures) set in a variety of exotic locations across Golarion.

      Shades of Ice—Part I: Written in Blood
      Pathfinder RPG. GM = John Davis.

      Shades of Ice-Part II: Exiles of Winter
      Pathfinder RPG. GM = Peter Allan.

      Before the Dawn-Part 1: The Bloodcove Disguise
      Pathfinder RPG. GM = John Kennet.

      Before the Dawn-Part 2: Rescue at Azlant Ridge
      Pathfinder RPG. GM = John Kennet.

      The Godsmouth Heresy
      Pathfinder RPG. GM = Andy Newton

      Slight Inkling

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      « Reply #12 on: 26 April 2011, 12:56:10 »

      We do have a Bring & Buy Stall at Con-Quest staffed by volunteers so bring your old or unwanted games and books!
      Forms will be available on the day or you can fill yours in now and bring it along with all your stock.

      Con-Quest Bring & Buy Forms

      Bring and Buy Stall Rules

      10% will be deducted from the sale price and donated to Con-Quest
      Non-collection of money will be taken to mean that the seller wants all the money to be donated to Con-Quest.
      Non-collection of items will become the property of the Bring and Buy Coordinators and will be donated to a future Bring and Buy stall at Con-Quest 2012.
      No refunds or returns on items as they are bought and sold as seen
      Goods should be complete. In exceptional circumstances, incomplete goods will be accepted. In this case goods should be marked with what parts are missing.

      We, the Bring n Buy organisers...
      •   will do our best for security but hold no responsibility for lost or stolen items, everything is left at the owner's risk
      •   will not pay out or allowed goods to be collected unless the collector has retained their half of the raffle ticket, thus proving ownership
      •   cannot give people advice on prices
      •   have taken sellers at their word that items are complete (unless marked) and are not held responsible if they are not.
      •   will begin paying out at the time agreed and not before unless circumstances are exceptional.
      •   may refuse any Bring and Buy item(s) they deem unfit, or if they believe the item(s) is/are part of the 3rd parties.

      Optional rule
      •   At the discretion of the Bring and Buy stall staff "Haggling" and if the agreement box on the form is TICKED by the seller.

      The Sellers...
      •   must know what they wish to sell for (i.e. the price) and should not ask for advice from the organisers.
      •   must retain their half of the ticket(s) given to them.
      •   will collect their cash and/or unsold items at the times specified.
      •   when collecting unsold items) must not take them off the table without informing the organisers and having them checked off against the logbook.
      •   items and/or cash cannot be collected without the raffle ticket(s) being retained.
      •   must accept that whilst all is done to prevent loss the organisers are not responsible for any losses, thefts or damages etc. - all items are left at their owner's risk.
      Slight Inkling

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      « Reply #13 on: 29 April 2011, 07:23:03 »

      We made it into the local newspaper!
      So there is a little story on Con-Quest in Thursday's Derby Evening Telegraph [28-04-2011]

      So it is official, the collective noun for enthusiastic gamers is a 'flock'.
      Not sure what it is surly, disgruntled or 'meh' collection of gamers is called though?
      Slight Inkling

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      « Reply #14 on: 03 May 2011, 19:15:04 »

      So Con-Quest 2011 was a great success with plenty of great games running and a busy trade hall. Though numbers were down a little on last years’ event due to the double bank holiday, royal wedding and sunny weather; the atmosphere was great and all the attendees were very enthusiastic.
      We had a great line-up of varied games delivered by top class GMs, in our humble opinion one of the strongest game programmes we have seen at any con, and a wide selection of traders and exhibition stalls.
      I, personally, enjoyed myself even with all the hard work I had to do and it was great to see everyone happy.  Cheesy

      First off I would like to thank my co-organiser Dave McAlister, not only for his sterling work in keeping the Con-Quest website and forum ticking over, but for his patience and hard work on the day keeping everything running and covering the Bring & Buy stall for most of the day. His good humour and steadfast demeanour certainly helped me keep working on the day.

      We would also like to thank the Con-Quest volunteers for their hard work in making the day a success. Russell, my brother, for his printing of the Con-Quest 2011 Programme Books as well as his help on the day. My Sister, Amy, for helping on the door and Laura for her help on the door and the Bring & Buy stall.

      Without all the Game Masters who volunteer their time and creative energy in running some fantastic games for us, Con-Quest couldn’t happen. We would like to thank them all for stepping up to the plate [Gaming Table?] and delivering some magnificent scenarios to the players.
      We would especially like to thank the following GMs for the extra effort they went to present and organise their games:
      Team 8; John Wilson, Sue Wilson, John Dodd and Ash Elliott for their great organisation and total dominance of one of the gaming rooms.
      Paul Lawrence for his Realms of Cthulhu games with great homemade props and game aids.
      Simon Bell for his two Traveller games that transported the player to distant realms.
      Jez ‘Jonny Gray’s Brother’ Gray for his entertaining Apocalypse World double-slotter game.
      All the Pathfinder GMs for all their organised play.
      Chris Tregenza and the 6D6 GMs for all their enthusiasm as well as running games for those players who missed the sign ups.

      Alessio Cavatore running his Shuuro game.

      Paul Lawrence GMing his game.

      More of the 6D6 crew with Chris Tregenza.

      6D6 Crew

      Peter Allan running his Pathfinder game.

      We would like to thank all the traders and exhibition stalls/games in making the whole event such a great place to be. We will not name them all here as they were all equally superb.

      I would like to thank the Brunswick Inn for hosting our Aftershow party and I would like to thank the Derby LIVE and Kudos Catering staff that were very helpful on the day.

      Aftershow Party in the Brunswick Inn.

      And finally we would like to thank all the attendees who came to the event and played in all the games and took part in the event. Everyone was happy to be there and created such an abundant party ambience throughout the event. Your feedback on the forms we handed out will be invaluable for our next event and I will publish the results once they are collated.
      Here are the feedback results from Con-Quest 2010 for those of you that are interested.
      Con-Quest 2010 Feedback Results

      See you all we hope in 2012!
      Thank You!

      Con-Quest Midlands 2012 on Saturday 14th April 2012 at the Derby Assembly Rooms.
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