Spirit Games
Deep One
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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203
« on: 16 May 2018, 01:12:20 » |
29th Beer & Pretzels Games Weekend 19/20th May 2018 Location: Burton Town Hall
Opening times: Saturday 10am - 10pm Sunday 10am - 7pm
All the usual fun and games, food and beer.
Tickets: Advanced: £5 per day, £10 for both
on the door: £7 per day, £12 for both.
First, the good news: The bar providers have promised not to run out of beer this year - and if we do need emergency supplies, Burton Bridge Brewery will send it over by cab instead of me having to fetch it. From the kitchen there will be the usual tea, coffee and hot and cold food.
The bad news: The return of the dreaded parking permits (pick up on arrival), with only 45 spaces anyway round the back of the Town Hall. However, there are plenty of viable options including free parking near the shop, which is a 15 minute walk away Call us for suggestions/directions.
Bring and Buy: To get the monster back under control, we are running it Saturday only, 7 1/2% will go to RNLI and 7 1/2% to Instant Armies who heroically man it. If the extra 5% commission scares people off, we will have more space for playing games! We will also bring a small selection of bargains from the shop.
The Tavernmaster Games Crew will be running a Tunnels & Trolls adventure all day Saturday, and also have details of an exciting new publication for product-starved T&T fans.
On Saturday and Sunday Room 17 Games will be demoing their new game Miremarsh - A bunch of malicious Bog Goblins explore a deadly swamp. Roll dice to fight or escape the fearsome monsters and traps you encounter, and try not to lose too many Goblins before completing your evil quest!
On Saturday Gary will be running a Wings of Glory WWI participation game, and Warlord Games will be doing the same with their new Blood Red Skies WWII aerial combat game. A Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of RPG for up to 5 players with pregenerated characters will be run on both days. John Martin will have his usual participation game, but only on Sunday this year. Also on Sunday we will be running a Star Wars Destiny Draft starting at 1pm, this will be in lieu of the draft which would normally be run at the shop on the last Sunday of the month. Entry is £20 for 6 boosters, with booster packs as prizes for first 2 places and promo cards for all players. As always, playing space is guaranteed, and specific requirements can be swiftly met. The only requirement is that if you take up loads of space, it needs to involve loads of people. We are not planning any organized tournaments, but if anyone would like to organise one just get in touch.
There has been a big resurgence of roleplaying this year, so I anticipate a few sessions being organised, with the player recruitment area in its traditional position in front of the stage.
Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email salnphil@spiritgames.co.uk, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ