So with all that is going on I had a bit more spare time to devote to making a new foamcore insert. I have had both my deluxe Brass games in one box for a while but getting the pieces in and out was awkward and the setup of the tiles can be lengthy as they need sorting out of the baggies each time. So I wanted to build a new insert to make life easier, so here is the completed item in pictures showing the various layers:
In order to pack everything in the layers are composed of 2mm cardboard sheet, the foamcore boxes are made with the same 2mm cardboard as their base. There was no way to fit in the Iron Clays, that said they are in a nice box (as I backed for the top-up Clays) which is kept on the shelf as I can also use those for other games.
I really liked the artwork for both boxes but settled on using the Birmingham Box:
Top layer with the Lancashire Rule Book and Game Board:
Here is the layer removed and laid out to show the items:
Next Layer comprises both sets of player pieces, both sets of cards, Distant Cotton Market Tiles, Beer Barrels and Merchant Tiles:
Here is an expanded shot showing the brown player trays for both versions of the game:
Here is that Layer with all the trays removed:
Next Layer comprising both sets of player boards, original beer barrels, Coal and Iron cubes.
Here is the expanded view of that layer showing more details:
So onto the Final Layer containing the Rules and Game Board for Birmingham:
Once again and expanded view to show more details:
This was pretty much made on the fly measuring and testing as I went so there are no formal plans for this, though there are relatively few pieces.
Hope you find this interesting, it took me quite a few days to complete but was an enjoyable exercise.