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  • Raiders of the Game Cupboard XL: 23 September 2017
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Deep One

Karma: 37
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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139

"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 12 August 2017, 21:34:24 »

Raiders of the Game Cupboard XL

Our next event will be on Sep 23rd  2017.

This is our final event of the 2017 season and as always we are looking to catch up with our regulars as well meeting any new faces that pop along. It should be another fun day of gaming.

See you all for our next event.
The Committee

Below is the details for our next event and at the end of this newsletter are the dates for the 2018 Events for your Diaries.
You can sign up for this event either here or on Google+

The Fortieth Board Game & RPG Event.

Saturday, Sep 23rd 2017, 10:00 am till 8:00 pm

A full day of gaming with plenty for everyone. New players are always welcome and the organisers are on hand to assist you in finding a game. To find us we are the ones with Name Badges and the Raiders T-Shirts or hover near the Ticket Desk.

A wide variety of games are usually played at this event including Boardgames, Roleplaying Games, Card Games, Miniature Games and a host of others.

There is usually a good mix of new and old games on offer with most attendees bringing some of their own collection.

The venue is a good sized hall large enough to accommodate many gaming tables.

Please let us know at any of the links below if you are running or want to play a specific Game and we`ll add it to this write up.

Main Locations:
Raiders of the Games Cupboard - Games & Players area on the Forum:,125.0.html

We also post the event details on these sites:
Boardgamegeek Guild:
Spirit Games:

If you have ideas for the day let us know.

Sign in Desk for all games
Tea & Coffee Provided

The Address for the Event is:
Waterside Community Centre
Heath Road
Burton on Trent
DE15 9LF

Event Fee: £3.00 (Accompanied Children under 16 Free)

Please note that whilst people leave their games out during the day it is only common courtesy to ask the owners if you can borrow a particular game. If you are not sure who owns it ask the organisers or ask for what is available from the Spirit Games Library

Whilst children our welcome attendees younger than 18 should be accompanied by a responsible parent or guardian.

None of the organisers are insured, qualified, certified or trained to be responsible for minors please bear this in mind when you plan your visit to the event.

Many Thanks..

Further Details:

Future Dates for your Diary:
Day XL    23rd Sep 2017
Day XLI    6th Jan 2018
Day XLII    24th Mar 2018
Day XLIII    23rd Jun 2018
Day XLIV    22nd Sep 2018

If you wish to be informed of Dates for the next event and general news about Raiders of the Game Cupboard then please sign up for our Newsletter

Opening Times for All Events
10am until 8pm


<*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*>

Deep One

Karma: 37
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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139

"One who cares is one who listens."

« Reply #1 on: 17 September 2017, 01:18:30 »

Hello everyone.

Our next event will be on 23rd September 2017.
Hopefully you will have the time to join us for a day of escapism Smiley We can’t believe we  have been running this event for ten years now.
Thank you all for your attendance and support in the past it is very much appreciated, without your support it would not have lasted this long.
We have made some wonderful friends and played scores of games. It  would be nice to catch up with you all so come and join in the fun.

This is our last event of the 2017 season, regulars please bring new gamers with you of any age and help us celebrate with new games to look forward to.
Here’s looking forward to another fun day of gaming ----------and the next ten years !!

See you all for our next event.
The Committee

This event will see the following Demos/Playtesting sessions (As always these may be subject to last minute changes):

1. Colin & Ryan Pearson Games:
They are a new independent game's company and have made their first game - Mercenaries, a deck building skirmish RPG!
The game sessions will be 3 - 3 1/2 hours, and they hope to get 2 or 3 games played during our event. As there are 4 available scenarios in the box each game will be a different theme. The game is for 2 - 5 players but for demo purposes 4 is a good number. It can also be played cooperatively or competitively.

2. The next is a playtesting of a potential new Kickstarter game, Master of Olympus by Richard Buxton.

3. Tales from the Loop role playing game run by Darran Sims.
BigTrax and Magic Tricks
Tales from the Loop RPG, Three to five players and 3 to 4 hours play time. 
Newbies welcome!

"This news is even better than getting a brand new Sony Walkman, one of your childhood toys is actually based on a real British tank. A proper full sized Bigtrak on display at the County Show with more tanks, old steam engines, magnetrine ships, market stalls, and even a magic show. What could go wrong?"


<*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*>

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