Lazlar Lyricon 3 is launched!Dateline: The Old Kings Head Pub, London, 21 November 2015. Today, ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha (the Official Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Appreciation Society) Annual General Meeting authorised a committee to run Lazlar Lyricon 3. This is the third (coincidentally) in a series of conventions celebrating The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Douglas Adams, the first having occurred in the 1980s.
Lazlar Lyricon 3 will take place on
9-11 June 2017 at the Quality Hotel in Stoke-on-Trent.
Committee members Stefan Lancaster, Emma J. King, David Haddock and Alan Sullivan, amongst others, were on hand to discuss plans, answer questions and receive the imprimatur of the AGM. They were also given ‘seed money’ of £500 towards the costs, which was greeted with much cheering!
The first two Lazlar Lyricons were part of a series of conventions in the 1980s, 90s and early 00s colloquially called ‘Fun Cons’, which also included the Incons, Dangercons, and several one-off conventions such as Year of the Wombat and Aliens Stole my Handbag. The aspiration is to ensure everyone has a great time (and not panic!), with fun, loosely Hitchhikers-inspired programme items such as crab stomping and towel-based martial arts. The announcement that the first and foremost in appointments will be a 'beer liaison' was greeted with more cheering!
The convention has a website, where it is taking memberships, at: It can also be contacted at: and can be found on social media at:
To find out more about ZZ9 visit To see what sort of thing might be in store at
Lazlar Lyricon 3, check out this review of Lazlar Lyricon 2:, or read a general history of the ‘Fun Cons’ here: Membership rates:Adults (26+): £55/£50*
Young Adults (16-25): £25/£20*
Children (10-15): £10 - limited program, must be accompanied by adult
Under 10s: Free - no program, must be registered and accompanied by an adult
* Reduced rate for ZZ9 members at time of joining the convention.