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The Great Hyperloic Omnicognate Neutron Wrangler can talk four legs off an Arcturan Megadonkey but only I can persuade it to go for a walk afterwards. - Deep Thought
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Author Topic: Mythica Films  (Read 5640 times)
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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
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"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 19 February 2018, 02:59:18 »

I stumbled across a set of 5 films available on Amazon Prime and have now completed watching them They are independent films produced by ArrowStorm Entertainment and partly funded by kickstarter. I have been really impressed with the quality of these from the production through the writing and the acting and this is what crowdfunding should always be about helping those outside of the mainstream get their dreams realised.

These are what the D&D moves should really have been, now I am in the minority that liked the D&D films but agree they were not the best. Mythica on the other hand is exactly what you would want from fantasy series of films and whether the people behind it were aiming for an RPG style or not it is a perfect example of how to do it. Each film feels like its own adventure/session, you see and feel the characters progress and grow in their skills, the whole series also feels like you are in a grand campaign leading to that final show stopping show down.

I would thoroughly recommend these movies to any gamer to watch as they present a really well thought out story, great character development and a masterclass in how to portray these fantasy characters on screen.
The fine details woven into the portrayal, like the spell casters using components and vocalising the spells, is just genius.

I will definitely be looking for more films made by this team as I am sure I will enjoy them just as much as I have Mythica.

For those that have Amazon Prime, they do not have the films listed in a way to easily tell the watch order so as I had to search it out I will list then in order here to help others out:

Mythica: A Quest for Heroes
Mythica: The Darkspore
Mythica: The Necromancer
Mythica: The Iron Crown
Mythica: The Godslayer (also known as The Dragon Slayer in the United Kingdom)



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