OMG ...... So Funny and for a lot of the wrong reasons

As you may be aware I am not a follower of comics so I am unaware of the history behind a lot of these characters.
A colleague at work has been waxing on about Deadpool in the comics so I had a vague clue as to what the film may entail. I have to say I thought it was brilliant, I was not expecting to belly laugh quite so much especially given the violence level ..... Just fantastic.
I loved the 4th wall bits and the cultural references especially .........
I wont spoil it but please watch to the bitter end I loved it and I get an excuse to watch something else as Carole was unaware of the reference 
I was feeling jaded by the whole Marvelverse at this point and I'm still pretty sure I won't want to go see Civil War but this film, much like Guardians, is a very welcome break from the rinse...repeat cycle
Well Done...