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HHGG Quote:
You Pinstriped barbarians! I`ll sue the council for every penny it`s got! I`ll have you hung, drawn and quartered, and whipped and boiled, and then I`ll chop you up into little bits until . . . until . . . until you`ve had enough! - Arthur Dent
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Author Topic: Bloody Legacy  (Read 3003 times) Average Rating: 0
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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139

"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 20 January 2008, 19:57:31 »

The artwork on the cards for this game is very funny cartoon style and each card has funny descriptive text.

It is a very fun, very quick game to play and is ideal to fill in time between other games or as has been said to round off a games evening.

Each player has 3 lives and the basic mechanic is to play a card and pick up a card. You place a Trap card (Deadly, Slippery or Ordinary)in front of another player who gets the chance to play a Trick card to avoid it (if they have one). Deadly traps are 5 skull cards so if you can not avoid them you lose a life straight away!

A player loses a life when they accumulate 5 skulls worth of traps in front of them. They then sit out the rest of the turn until there is only one player left. The last player standing then starts the next round and this continues until there is only one person left alive who wins.

This is a worthy addition to anyone's collection and is extremely fun to play.


<*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*>

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