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Author Topic: Tripwire - Characters  (Read 7754 times)
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« on: 06 May 2010, 09:30:29 »

Crew of the Fast Trader Potemkin, transponder changed after leaving Easlin to the...

Capt/Part Owner - Baron Pavel Jones, 48, Human, Male, 786CAC
Engineer/Part Owner - Vince, 38, Human, Male, 658C99
Pilot/Navigator (NPC) - Hale Stonski, 38, Human, Male, 89A677
Senors/Comms/Computer - Lyle Wattes, 30, Human, Male, 2A9CA7
Steward - Thaddeus Crane, 32, Aslan, Female, 869782
Gunner/Security - Glyn "Gunny" Johnson, 38, Human, Male, BCB997
« Last Edit: 11 August 2010, 11:09:25 by Deebee » Logged
Winchester Delvers

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« Reply #1 on: 16 May 2010, 22:15:18 »

Thaddeus Krayne. 869782
Female Aslan manservant and steward.

Real name Thaudaiauaus of the Kraynaukerashti
As a female born to a minor family - a very minor and recently disgraced family - Thaddeus' life was always going to be tough.  She had already been injured and falsely accused of theft in her brief career as clan aide to her family when a deal with some outsiders went horribly wrong.  Her clan were negotiating with two competing traders when one decided to take the goods by force. Her family and their meagre holdings were at risk but fortunately the other trader Pavel Jones of the Potemkin joined forces with Thaddeus' clan. Together they drove them off at a cost: Thaddeus was injured and the allied trader lost his steward in the fight.
The Kraynaukerashti believed that they owed Pavel a life debt for saving their family and it's properties and for costing him a steward in doing so. Thus Thaddeus was pledged into the Potemkin's service as steward for as long as necessary. She is treating this as an opportunity to learn more about human ways, customs and etiquettes so that when the debt is paid she will be better furnished to return as clan aide and trade negotiator. However as a result of studying it for so long and wanting to get things just right, she is perhaps more keen on etiquette and custom than most of the crew. It is also how she keeps her natural ferocity in check around the annoying humans.
She dresses in a simple but elegant smart suit in an oriental style.  Despite having spent part of her savings on treating her injuries she still has the scar of a bullet wound on her left cheek.

She calls Pavel "Master" and her favourite phrase is "I'm not one to complain but...."
In summary a fierce strong lion person working as butler and steward. All claws and teeth but restrained by etiquette and custom. Think Alfred Pennyworth (Batman's butler) crossed with a lion.
« Last Edit: 13 August 2010, 21:26:51 by Adam » Logged
Winchester Delvers

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« Reply #2 on: 17 May 2010, 15:55:44 »

And as a female Aslan you'll be letting the males do the fighting and you'll be responsible for al the bookkeeping and accounts ;-)
Winchester Delvers

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« Reply #3 on: 18 May 2010, 18:32:23 »

Hey, that's why she is the steward.
She has no intention of getting into combat, well that is unless she fails her tolerance the eighth time the crew leave a mess on the ship.
Winchester Delvers

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« Reply #4 on: 08 June 2010, 14:15:55 »

Chase Jefferson has led an interesting life- some of which he would be less inclined to repeat.

A born leader and man of action, he left his parents ranch as early as possible to join the Navy, where he excelled at flight training and took an interest in martial arts and pistol training.

It wasn't long before he was promoted to lead a flight of attack ships. His wing trained hard and was amongst the best- until it was given orders to attack an Imperial world by mistake in a border conflict. Chase carried the can and was sent to a military prison for a crime he didn't commit (in his mind he was following orders).

After the brig, he found it hard to settle and get a job, so after some time drifting he rellied on his piloting prowess to get work. At first it was all legit, but after a while blockade running and smuggling just became routine and much more profitable. His knowledge of Naval and civilian procedure all helping to make him one of the most successful black market pilots in the sector.

He figures that it is time to go straight(er) now after a recent clampdown when some of his friends got picked up, and is on the lookout for a ship to join while he tops up his fund to retirement.

He expects to be paid!
Winchester Delvers

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« Reply #5 on: 08 June 2010, 14:19:40 »

The crew only draws pay if the ship make a profit.
Winchester Delvers

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« Reply #6 on: 08 June 2010, 15:46:40 »

The crew will find themselves without a pilot and no way to make profit if I don't get paid!
Winchester Delvers
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« Reply #7 on: 08 June 2010, 16:10:47 »

The crew only draws pay if the ship make a profit.

The crew may also find themselves without a Captain, and an open airlock..!

"bad days happens to everyone, but when one happens to you, just keep doing your best and never let a bad day make you feel bad about yourself". Quote - Big Bird Sesame Street
Winchester Delvers

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« Reply #8 on: 08 June 2010, 16:28:22 »

"You want how much? We could almost buy our own ship for that!"

"But who's gonna fly her kid- you?!"
Winchester Delvers

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« Reply #9 on: 08 June 2010, 19:16:08 »

Yeah, and with the captain goes all the contacts. and you'll be flying in a hijacked ship.

They still hang pirates y'know.
Winchester Delvers

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« Reply #10 on: 09 June 2010, 09:30:17 »

Sure- if they can catch them - and they've been trying for the last 20 years  Wink
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