Social media can be a great way to communicate with people, potential customers etc. I mean I use twitter to promote this site by posting snippets of new messages to try and draw people to this site, this is automated I mean I do have a life and all that

Increasingly though people that I have followed on twitter in order to keep abreast of interesting news on new products or shows have started to feel like spammers.
At first the posts were interesting, on point and provided insight on what I found interesting about them in the first place. Now, presumably to keep high on the "trend lists", they are tweeting about anything and everything the posts are shorter, often making no sense.
I am bombarded by tweets that give me nothing and drown out the ones that might actually make me visit their sites or watch their shows or buy their games. I even emailed one making this point and asking if they had an alternative twitter account for just posting news and they could not even be bothered to reply.
I wonder if all of these "social" media outlets are just going to degenerate in useless waffle forgetting the basic ideals that it should provide some actual social element!
Unfortunately the options are limited you either stop following, which they probably wont notice, filter them out or add them to a list you can view separately but this just makes it even harder to get the info you wanted which made you follow them in the first place.
Not sure of the answer here, in fact I'm not sure there is an answer at all but just my observations.
In a world where increasingly time is precious I miss the true social interaction you once got pre-internet on the old_style Bulletin Boards. The internet has done much to burst open the world of information but despite making it easier for everyone to connect has done more to drive us apart than anything else.