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I`m sorry but I`d probably be able to cope better if I hadn`t bruised my arm. - Arthur Dent
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Author Topic: 1.2 Into the Wide Blue Yonder  (Read 3346 times)
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« on: 30 September 2015, 01:48:44 »

Annisetti - Female Elf, Fighter/Mage Thief
Brock Ironbright – Male Dwarf , Fighter/Cleric
Henry Underton  – Male Hobbit, Fighter Thief
Evolynne Yarskire  – Female Gray Elf, Mage/Thief
Alaric Black  – Male Human, Paladin

03 – Into the Wide Blue Yonder

We have got our regenerating bottle cleansed and have three potions to identify. We decide to head back to Rayburn and check in with the hobbits before travelling to Keswick to get the potions identified.
As we skirt the edge of a heavily wooded area our horses get skittish, moments later a pack of Worgs breaks cover and heads directly towards us. The Elves loose their sleep spells and bring a couple of the creatures down and missile fire takes care of another one but the rest are amongst us and hand to hand fighting ensues. We kill of the oversized dogs and treat our wounds. Annisetti tries tracking the creatures and just about stumbles upon their trail which leads us onto a grisly scene with a number of dead goblins from several days ago. It looks as though the Giant and his offspring happened across them.
Partially submerged in the mud is a leather satchel with a small amount of coin and a scrip in a hollowed out bone. It is written in Goblin and no-one in the party cares to read it.
Heading into Rayburn we discover the hobbits do not read the language either. Therefore our journey continues onto Keswick.
One night at camp we are assailed by a couple of bandits, Henry decides to lie down after being stuck by a couple of arrows but one bandit is killed and the other slept. The next day we load the trussed up bandit and corpse onto the pack mule and head into the town to hand over the miscreants for our reward.
We then head to the shop called the three rings, where Azuf the sage will help with the identification of the potions and whether he is able to read this goblins scrawl. He directs us to the old druid lady at the edge of town, where Brock is eager to return and sample some of her cider.
She helps with the translation which mentions that the goblins need help with a troublesome ogre, also talks of transporting treasure; lastly it mentions the tomb of a stone giant Garn Pat’eul.
The druid does not know of this tomb but recommends going to the town hall which has a few history books.  We find some information on a Dwarven settlement being located at a stone giant’s tomb, carved into the side of a cliff by a body of water. Evolynne makes a crude copy of the map and we depart to get supplies and prepare for a journey into the mountains.
On the journey there a large snake attacks Alaric as he is fording a river; he valiantly fights off the beast as others cheer from the bank.
We also encounter ogres and bears and find a bunch of dismembered goblins in the bear’s lair.
Finally we reach our goal. There are huge (40’ high) doors standing askew leading into a large corridor. The corridor is 40’ wide and debris is strewn everywhere. There are murder holes in the ceiling with iron grates torn asunder. After advancing a long way down the large corridor Annisetti backtracks to one of the murder holes and lets a rope and grappling hook fly to secure against the grating.
Once the party is all safely at the upper level the doors are opened and investigated. Stirges fly down and attack the party, much hacking and curing later we get the first two rooms of the upper level cleared.
Logged cold dead fingers. Whats that dear, gaming? no no just going to do some shopping, I may be gone a little while.
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