Fantasy Flight have
announced a release of proper miniatures for Arkham Horror:

I have mixed feelings about these..
They look great!!.. but only in pack of 2

and look at the price ($12.95) .... Seriously I like the fact that FFG is moving into providing accessories for games but why do they have to overprice them in comparison to the rest of the market. I mean the WOTC character minis are slightly better value for money ($10.99), yet I still would not buy them for the same reason I feel they are a little overpriced, Days of wonder have a set of Knights for Shadows over Camelot 8 figures for $22.00 much more reasonable.
If FFG released these in a full set for each expansion (Original, Dunwich & Innsmouth) at a decent price I would be tempted, at this price I'll wait until the 2nd hand market or shops selling off stock becuase it did not sell as expected, otherwise I'll just stick to the really well done carboard pieces that come with the game.