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Author Topic: Dr Who  (Read 3948 times)
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« on: 20 September 2015, 23:41:23 »

Well it Only took until the opening Credits to get annoyed with Dr who again.

As the claim is the big finish audios are now cannon and part of the verse. Why do they keep rewrite history and messing up good audio stories.

And now he just appeared on a tank......

Im giving up and sticking to audio format of Dr who forever and will only watch episodes up to the 8th Dr.
All the new stuff has just been total pants!!

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« Reply #1 on: 21 September 2015, 13:15:39 »

Well aside from that incident, breaking one of the tenants of not altering the past, the later hint from the episode 2 spoilers at the end show him possibly breaking another tenant .....  BangHead

Though we had a sneaking suspicion they may be a Dallas Shower moment coming up, which would also be wrong but for different reasons.

So far, aside from being a bit darker and the dialogue being a tad less annoying, I see nothing to disuade me from my negative opinion held over from the last season. I am prepared to let this story to conclude and watch another episode before making any hasty decisions.

I have to say though it is not looking hopeful.


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« Reply #2 on: 22 September 2015, 11:31:17 »

Seriously man. You don't owe Dr Who anything. You haven't enjoyed it in years. I get that you want to enjoy it, that it was always a big part of your TV habits, but you don't have to subject yourself to something you don't like just because you used to enjoy it.

Sit back and enjoy the random showings of Classic-Who on the Horror Channel.
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