Another year and another Autumn Beer & Pretzels has been and gone. As always a big thankyou to
Spirit Games for running this additional event.
The Three Queens Hotel provided the venue and a good selection of reasonably priced food as always.
There is a few downsides to the venue in that the main gaming space is in the area used for the breakfasts with additional space provided in the Atrium and other rooms dotted around in another part of the hotel. People also use the bar area for some games. The problem with all this is that it is not easy to find a game or players waiting to play without running around all the areas which may mean you miss someone or lose your space at a table. This tends to mean that usually people end up playing in the same groups with occasional swaps within the same area or grabbing the odd stray gamer as they pass

Not sure there is really any easy way around this and people do seem to manage to play games all day/night so its not a huge problem.
On the Saturday I managed to play the following games:
Istanbul with
Istanbul: Mokka and BakschischI really liked the original game and was keen to check out how it played with the expansion. In the end it proved to be a fantastic addition to the base game which provides more options without overly complicating the game. As always the result was close with the other players within a turn of winning after I pipped them to earning my last crystal.
Isle of SkyeI really like this game it has simple mechanics and is always a joy to play. The game has four scoring tiles which are scored in various combinations over 6 rounds. The scoring tiles are chosen from a larger set so each game will be different. There is a unique bidding system for gaining new tiles which works quite well. A really fun enjoyable game where you have to adapt your game as each different scoring combo comes up.
Revolution!This was another game played with an expansion in place adding new locations with negative scoring which provided for some more tactical play. Essentially a bidding game with Money/Blackmail/Force tokens which outrank each other in that order, combinations can be used as well to break ties. Certain actions you bid for only accept certain tokens making for more choices to be made. The actions sometimes get you tokens or influence points (vp's) or allow you to influence one of the buildings on the board also there can be combinations of all of these. The buildings are a majority control providing various amounts of points at the end of the game.
The new bits added some interesting additions to the base game I'd probably play this again but it's still not one I would actively seek to play over something else.
Red7This was played as a filler whilst we were waiting for food to arrive in the evening, played a couple of rounds then were about to try out some of the additional rules we never get to try, as we always end up laying with new people, then a new player turned up.............
This is a really fun little game and quick to play.
Ultimate WarriorzLast game of the evening for us and it looks pretty the components are of a decent quality as is the artwork. The box doubles as the arena with the addition of some cardboard pillars placed around the edges. Last man standing brawl or whoever has gained the most points by inflicting damage on other players. Great fun, plays quite quickly and with a hand of cards containing actions, movement, defence, some special moves as well as initiative some careful choices need to be made.
I'll post another report on the Sunday games....