I take your point but my issue is not that he should not be arrogrant but the degree to which he is being arrogrant. Given that he has a long history with Humans and he has several lifetimes of experience surely there should be a bit more "cutting some slack" for the childish humans. It may be THIS doctors first experience of them but not the "Doctors" thats all I am saying, he has all the memories of the others and now he is fully regenerated he should be able to remember his past experiences.
Every personality is different, I get that but his experiences and attitude to races he has encountered should be similar. If that was not the case then everytime a Timelord regenerated we would have a another potential Master!
Perhaps we'd be more like really, really nice labradors to Timelords? Nice to have around but can be bloody annoying when you're trying to sort out a crisis.

It's not just humans the Doctor has to care for but all life hence he was
really annoyed when he was put in the impossible position of choosing between a ship full of humans (and British humans at that!) and a completely innocent creature. Frankly I was surprised he choose us!
It did remind me that William Hartnell's first Doctor sent his companions into a trap just to see what would happen and I'm sure I remember watching/reading about a Tom Baker era storyline in which he encountered an evil future self which I'm pretty sure was supposed to be the 11th regeneration

! Wonder if they'll work that one into the storyline somehow?
Personally I was disappointed to see that they were going with the repeated motif. It was quite cute with Bad Wolf and even the knocking four times worked in the end but it seems we've got a slashed motif going on this time.
I suppose in the end it comes down to whether it rings true or not for you.