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Author Topic: Avengers: Age of Ultron  (Read 3683 times)
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Deep One

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"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 27 April 2015, 13:49:03 »

Went to see this film on Sunday and I have to say I really enjoyed it, its pretty action packed from start to finish.

The only thing that bugged me a bit was Ultron's mouth which should have been more solid and robotic in movement but actually looked like lips moving. I can only assume this was a CGI blip from motion capture from the actor who voiced him. It's not a real biggie but it did tend to ruin my suspension of disbelief and distracted me somewhat from other things on the screen.

I liked that they had a degree of humour in the film, this worked really well for Guardians of the Galaxy, thankfully its not overplayed and works well in context of the overall film.
You can see where they are setting things in motion for the next batch of films and the subsequent Avengers movies.

I know the plan is to go into the "Civil War" story line and this is where I'm unsure if I will be able to continue to watch. I get that it was a big story in the comics but I just dislike the premise and the concept of Heroes battling each other.

There looks to be a lot of life left in this movie series but lets hope the wave of interest stays with it to its conclusion or we could end up with an unfinished story like so many others.


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Burton Delvers

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« Reply #1 on: 03 May 2015, 17:56:45 »

I seem to recall that Ultron only gained lips once he'd started upgrading himself, which is to say the idea is to hint at how much more technologically advanced he is than Stark's own creations. I think it was kind of a deliberate thing, in that sense?

The thing about the movies is that not only do they seem to know what they're doing, they also have the benefit of a billion years of hindsight. I trust them with Civil War, to put it simply. But then, I'm down with the central premise. For my money, I've never had a problem with Superheroes fighting. A good superhero fight is practically like shaking hands in the era of some of my favourite comics; It's just how you say hello!
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