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Author Topic: BBC - Atlantis is cancelled  (Read 4470 times)
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Deep One

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"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 26 January 2015, 23:58:02 »

So the BBC is joining the ranks of the US networks in pulling the rug from under shows too early.

As a viewer for these types of show where is my incentive to start watching any NEW projects knowing that, most likely, it will be dropped after 1-2 seasons without ever getting to a reasonable conclusion.
I am getting less inclined to watch shows straight off the bat and rather wait until it looks like it has become established and watch it via catch-up services.

There is far too much of a trend in TV and other media to follow the cult of the new rather than help established shows or fledgling projects fulfil there potential. I mean all this money gets wasted and if the show is incomplete who is going to buy it as either a consumer or international network knowing it will ultimately disappoint.

All I can say is I am glad I no longer pay huge subscription fees to watch Television Shows and I am left with the chance to cherry pick the stuff that has been given a decent life.
It's such a pity that there is not a more equal balance between the need to satisfy advertisers and the need to actually make something worthy.

Well if British TV is going to join the US in its model of continually failing to let its shows end gracefully then I guess I am going to be having a lot more free time to pursue my other hobbies.



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Burton Delvers

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« Reply #1 on: 27 January 2015, 03:32:16 »

Eh, I recall seeing a few trailers for Atlantis a while back, but it really didn't grab me. I'm sure I also heard that the first series wasn't really that well received or something and that they hoped to change things up for the second season. You know, up their game?

So, from my point of view this doesn't sound really that surprising. But my point of view is one of ignorance, to be fair. I can certainly endorse the idea of waiting to see where a series is heading quality-wise and then hitting it up on box-set or something later, but then I watch so little TV in terms of properly following shows that it takes me a good year or two to actually get anywhere with most box-sets.
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