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HHGG Quote:
No, we just stopped fiddling with them.I think this ship has a far better idea of where it`s going then we do. - Ford Prefect
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Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Oridyne
Posts: 2139

"One who cares is one who listens."

« on: 30 March 2015, 15:00:05 »

This is a kind of Rondel game, where the Rondel is around the edge of the whole board and by moving Gondolas around you get to take the actions.

Players attempt to build Glass Factories, Tourist Shops and Palaces in order to score points. Also players can obtain characters who potentially score them points based on meeting their requirements on the islands, you also need to have in place a Gondolier to transport the character to the scoring island.

There are numerous actions players can take: Create buildings to place later, take money, sell goods to shoppers on the islands, making glass but this is unpopular so costs VP to take the action.

There is a lot going on here with some very tough choices to be made, money is needed for most actions and can be in short supply. Getting characters early helps you focus on what to build where as you try to meet its end game scoring.

The special buildings provide additional cards that break the rules in some way to aid your ability to complete your actions or scoring.

I really enjoy this game, it is well made the artwork is excellent as are the components.


<*> I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing <*>

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