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Author Topic: Holiday Gaming  (Read 3089 times)
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Spirit Games
Deep One

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BoardgameGeek: Spirit Games
Posts: 1203

« on: 05 January 2015, 19:25:25 »

Once again I find the months have flown past and my last post was August, just before I spent a month in hospital. Since then have often been too tired to stay behind on Wednesday nights while recovering, but coming up to Christmas I have been getting much better, just in time for the Christmas rush - so still no time to do posts.
Over Christmas we received several new games. Phil had had his eye on Yunnan for a while, so Father Christmas obliged, he is very taken with it, but as yet I haven't played it, maybe tomorrow at Raiders of the Games Cupboard. He also had a copy of Star Realms, which we played last night. It is like Ascension in space which meant I got the game play straight away, but lots of new card combos to get the hang of. I couldn't quite get enough fire power to finish him off, I got him down to 1 life, and then he completely annihilated me. Will need a revenge match soon.

Other new acquisitions were Oddville, Machi Koro, Sushi Go! and some mini games. Oddville, has long been a favourite, and now we won't have to wait for friends to bring their copy round. Machi Koro, was played and enjoyed just before Christmas hence it going on the Christmas list. A combination of card play and dice, use your dice to ascertain how much money you will get then spend your money on cards to build your town, the cards you build then give you more opportunities to gain money, or to mess up your opponents. Phil had his usual 'luck' with the dice, but still managed to do reasonably well, don't ask me to remember who won, it was Christmas, there was a bottle or two of red wine, enough said!

Sushi Go! is a quick card drafting, set collecting game where everyone else chooses the cards you were hoping would come round again! It's a neat little game, quick to play, and easy to learn. This was one I asked Santa for.

I also tried out one of the mini games I was given. I can't remember the name of it, but it was a tile laying game similar to Carcassonne, you were trying to complete ranches, and you also have a marshal, a miner, and a gun fighter to place on the uncompleted ranches, which have different abilities. With the mechanics like Carcassonne it made it easy to get into, but the game play with the different characters abilities gave it its own character.

There were loads of other games played, but as I mentioned earlier there was a lot of red wine, so it's a bit hazy, maybe I'll try asking Phil if he can remember anything (that'll be a first).
« Last Edit: 05 January 2015, 19:25:40 by spirit games » Logged

Spirit Games (Est. 1984)-Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures, scenery, board and card games for the last 36 years For enquiries ring 01283 511293 or email, or by arrangement at Units 267+268,B.E. Webbe Storage,Wharf Rd, Burton, DE14 1PZ
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