The artwork on the components is of excellent quality and the other components are excellent, wooden playing pieces are always nice. The only drawback for me seems to be the board art seems to stuck onto the board rather poorly as the edges of the paper overhang the board and I can see this getting damaged without careful handling.
As for the game itself there is plenty going on and whilst we played it with 2 people which was fun I think this would play much better with 3 or more players. The theme suits the game and the mechanics very well.
Setup is random determined by rolling dice, here the rules are both helpful and clear. In fact the rules are extremely well laid out and easy to follow.
The initial player order is chosen at random, each player then picks a personality which gives them a cash limit and an ability to use during that turn. The personality also determines player order for the rest of the round as they are numbered 1-7.
The players then take it in turn to place their cowboys on the action track, a parcel of land or a building. The actions on the track are taken in order and where more than one cowboy is on an action track, parcel of land or building a duel occurs. The winner of the duel gets to take the action the loser gets their cowboy back.
At the end of the turn any money over your cash limit has to be paid back to the bank but every $10 returned this way gives the player a VP. Players can also choose to spend additional money to buy more VP's at the same rate.The turn counter is moved (reducing the number of available actions, and each player receives more cowboys. Finally all personalities are returned next to the board.
The game is played over 4 rounds and at the end of the game any spare money can be spent at $6 per VP. The winner is the player with the most VP's
There are various different buildings that can be built and these generate income based on different factors. The neat mechanic is that the buildings are marked on each edge on both sides with different income values. The player just places the building in the correct orientation based on its current income making calculating your earnings quite easy.
The game plays extremely well and the rules come with several variants some of which have additional game pieces supplied.
There is plenty here and a lot of replayability. This is a very god game and a worthy addition to my collection.