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« Reply #1635 on: 07 November 2022, 16:45:04 » |
Xeno-Peace Champion Elected to CongressDalton Chase, the former governor of Andavandul 1, has become a Federal congressman following victory in the recent special election. Despite his relative youth and inexperience, many voters within the congressional district were influenced by Chase's charm and positive campaign message. His enthusiasm for opening diplomatic relations with the Thargoids resonated with younger voters. The Liberal Party also ran a creative PR campaign across social channels, which was amplified by many counter-cultural ICE-casters. After formally swearing in and taking his oath of office, Congressman Chase proclaimed: "I'm conscious that some view me as unorthodox or contrarian, perhaps even 'soft on Thargoids'. But I take the security of the Federation as seriously as any of my honourable colleagues. Achieving peace with another species, and thereby saving the lives of countless Federal citizens, would be considered the great moral victory of our generation." Congratulations were offered by Shadow President Felicia Winters, who referred to Chase as a "spirited addition to our ranks". Political analysts observed that she made no mention of his affiliation with the xeno-peace movement. Although some in the Liberal Party have expressed sympathy with its intentions, the majority consider it too radical to ever be officially endorsed. Key members of the Thargoid Advocacy Project have thanked Congressman Chase for helping to establish the pro-peace megaship, Kingfisher. This is currently being outfitted with specialist technology designed to transmit signals of various types, in the hope of being able to effect two-way communication with the Thargoids. Source: Xeno-Peace Champion Elected to Congress
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« Reply #1636 on: 10 November 2022, 13:45:06 » |
Azimuth Claim Expensive SuccessThe recent Azimuth Biotech initiative to expand its operation assets has been described as a 'partial success'. A primary goal of obtaining sufficient resources to establish a new anti-xeno megaship has been met, Azimuth CEO Torben Rademaker announced. The megaship is expected to be operational within the next few weeks. Opponents of the weapons research corporation, seeking to disrupt the campaign, mobilised forces to engage Azimuth security vessels. While unable to prevent sufficient deliveries from reaching the Musashi, it is thought these pilots inflicted significant losses on the Azimuth fleet. "We are delighted with the support shown to Azimuth Biotech by independent pilots, and look to the future with optimism," said Rademaker. "We will soon deploy a new AX megaship to lead our mobile operations. Setbacks inflicted by anarchic opponents of progress have delayed our plans to establish planetary research bases, however. This persistent antagonism will have to be resolved separately." Along with credit rewards, qualifying pilots that contributed to the delivery campaign will receive the Mbooni permit shortly, granting access to Azimuth's selection of AX weaponry. Rademaker confirmed that the Glorious Prospect megaship will now sell this permit from the T-Tauri system permanently. Pilots who fought for Azimuth Biotech will also receive overcharged Guardian plasma chargers in storage at the Musashi, providing they reaches the contribution threshold. Those who fought against Azimuth will receive rapid-fire multi-cannons with phasing sequence from Wandrama Purple Council soon, collectable from MacLean City. Source: Azimuth Claim Expensive Success
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« Reply #1637 on: 10 November 2022, 20:45:05 » |
Understanding the 'Thargoid Roar'Professor Alba Tesreau, Professor Ishmael Palin and Ram Tah have released a joint statement regarding the alien sound heard at HIP 22460. "There has been much speculation about the mysterious noise that was recorded following the Battle of HIP 22460, which is clearly of Thargoid origin. Thanks to the help of Seo Jin-ae, formerly known as Subject D-2, we have started to comprehend some of its meaning." "What was audible to humans was only part of a complex multi-frequency transmission, amplified by the energy surging through the Thargoid surface site which housed the Proteus Wave weapon. Its specifics remain indecipherable for the moment, but certain aspects were isolated with the aid of Ms Seo, whose unique neural implants were designed to interface with Thargoid technology." "She believes there is a 'call and response' element, as if the signal was a reply to the Thargoid forces in HIP 22460. This was interwoven with a sense of acknowledgement and focus, which Ms Seo described as: 'We see them. We are coming.'" "Further insights from Ms Seo plus advanced audio analysis leads us to conclude that the sound emanated from a single Thargoid entity, and was transmitted with more power than anything previously encountered." "Popular theory has linked this 'Thargoid roar' to the anomalies known as rogue signal sources, which are currently converging on the core systems. Seo Jin-ae appears convinced that, whatever their ultimate motive may be, they have been deployed by the Thargoids as a direct response to Salvation's Proteus Wave weapon." "We solemnly predict that the Second Thargoid War is about to enter a new phase, and humanity may not yet be prepared to withstand it." Source: Understanding the 'Thargoid Roar'
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« Reply #1638 on: 11 November 2022, 17:45:05 » |
Further FSS Scanner Upgrade Released*Pilots' Federation ALERT* A version of the FSS scanning software used to track the Thargoid anomalies has been made available to the Pilots' Federation. Commanders should experience reduced interference when using the full spectrum system (FSS) scanner to focus on the anomalies. The team leading the development of the software, however, warned that the resultant clarity has done little to ease the concerns of Professor Palin, Ram Tah and other leading scientists. Lori Jameson, an engineer contributing to the FSS scanner's software calibration, commented: "We're pleased with the update and are happy to share it with Commanders, who have provided much of the data used by the institutions researching the rogue signal sources. Representatives of Canonn Interstellar Research Group, Orion University and Universal Cartographics have also helped greatly. I just wish the results generated a more promising picture." "I understand the calls for peace that we've been hearing more of. But judging by the feedback these signals are emitting, they're… well, I'm trying not to push my opinions on others. I urge Commanders to take a look with the FSS scanner for themselves." The update has been delivered to all registered Pilots' Federation vessels free of charge. Source: Further FSS Scanner Upgrade Released
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« Reply #1639 on: 14 November 2022, 21:45:05 » |
Xeno-Peacers Reject Prediction of WarA claim that the rogue signal sources form part of a potential Thargoid offensive has been disputed by many in the pro-peace movement. A joint statement by respected xenologists Professor Alba Tesreau, Professor Ishmael Palin and Ram Tah concluded that the approaching anomalies are a reaction to events in HIP 22460, and may have dire consequences for humanity. The eight signal sources are projected to arrive in the core systems within weeks. Advocates for the Thargoid Advocacy Project and similar xeno-peace groups have rejected the idea that increased hostilities with the Thargoids is inevitable. As community liaison Bernadette Wells said on the Joy Senne ICE-cast: "Despite this ominous claim from three respected scientists, they have offered no hard evidence to support the assumption that the anomalies are hostile. I'm sorry, I know Seo Jin-ae has suffered enormously as part of Salvation's unrelenting obsession with the Thargoids, but I don't think we should be using her vague instincts to inform official policy regarding this alien species." Heimar Borichev, deputy editor of The Sovereign newsfeed, claimed: "With all the talk of the superpowers forming a grand fleet, why are we not demanding they form a grand diplomatic effort? Many in the Assembly, Congress and Senate agree with this sentiment, but are too scared to risk their careers. We need a concerted campaign, pressuring elected officials to stop listening to the vultures who stand to benefit from continued conflict with the Thargoids." Congressman Dalton Chase is one of the few politicians to openly agree with this argument. In an interview with the Federal Free Press, he said: "The Kingfisher megaship was established to lead a mission of peace with the Thargoids. But imagine how much greater our chances of success would be with official support. I call upon my colleagues in the Federation, and like-minded leaders everywhere, to promote peaceful coexistence as a valid strategy." Source: Xeno-Peacers Reject Prediction of War
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« Reply #1640 on: 15 November 2022, 17:45:05 » |
Public Unnerved by Palin AnnouncementThe announcement that the rogue signal sources heading towards the core systems are Thargoid in origin has caused unease within the general public. Protests in systems on the edges of human space have taken place, demanding assurances from local governments about their safety. The failure to establish a collective human fleet to counter Thargoid incursions has left many concerned about what the future may hold. Casey Kilpatrick provided this report from Castellan Station in Lave: "Colleagues across multiple systems have confirmed that the impending arrival of the rogue signal sources – termed 'stargoids' by some in network media – has led to a shared sense of anxiety. ICE networks are seeing high interest in topics related to Thargoids, with negative sentiment aimed at politicians and military figures seen as responsible for the Proteus Wave event which perhaps attracted the anomalies. Witnesses report families transporting all they own to ships bound for the opposite side of the bubble." "Palin's opinion that humanity may not be ready for what happens next has been criticised as needlessly alarming. While Palin is a brilliant scientist, his communication skills have been called 'less than ideal' in recent days. Yet his supporters, particularly among academics, have argued that it would be cowardly to hide the truth. If humanity is truly in danger, the statement at least could prompt a fresh allocation of resources to military organisations while also giving independents time to prepare." "Vista Genomics has reportedly contacted the team working alongside Professor Palin with a proposal to share its genetic database with ongoing research projects. The potential importance of such data may precede an increase in payments to those who record and submit genetic samples." "The news has also caused a stir across most financial markets. The main issue is the unpredictability of what this could mean for primary industries and their ability to maintain traditional supply and demand. The cost of goods and services may be impacted across clusters of systems. The Bank of Zaonce has announced it is monitoring the situation and is preparing several potential strategies in the event of an interstellar recession." "In conclusion, most are left with a rather unpalatable course of action: To sit and wait. No superpower has announced a means to prevent the Thargoid anomalies from reaching us. Palin's announcement has hypothesised on what the signals may be, but could not confirm what they will do. It appears that we will all find out together, for better or worse." Source: Public Unnerved by Palin Announcement
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« Reply #1641 on: 15 November 2022, 17:45:05 » |
Coalsack Nebula Reports Thargoid ActivityThe human colonists in the Coalsack Nebula has raised the alarm after Thargoid forces appeared several systems. Following recent attacks on systems and vessels in the California Nebula, it appears that the Thargoids have again sought to occupy systems where barnacle fields are present on planet surfaces. Councillor Lewis Laychurch, representing the Alliance Expeditionary Pact in HIP 62154, provided the following to the Alliance Tribune: "Our security craft regularly patrol between the populated systems in this region. We had the first reports of nonhuman signals this morning. Obviously we've seen Thargoid activity in the Coalsack Nebula several times before, but this time was different. It's not an attack as much as a presence." "We witnessed a huge upsurge in these signals in multiple systems. Over a couple of hours, it felt like Thargoid activity was visible on scanners wherever our ships looked. It's exclusively in areas with barnacle sites, too." Now, there's no secret that the Thargoids aren't happy with our interest in the meta-alloys those sites produce. But this time they're not attacking ports, or either the Spirit of Nysa or Song of Mecchi megaships. It's like they're waiting for something." The described behaviour matches similar Thargoid incursions into other populated systems in recent weeks. Researchers in the nebula have withdrawn from ongoing field studies of barnacle sites, citing safety concerns. In other news, Azimuth Biotech has announced that the Glorious Prospect will distribute the Mbooni permit from the LHS 1163 system, instead of the T-Tauri system as planned. Federal authorities offered protection to the megaship to reduce the travel time between the two locations, granting combat pilots swift access to the anti-xeno weaponry offered at Prospect's Deep. Source: Coalsack Nebula Reports Thargoid Activity
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« Reply #1642 on: 18 November 2022, 15:45:07 » |
The Kingfisher Xeno-Peace Mission*Pilots' Federation ALERT* The Kingfisher megaship has requested supplies for its planned journey to greet the first rogue signal source. Shipments of basic medicines, fruit and vegetables are required for the Kingfisher's crew, who will be joined by over 3,000 supporters of the Thargoid Advocacy Project. Semiconductors and Muon Imagers have also been requested to establish the mission's communications arrays, which are being designed to initiate contact with the Thargoids. Congressman Dalton Chase gave a press statement regarding the initiative: "Now that we know the approaching anomalies are Thargoid, many are concerned that hostilities between our species will escalate. However, a brave group of volunteers see this as an opportunity to prove that diplomacy can work. An alien race has sent emissaries toward humanity's space, and it is our duty to meet them with words rather than weapons." "The first of the anomalies, which we have named Taranis, is predicted to pass through Hyades Sector YO-Q b5-1. Using the high-level protocols available to Congress, I have successfully obtained a temporary access restriction that grants an exclusive permit to the Kingfisher. A range of broadcasts using multiple techniques will try to attract the Thargoids' attention. Hopefully, the entity will slow down long enough to give some acknowledgement of these attempts." The delivery initiative in the Andavandul system is being managed by Deutsche Elite Piloten Interstellar. In order to protect deliveries to Blenkinsop Hub, the faction is offering increased payouts on bounty voucher redemptions. Source: The Kingfisher Xeno-Peace Mission
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« Reply #1643 on: 21 November 2022, 19:45:05 » |
The Coming of TaranisAs the rogue signal sources draw closer to human-occupied space, work is underway to initiate peaceful inter-species negotiations. Dr Elias Pope is a graduate of Orion University with degrees in interstellar relations, political science and xenology. He has recently joined the Kingfisher megaship's crew to oversee the Thargoid Advocacy Project's diplomatic mission. In an interview with Vox Galactica, Dr Pope explained his role: "Like most of the Kingfisher's crew, I volunteered to take part in this operation. It feels like my whole professional life has been leading to this opportunity. Many of the fine people here feel the same way I do. If there's even a chance that we might begin properly talking to the Thargoids, well… it'll be historic." "Luria , my assistant, tells me there are some media-friendly names for these anomalies now. As a scientific purist, she's very unhappy about that! This first one has been labelled Taranis. It will transit through the Hyades Sector YO-Q b5-1 system at tremendous speed, so we won't have long to snag its attention. But that's what we're aiming to do." "The megaship has an impressive suite of audio-visual, electromagnetic and hyperspace transmitters that will broadcast to Taranis as it approaches. We'll be trying everything from flashing light patterns to multi-frequency data bursts. Establishing common ground is key to any negotiation, so I've composed messages that impart universally recognisable concepts such as mathematical formulae and star charts. These should illustrate our intellectual prowess and capacity for reasoning." "The best-case scenario is that whatever controls Taranis hears us and responds in kind. We must at least attempt to make peaceful overtures. Even if we fail, it would signify to humanity that there are many people willing to make the attempt, no matter how dangerous. Wish us luck." Source: The Coming of Taranis
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« Reply #1644 on: 22 November 2022, 16:45:05 » |
Kingfisher Megaship Makes Final Preparations*Pilots' Federation ALERT* The Kingfisher megaship has received commodities in advance of its mission to communicate with the first rogue signal source. The Thargoid Advocacy Project reported that the shipments of semiconductors and Muon Imagers will contribute to the communications array aboard the megaship. The deliveries of basic medicines, fruit and vegetables will be made available to its crew and passengers, which include thousands of pro-peace supporters. Deutsche Elite Piloten Interstellar has announced that contributors can now collect payment from Blenkinsop Hub in the Andavandul system. This includes bounty voucher reimbursements for all pilots who eliminated criminal vessels threatening deliveries during the initiative. The Kingfisher will tomorrow make the journey from Andavandul to the permit-locked Hyades Sector YO-Q b5-1 system. The first of the rogue signal sources, which has been named Taranis, will travel through the system within the next 48 hours. The precise nature of these faster-than-light anomalies remains unknown, but it is now accepted that they are of Thargoid origin. Scheduling conflicts have prevented Congressman Dalton Chase from leading the diplomatic mission, despite his prominent role in organising the Kingfisher's construction. The Sovereign's deputy editor Heimar Borichev, another vocal supporter of the xeno-peace has announced plans to report from on board the megaship. Source: Kingfisher Megaship Makes Final Preparations
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« Reply #1645 on: 23 November 2022, 20:45:05 » |
Praise for the Pro-Peace ProjectCongressman Dalton Chase has applauded the increased public support for the goal of opening diplomatic channels with the Thargoids. During an exclusive interview with ICE-caster Joy Senne, he said: "Not so long ago, the idea of communicating with the Thargoids seemed absurd. But look at what's happening in Andavandul right now! There's so much support from the galactic community. People are placing their faith in a better future than just endless warfare." "My only regret is that I won't be joining my fellow campaigners aboard the Kingfisher after all. The duties of my new congressional position mean that my diary has become full extremely quickly, with many commitments to uphold. But I'll be travelling with them in spirit as they journey out to meet Taranis, and prove to its Thargoid controllers that humanity is ready to co-exist peacefully." Joy Senne revealed that she had planned to ICE-cast a live show from the Kingfisher megaship, as it encountered the interstellar anomaly known as Taranis in the Hyades Sector YO-Q b5-1 system: "I was so disappointed when they told me that only direct transmissions aimed at Taranis would be permitted, to avoid confusing the 'stargoid' with other signals. Our good friend Heimar Borichev was due to join the crew today, but he messaged me less than an hour ago saying he'd fallen ill unexpectedly. So it's left to the brave volunteers – we're counting on you, Kingfisher!" The Sovereign newsfeed confirmed these plans for its deputy editor, adding that opinion polls in independent systems suggested a 32% approval rate for the Thargoid Advocacy Project. Allied and Federal media primarily view the xeno-peace movement as 'misguided', while in the Empire the most common keyword associated with them is 'suicidal'. Source: Praise for the Pro-Peace Project
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« Reply #1646 on: 24 November 2022, 17:45:07 » |
Kingfisher Megaship Vanishes*Pilots' Federation ALERT* Contact has been lost with the Kingfisher megaship in the Hyades Sector YO-Q b5-1 system, just over a day since its arrival. The Kingfisher was equipped to transmit signals to the interstellar anomaly named Taranis, with the goal of opening communications with it should such a possibility exist. Over 3,000 supporters of the xeno-peace movement were aboard the megaship when it departed the Andavandul system. Rani Zaman , a spokesperson for the Thargoid Advocacy Project team monitoring long-range comms with the megaship, issued a statement to the media: "I regret to say that all attempts to raise the Kingfisher on any frequency have failed. The last message we received was highly distorted, but seemed to be a distress call. We are asking for immediate assistance to locate the megaship and provide whatever support may be needed." The Federation responded by cancelling the temporary permit restriction to the Hyades Sector YO-Q b5-1 system for all vessels except fleet carriers. This permit was arranged at the request of Congressman Dalton Chase, who played a key role in procuring the Kingfisher megaship for use by TAP volunteers. With access to the system reinstated, Federal investigators have been despatched to assess the situation. Observers have confirmed that the Taranis anomaly passed through Hyades Sector YO-Q b5-1 at faster-than-light speed. As with the other rogue signal sources, Taranis continues to move towards the core systems. Source: Kingfisher Megaship Vanishes
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« Reply #1647 on: 25 November 2022, 21:45:10 » |
Xeno-Peace Supporters Killed by ThargoidsInvestigations in the Hyades Sector YO-Q b5-1 system have confirmed that Thargoid vessels attacked and destroyed the Kingfisher megaship. Vox Galactica published this on-the-scene report from field correspondent Ernesto Rios: "Independent and Federal sources have verified that the Kingfisher was struck by multiple barrages from Thargoid weaponry. Medical teams are currently exploring the wreckage of the megaship in search of crew and passengers. Sadly, from what I've seen, the scale of the damage suggests that the chances of survival are extremely low." "Further confirmation came with the discovery of a log made by Dr Elias Pope of Orion University, who was overseeing attempts to communicate with the Thargoids. Although I have yet to hear this recording myself, it apparently describes exactly what happened when the Taranis anomaly passed through the system." "As news of the tragedy spreads, it has triggered a vociferous backlash against the Thargoid Advocacy Project. This fringe group recently gained a degree of respectability with the involvement of Congressman Dalton Chase and other media figures. But now there is widespread anger that, as Sol Today's editorial put it, 'Thousands of people were sent to die based on a vague hope that these alien warmongers might suddenly play nice.'" "Congressman Chase himself told the press that he is reviewing the latest reports from Hyades Sector YO-Q b5-1, and cannot yet make any official comment. As the public face of the Kingfisher mission, it's likely that any formal demands for accountability will be directed his way." "Meanwhile, Taranis draws ever closer to human-inhabited space. The Kingfisher's destruction proves definitively that the rogue signal sources are of Thargoid origin, and that their intentions are hostile. With the prospect of the Second Thargoid War escalating to new levels, tensions throughout the core systems have never been higher." Source: Xeno-Peace Supporters Killed by Thargoids
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« Reply #1648 on: 28 November 2022, 18:45:05 » |
Militaries on Alert as Taranis ApproachesThe Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6 system has been identified as the location where the rogue signal source named Taranis will finally arrive. Professor Ishmael Palin gave a statement to confirm the findings of several scientific groups: "Data correlated from many long-range scans proves that the anomaly's velocity is reducing steadily. At its present rate of descent, Taranis will arrive at Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6 in approximately 24 hours. I have sent a research team, led by my colleague Dr Leroux, to gather data on its arrival." Admiral Maxton Price of the Federal Navy commented: "Fortunately, this particular system is uninhabited so no populations are directly at risk. We are monitoring the situation rather than deploying capital ships. Civilian traffic is ordered not to enter Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6 until we know more about Taranis's capabilities." The Alliance Defence Force issued a similar announcement from Admiral Rachel Ziegler: "The Thargoids' overall strategy remains unknown, as does the true nature of these rogue signal sources. But there is certainly no reason to place ourselves in their path intentionally. It's possible that, as with HIP 22460, the Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6 system could become a no-go zone occupied by an overwhelming number of Thargoid vessels." Despite making no official statement, it is believed that the Imperial Navy is likewise holding back from deploying a military fleet to the Taranis anomaly. Independent analysts have suggested that the destruction of the Kingfisher megaship in Hyades Sector YO-Q b5-1 has contributed to the superpowers' caution, with capital ship losses in HIP 22460 also fresh in the memory. Source: Militaries on Alert as Taranis Approaches
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« Reply #1649 on: 29 November 2022, 22:45:05 » |
Taranis Unleashes Thargoid Invasion Fleets*Pilots' Federation ALERT* The Taranis anomaly has arrived in Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6, triggering a ferocious wave of Thargoid attacks in the region. Multiple inhabited systems are experiencing wide-scale invasions by countless numbers of Thargoid vessels, with casualties expected to number millions in the coming days. Several systems have already reported a complete loss of human control, with ports abandoned amid heavy losses. The Alliance Defence Force and Federal Navy have responded by sending capital ships, which will support independent pilots and anti-xeno squadrons. Neither superpower has entered the Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6 system, from which the Thargoid fleets seem to be emanating. There have been conflicting descriptions of the rogue signal source itself, which finally slowed to a halt after weeks of faster-than-light travel. Dr Remy Leroux, a xenologist working for Professor Palin, transmitted a garbled report describing Taranis as "not a single object but a colossal swirling maelstrom of some kind", before all contact was lost. These initial reports have not been verified, and many authorities consider them to be unreliable or exaggerated. However, warnings have been issued that the Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6 system is extremely dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Speaking to The Alliance Tribune, Admiral Rachel Ziegler remarked: "Our focus at present is on defending the populated systems from swarms of highly aggressive Thargoids. Whatever this 'maelstrom' actually is, it's clearly been sent with the purpose of eradicating human influence in the region." Source: Taranis Unleashes Thargoid Invasion Fleets