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« Reply #1560 on: 25 July 2022, 22:45:06 »

Azimuth Condemns 'Alien-Loving' Resistance

As its anti-xeno initiative in HIP 22460 continues, Azimuth Biotech has been deliberately targeted by protestors in other systems.

Director Torben Rademaker, head of strategic operations, made a public broadcast from the corporation's headquarters at Hind Mine starport:

"Azimuth Biotech is dedicated to the vision of Salvation, whose expertise will soon quash the Thargoid blight once and for all. The Alliance, Empire and Federation have put aside their differences to turn this ambition into a reality. But a fractious minority are determined to prevent this, giving the Thargoids a window of opportunity to avoid their fate."

"Almost immediately after our corporate rebrand from Taurus Mining Ventures, Azimuth came under attack. A rabble of buccaneers and political agitators forcibly expelled our assets from the Merope and Qarato systems. Only by extreme and costly means were we able to retain Hind Mine, as the mob rampaged through the once-peaceful T Tauri system."

"Their appalling acts have not only endangered Azimuth Biotech's long-term financial growth, but also delayed the manufacture of the Proteus Wave in HIP 22460. Perhaps 'Operation Wych Hunt' is made up of deranged Far God cultists, since they seem hell-bent on sabotaging humanity's greatest defence against the Thargoids."

"Naturally, Azimuth Biotech has petitioned the relevant authorities to take appropriate action. We are also reaching out to any independent pilots who supported Salvation's past projects. To these loyal to his cause, I implore you to defend our noble enterprise. Show these alien-loving traitors that they are on the wrong side of history."
Source: Azimuth Condemns 'Alien-Loving' Resistance
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« Reply #1561 on: 26 July 2022, 19:45:08 »

Guardian Artefact Campaign Concludes

*Pilots' Federation ALERT*

The third phase of an initiative to acquire Guardian artefacts for the Proteus Wave has ended successfully.

Commodore Morag Halloran, Azimuth Biotech's military coordinator, announced:

"Salvation has asked me to extend his sincere thanks to all pilots for exploring ancient Guardian sites and transporting their discoveries to the Bright Sentinel in HIP 22460. The quantity of artefacts delivered over the past three weeks has surpassed our targets."

"The most recent shipments are now being ferried down to the surface of HIP 22460 10b. The Proteus Wave's core mechanism is mere days away from being fully assembled. Calibration tests will then begin within the Thargoid structure, which will vastly amplify the superweapon's disruptive frequencies."

"It is now mission critical to defend the project. The Thargoids appear frenzied by the system's concentration of Guardian technology, which is drawing their vessels in ever-greater numbers. I am liaising closely with the Allied, Federal and Imperial taskforces, but we require even more volunteers to provide tactical support to their capital ships."

With the delivery initiative concluded, contributing pilots can now collect their rewards from the Bright Sentinel megaship in the HIP 22460 system.
Source: Guardian Artefact Campaign Concludes
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« Reply #1562 on: 27 July 2022, 16:45:05 »

Tesreau Highlights Azimuth's 'Inhumanity'

A counter-statement regarding Azimuth Biotech has been published by Professor Alba Tesreau, former head of research at Aegis.

"The recent declaration by Director Torben Rademaker paints a false picture of those pilots who are actively working against Azimuth Biotech. He frames them as criminals and alien sympathisers, betraying humanity to the Thargoids. This could not be any further from the truth. It is Azimuth's own inhumanity that they are fighting against."

"It's unsurprising that Salvation's focus is now on HIP 22460, given this system has long been part of Azimuth's sinister legacy. On planet 7c is the abandoned settlement Fort Asch, where unlicensed scientists performed monstrous experiments to link human minds with Thargoid vessels. We know from Project Seraph's sole survivor, known as Subject D-2, how brutal the results were."

"Alongside the Bright Sentinel above planet 10b is the Overlook, a derelict megaship drifting within a caustic cloud of debris. Some may have assumed it is the scene of a recent Thargoid attack, but in fact it once served as the headquarters of Black Flight. This secretive organisation arranged strike teams to suppress evidence of the Thargoids from the general public. Azimuth's collaboration with Black Flight helped it establish a monopoly on xenological research."

"For the past two centuries, Azimuth has ruthlessly sought to obtain and weaponise alien technology. The crew of the Alexandria were sacrificed in order to steal Guardian material for its superweapon. Now that same genocidal device, paid for with the blood of thousands, is being hailed as a 'noble enterprise'."

"Caleb Wycherley has reinvented himself as Salvation, but his modern persona cannot conceal his malignant nature. Those who Rademaker accused of betrayal are in fact driven by conscience and a sense of justice. I call upon the leaders of the Alliance, Empire and Federation to follow their example, and withdraw support for this nefarious organisation."
Source: Tesreau Highlights Azimuth's 'Inhumanity'
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« Reply #1563 on: 28 July 2022, 20:45:06 »

Thargoid Salvage Operation Requires Resources

*Pilots' Federation ALERT*

Azimuth Biotech has called for commodities to be delivered to the Glorious Prospect in the Pleiades Sector CW-U B3-2 system.

Director Torben Rademaker, head of strategic operations, outlined the new initiative:

"Once the Proteus Wave has eliminated the Thargoids, the second phase of our corporate strategy will commence. As per our agreement with the Alliance, Empire and Federation, Azimuth Biotech is licensed to collect limited quantities of any remaining non-human material in the HIP 22460 system. The powerless Thargoid vessels will be taken to specialised laboratories for examination, and the subsequent results shared with the superpowers' military intelligence divisions."

"Unfortunately, Azimuth has experienced significant losses in several systems, as a result of actions taken by 'Operation Wych Hunt' saboteurs. This has prevented us from setting up research labs and analytical equipment, delaying our xeno-retrieval programme considerably."

"To counteract this setback, we require shipments of HN shock mounts, micro controllers and radiation baffles. The Glorious Prospect megaship stands ready in the Pleiades Sector CW-U B3-2 system to receive these deliveries."

As well as credit payments, Azimuth Biotech has agreed to make pre-engineered Guardian shard cannons available as an additional reward for pilots who transport the greatest volume of commodities.
Source: Thargoid Salvage Operation Requires Resources
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« Reply #1564 on: 29 July 2022, 23:45:04 »

Superweapon Construction Completed

*Pilots' Federation ALERT*

Work on the Proteus Wave in the HIP 22460 system has concluded, according to an announcement from Azimuth Biotech.

"This is Salvation. The core mechanism of the Proteus Wave is now fully assembled. Under my guidance, specialists are performing checks at the selected site on HIP 22460 10 b. Additional power capacitors are also being installed to improve energy transfer management."

"Over the next few days, the Proteus Wave will be calibrated within one of the Thargoid structures, the unique properties of which will greatly amplify the weapon's signal. This breakthrough was only made possible due to decades of xenological research conducted by Azimuth, alongside pioneering theories on cross-species interfaces."

"Commodore Halloran reports that even greater numbers of Thargoid vessels have arrived within the Proteus Wave's effective range. But it is now absolutely critical that they are prevented from approaching the planet. At all costs, the superweapon must be protected until it is ready for activation."

The Allied, Federal and Imperial anti-xeno taskforces continue to engage Thargoid forces within the HIP 22460 system. Volunteers are still urgently needed to support their capital ships and take part in defending the Proteus Wave project. The Musashi, an Azimuth megaship in the nearby Pleiades Sector CW-U B3-2 system, will redeem all Thargoid combat bonds.
Source: Superweapon Construction Completed
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« Reply #1565 on: 02 August 2022, 16:45:06 »

Superpowers Commit to Salvation

The leaders of the Alliance, Empire and Federation have publicly confirmed their support for Azimuth Biotech's anti-xeno operation in HIP 22460.

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon reiterated his position during an interview with the Old Worlds Gazette:

"It is our duty to protect the peoples of the Alliance. Since we currently lack a dedicated naval fleet, we must rely on partnerships with key military providers. With Salvation's advanced weaponry and Sirius Corporation's large-scale logistical might, Allied worlds have never been safer from Thargoid attack."

The Imperial Senate discussed Professor Alba Tesreau's accusations of criminality against Azimuth Biotech, to which Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval responded:

"Professor Tesreau remains a respected member of the Achenar Research Council, but a single viewpoint cannot eclipse the strategic significance of the Proteus Wave project. Our military experts are confident that, should the weapon deliver on the promises Salvation has made, the Thargoid threat will be diminished. A review of the situation will then be conducted."

During a promotional tour of marine training centres in the Eta Cassiopeiae system, President Zachary Hudson told reporters:

"Director Rademaker is absolutely correct: those who deliberately sabotage Azimuth Biotech's operations are only helping the Thargoids, which is tantamount to treason. The Federation's citizens have the right to live without fear of alien invasion, and Salvation's ingenuity will help us preserve that right."

One Allied megaship, three Farragut-class battle cruisers and three Majestic-class interdictors are currently deployed in the HIP 22460 system to defend the Proteus Wave against the Thargoids.
Source: Superpowers Commit to Salvation
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« Reply #1566 on: 04 August 2022, 15:45:05 »

Resources Supplied to Xeno-Retrieval Programme

*Pilots' Federation ALERT*

A delivery campaign in the Pleiades Sector CW-U B3-2 system has provided vital commodities to Azimuth Biotech.

The technical materials will enable Azimuth to analyse the salvaged wreckages of Thargoid vessels, following the activation of the Proteus Wave in the HIP 22460 system.

Captain Maxim Lagunov, commanding officer of the Glorious Prospect megaship, delivered a statement to conclude the initiative:

"Over the last week, I have been pleased to witness so many ships arriving at the Glorious Prospect in response to Director Rademaker's request. Our cargo holds are now well stocked with HN shock mounts, micro controllers, neofabric insulation and radiation baffles. My crew are already arranging for these to be distributed to Azimuth's xenological research centres."

"Pilots who signed up to this campaign can now collect credit payments. We also have a limited stock of pre-engineered Guardian shard cannons, which have been ferried across from our sister ship Bright Sentinel, and these will be awarded to the most dedicated contributors."

The Glorious Prospect will remain in the Pleiades Sector CW-U B3-2 system alongside the Musashi, which is offering anti-xeno weaponry and redeeming Thargoid combat bonds. Two other Azimuth megaships, Bright Sentinel and Heart of Taurus, are in the nearby HIP 22460 system where the Proteus Wave project is approaching readiness.
Source: Resources Supplied to Xeno-Retrieval Programme
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« Reply #1567 on: 05 August 2022, 19:45:05 »

Azimuth Divides Media Opinion

Editorial pieces published by newsfeeds across the core systems illustrate a range of viewpoints on current events in HIP 22460.

Eye on Achenar: "There is no doubt that the real threat to our Empire will arise once the Thargoids are gone. That's when Federal aggression will undoubtedly resume, fuelled by centuries of envy at our glorious splendour."

Citizens' Chronicle: "Some may have mocked Princess Aisling Duval for describing Salvation as 'a master of self-promotion and public manipulation'. But her political instincts are astute, and we believe she is right to warn us against this dangerous man."

Sol Today: "We can all see what will happen as soon as the Thargoids have been dealt with. The Imperials will declare war against our democracy, seeking to enforce their totalitarian regime upon freedom-loving Federal citizens."

Federal Free Press: "The government's focus on Salvation means that vital domestic issues are being ignored. Our economy is still geared toward military spending rather than helping those families and communites who rely on state support."

Old Worlds Gazette: "Cooperating with Sirius Corporation to harvest meta-alloys in the Coalsack Nebula was the primary cause of increased hostility from the Thargoids. Is the Alliance responsible for providing the conditions that allowed Salvation to obtain such power?"

The Tau Ceti Journal: "Senior figures in the business sector are concerned that Azimuth Biotech, despite some recent market uncertainty, has the potential to become the most influential corporation with all three superpowers. Its success in the HIP 22460 system could reshape the financial markets considerably."

The Empirical: "Ram Tah has published theoretical papers on the Guardian technology derived from the Proteus experiments. However, he admits that full comprehension of the superweapon's construction requires scientific data held exclusively by Salvation."
Source: Azimuth Divides Media Opinion
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« Reply #1568 on: 08 August 2022, 17:45:05 »

Azimuth Claims 'Thargoid Doomsday' Imminent

*Pilots' Federation ALERT*

Salvation's anti-xeno superweapon is now complete and final preparations are underway in the HIP 22460 system.

Commodore Morag Halloran, Azimuth Biotech's military coordinator, broadcast this announcement from the Bright Sentinel megaship:

"Salvation has confirmed that the Proteus Wave core mechanism is fully active. Calibration inside the Thargoid structure on the surface of HIP 22460 10b has successfully concluded. Power sources derived from Guardian designs are building to the required levels, and a final series of safety checks are currently underway."

"Upon detonation, the energy pulse generated by the Proteus Wave will cause catastrophic disruption to all Thargoid biomechanical technology within range. Every alien vessel in HIP 22460 will immediately cease to function. Salvation predicts that the wide-ranging impact of the superweapon will drive all Thargoids out of the core systems. In practical terms, tomorrow will be their doomsday."

"This is the culmination of years of research, coupled with Salvation's revolutionary technology. The project could not have been realised without the military support of the Alliance, Empire and Federation. Azimuth is also grateful to those pilots who delivered vital materials and risked their lives to hold back the Thargoid fleet. Take pride in the knowledge that your courage and dedication will help bring an end to the Second Thargoid War."

The superpowers' anti-xeno taskforces have sent out urgent calls for emergency support to prevent Thargoid forces from attacking the Proteus Wave site in these critical final hours.
Source: Azimuth Claims 'Thargoid Doomsday' Imminent
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« Reply #1569 on: 09 August 2022, 20:45:05 »

Contact Lost after Proteus Wave Fired

*Pilots' Federation ALERT*

Communication with all ships in the HIP 22460 system has unexpectedly terminated, following the Proteus Wave's activation.

As intended, the energy pulse from Salvation's Guardian-based superweapon disabled all Thargoids in the system. This was followed by a second pulse of similar intensity from an undetermined source, which rendered the Bright Sentinel megaship powerless. The Thargoid vessels displayed signs of returning to life, after which all comms channels fell silent.

The Alliance Defence Force, Federal Navy and Imperial Navy have verified that they are no longer receiving signals from their capital ships. Azimuth Biotech has been unable to contact the Bright Sentinel or Heart of Taurus. There has been no word from Salvation or any Azimuth personnel within the system.

Some newsfeeds have begun publishing eyewitness reports from independent pilots, claiming that the Thargoids have resumed attacking all human ships. These statements have not been independently verified.

However, the superpowers are insisting on caution until the status of the Thargoid fleet can be ascertained. They have advised that non-military ships should avoid entering the HIP 22460 system until further notice.
Source: Contact Lost after Proteus Wave Fired
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« Reply #1570 on: 10 August 2022, 22:45:06 »

Thargoids Conquer HIP 22460

*Pilots' Federation ALERT*

The Proteus Wave's failure has resulted in Thargoid forces overwhelming the coalition fleet in HIP 22460.

Independent and military observers have confirmed that although Salvation's anti-xeno superweapon was activated as scheduled, it had only a temporary effect on the Thargoids. Soon afterwards, human ships in the system found themselves without power following a second unknown energy pulse and were rapidly targeted by hostile Thargoid vessels.

Vox Galactica announced that the reporter Jade Sanderlyn was able to jettison her escape pod before her drifting craft was destroyed. She delivered this summary:

"It didn't work. The Proteus Wave didn't work. I saw its energies ripple out from the planet, I felt it, we all did. The Thargoids reeled and went dark, but only briefly. Then something else occurred, a noise which shook our bodies, screeching through our skulls. Something alien."

"Suddenly all systems went down: engines, comms, everything. All the flashing beams of capital ship weapons fire disappeared. Every human ship in our vicinity went dead, leaving us floating through space."

"I watched through the canopy as the Thargoids swarmed everywhere, more than I'd ever seen before. The Bright Sentinel was their first target, and they unleashed a blazing barrage against it. Nobody on board could have survived."

The superpowers have announced that HIP 22460 is off-limits to civilian traffic, and should now be considered Thargoid territory. The Alliance Defence Force, Federal Navy and Imperial Navy have each begun compiling official lists of every military ship deployed to the system which remains unaccounted for.

Azimuth Biotech likewise issued a statement confirming that both the Bright Sentinel and Heart of Taurus megaships have been destroyed, with all Proteus Wave project engineers missing and presumed dead. No information on the status of Salvation has yet been offered by the corporation.
Source: Thargoids Conquer HIP 22460
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« Reply #1571 on: 11 August 2022, 19:45:08 »

The Silent Aftermath

The Thargoid victory in the HIP 22460 system has raised many questions which neither Azimuth Biotech nor the superpowers have officially responded to.

Ernesto Rios, field correspondent for Vox Galactica, published a report summarising the latest developments:

"Two days have passed since the massacre in HIP 22460, which left many thousands dead. There have been no updates from the Alliance Defence Force or the Federal or Imperial navies. All press outlets have banned their journalists from entering the system, due to the extreme risk of Thargoid attack. We still lack specifics as to why the Proteus Wave failed. As the echoes of these horrific events fade, the authorities' silence is deafening."

"Azimuth Biotech's surviving megaships, the Glorious Prospect and the Musashi, remain in the nearby Pleiades Sector CW-U B3-2 system alongside Sirius Corporation's vessel El Centinela Cadejo. These are accepting a steady trickle of survivors from HIP 22460, whose escape pods or ships survived long enough to regain power before the Thargoid onslaught reached them. Medical personnel have refused press access to medical bays, preventing interviews with eye-witnesses."

"Without any formal statement from Azimuth, and with Salvation's status still unknown, we can only speculate on what happened in HIP 22460. The Thargoids' method of resisting the Proteus Wave's energy pulse remains unexplained, and their subsequent dominance of the system has caused widespread unease. Rather than ending the Second Thargoid War, Salvation may have escalated it to terrifying heights."

Heimar Borichev, deputy editor of The Sovereign, also commented on the situation:

"Obviously this is a great tragedy, and we must honour those who lost their lives. But essentially, the Thargoids have just defended themselves from the xenocide we sought to inflict upon them. Can we really justify our moral outrage at this species, for protecting themselves against our weapon of mass destruction? Could all of this have been avoided?"
Source: The Silent Aftermath
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« Reply #1572 on: 12 August 2022, 16:45:07 »

Fleets Withdraw from Thargoid-Controlled System

The Alliance, Empire and Federation have confirmed that the remains of their anti-xeno taskforces have fully retreated from the HIP 22460 system.

Fleet Admiral Tayo Maikori declared: "The Thargoids are now heavily entrenched in HIP 22460. Federal search and rescue teams are attempting to locate survivors, but our window of opportunity is closing as the enemy forces increase in number."

A similar statement came from Senator Denton Patreus, who admitted "The aliens have successfully established a stronghold within human-occupied space." The Imperial Navy has been instructed to prioritise evacuating its own ships and crew.

The Alliance Assembly and the Council of Admirals have been engaged in emergency discussions with representatives from Sirius Corporation. Early indications suggest a restructuring of anti-xeno operations is underway.

Across the core systems, public fears of a mass Thargoid invasion are running high. Planetary security forces are on alert, with every spacegoing military preparing for the possibility of fighting Thargoid vessels. Many public figures have expressed their concerns, including Aegis's former head of research Professor Alba Tesreau:

"I am utterly horrified by events in HIP 22460. Many of us feared that Azimuth's experiments would lead to catastrophe, but the widespread loss of life is still a sickening shock. Salvation critically underestimated the Thargoids' ability to adapt, a failure rooted in his perception of them as purely reactive creatures."

"This tragedy is worsened by the fractured responses of the superpowers, which are reluctant to continue sharing information with external organisations. Without a dedicated research effort, we cannot analyse the Thargoid technology used in HIP 22460 or formulate a suitable defence."
Source: Fleets Withdraw from Thargoid-Controlled System
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« Reply #1573 on: 15 August 2022, 20:45:08 »

Alliance-Sirius Pact Accelerated

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon and Sirius Corporation CEO Li Yong-Rui have issued a joint statement regarding territorial defence against the Thargoids.

"The recent tragedy in HIP 22460 has underscored the crucial importance of the strategic defence pact. As the likelihood of increased Thargoid aggression rises, Allied systems can be assured that we are making rapid changes to withstand this potential threat."

"Admiral Nikolas Glass will now coordinate all anti-xeno military operations. His first priority is to update the existing infrastructure of the Alliance Defence Force, allowing member system fleets to form according to mission parameters. This will bring greater flexibility and allow the ADF to direct forces to anywhere Thargoid incursions occur."

"Allied worlds are calling out for greater defences, and the absence of a dedicated Alliance Navy has never been felt so keenly. But the Assembly is willing to approve greater military spending, and Sirius Corporation stands ready to put the defence pact into practice."

In related news, the Council of Admirals officially verified that the Oath of Tyndareus was lost with all hands during the Thargoid counter-attack in the HIP 22460 system. The megaship's crew have been posthumously honoured in a public ceremony.
Source: Alliance-Sirius Pact Accelerated
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« Reply #1574 on: 15 August 2022, 20:45:08 »

Rumours Arise of New Alien Artefacts

*Pilots' Federation ALERT*

Anecdotal reports suggest that a previously unknown non-human object has been discovered by independent pilots.

No details about where or how the object was obtained have been established at this time. What little information exists has been provided by individual members of the Pilots' Federation.

One of these sources is a public message posted by Commander Marcus Mercer via an Interstellar Common Experience (ICE) network:

"I recently met up with an old friend of mine. Let's call her Digger. Years ago we'd team up to excavate Guardian and Thargoid artefacts. Sold them and split the profits. She mentioned having an 'unusual find' in her ship's cargo hold, and invited me onboard to check it out."

"Standing there bathed in its light from the other side of the window, I knew this was something alien. But it wasn't just another dusty relic from millennia ago. This looked newer, alive and glowing, giving off a vibration that made me feel queasy."

"Commander Kralone was the first to discover these objects, apparently. Digger said she'd worked out how to get hold of one and would tell me how – for a price. I joked that if Aegis was still around, it would have paid big credits for the thing. Digger suddenly stopped talking and gave me this look. Then she kicked me off her ship and was out of the docking bay before I'd even cleared the hangar!"

"I know that Digger spends a lot of her time investigating Thargoid stuff planet-side. So I'm going to visit a few and see what turns up. There's got to be more of those things out there, and if they end up being worth something, then I want my share."
Source: Rumours Arise of New Alien Artefacts
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