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« Reply #1185 on: 03 March 2021, 19:45:02 »

Superpowers Make Progress at the Galactic Summit

Leaders from the Alliance, Empire and Federation have agreed a series of minor treaties at the diplomatic gathering in the Sirius system.

Vox Galactica featured this report from political correspondent Conrad Sterling:

"Following days of heated arguments, temperatures in the conference chamber finally cooled enough for all three superpowers to formalise a raft of agreements. These were ratified in person by Chancellor Blaine, President Hudson and Prime Minister Mahon."

"The most significant of these treaties is the Cornelius-Lasky Convention, named after its two leading proponents. This requires the Alliance, Empire and Federation to share information on any large-scale threats to civilian populations, including environmental, medical and xenological crises."

"There has been slow progress on other topics, such as military limitation and border control. Many independent ambassadors are demanding to prioritise debates on the Thargoid issue, and especially the defensive role played by Aegis."

"Outside the chamber, First Minister Fairfax invited Princess Duval to a small ceremony to honour her late father. Fairfax formally apologised for Prince Harold's death and condemned the terrorists responsible. Aisling Duval gracefully accepted this, but time will tell if it was an empty gesture or the first step toward Imperial-Marlinist rapprochement."
Source: Superpowers Make Progress at the Galactic Summit
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« Reply #1186 on: 04 March 2021, 23:45:03 »

Archon Delaine Gatecrashes the Galactic Summit

Pirate warlord Archon Delaine has unexpectedly appeared at the diplomatic conference and demanded to participate as a political delegate.

Delaine is the leader of the Kumo Crew, a notorious crime syndicate that controls dozens of systems. Their arrival at Patterson Enterprise station initially caused many delegations' security teams to begin evacuations.

However, representatives of the Sirius Corporation called for calm and delivered this message:

"We have vouchsafed Archon Delaine's presence and extended full diplomatic immunity to his retinue. As with all attendees, they are expected to abide by our rules and etiquettes."

This reassurance did not prevent several ambassadors from walking out in protest. Some accused Sirius Corporation of striking a deal with Delaine to prevent even more pirate vessels from swarming through the Sirius system.

Mainstream newsfeeds also covered the impact of Delaine's arrival.

The Imperial Herald: "Senator Patreus officially complained about 'the repulsive sight of pirate scum strolling alongside respectable politicians'. However, Chancellor Blaine agreed that Delaine could address the conference, albeit under close scrutiny."

The Federal Times: "Neither Hudson nor Winters have commented on Delaine's appearance, but the security chief for the Federal delegation remarked: 'One wrong step and we'll put some big holes right through their immunity.'"

The Alliance Tribune: "This is an unwelcome distraction from Prime Minister Mahon's proposal for Aegis's remit to be enormously expanded. The Sirius Treaty will fully unite superpowers, corporations and independent systems against the Thargoids – assuming that Mahon can convince his fellow leaders to agree."
Source: Archon Delaine Gatecrashes the Galactic Summit
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« Reply #1187 on: 04 March 2021, 23:45:03 »

Defence and Delivery Requests for the Sirius System

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

The Empire is aiding Sirius Corporation by offering bounty hunting and trade opportunities to support the Galactic Summit.

The diplomatic conference is now entering its second week, with superpower and independent leaders gathered at Patterson Enterprise in the Sirius system.

Sirius Corporation's CEO Li Yong-Rui announced:

"Our thanks to the Federation for organising additional security against unexpected numbers of vessels this past week. Anarchic extremists, political enemies and opportunistic criminals all attempted to disrupt the conference to no avail. Pilots who helped maintain the peace can collect their rewards at the Spirit of Laelaps."

"For the coming week, we are working with the Empire to maintain the security operation by offering bounties on all wanted ships. The Empire will also pay generously for extra supplies of animal meat, coffee, fish, fruit and vegetables, and wine that are delivered to the Spirit of Laelaps."

Pilots are reminded that neither permanent nor temporary permits to enter the Sirius system apply to fleet carriers. This joint initiative will run for one week, followed by Sirius Corporation partnering with the Alliance for the final week of the Galactic Summit.

In related news, Core Dynamics, Gutamaya and Lakon Spaceways are continuing to offer a 10% discount on all their ships to mark the historic occasion.

Source: Defence and Delivery Requests for the Sirius System
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« Reply #1188 on: 05 March 2021, 19:45:01 »

Jupiter Rochester Sentenced to Life Imprisonment

Former Core Dynamics CEO Jupiter Rochester has received a summary judgement for multiple crimes against the Federation.

The Federal Justice Department gave this statement:

"The facts in the case of Jupiter Rochester are self-evident. His principal role regarding Starship One and Jupiter Division make him guilty of treason, mass murder and many other crimes. He will serve a solitary life sentence in a maximum security prison."

Milandu Okoro of the Federal Attorney's Office expressed surprise:

"It is highly unusual for the FJD not to litigate such a major case, considering we don't know the full extent of Rochester and Fleet Admiral Vincent's conspiracies. Unfortunately, our request to open a full investigation has been denied."

Shadow Vice President Isolde Rochester has reiterated that her family were not involved with her eldest son's clandestine activities.

Core Dynamics is continuing to rebuild after several departments separated to form Jupiter Division. Owen McKenna, the new CEO, has vowed to purge the company of all his predecessor's loyalists.

Despite Rochester's failure to build a powerbase in the HIP 54530 system, his manifesto of placing the Federation under direct corporate rule has received praise in some regions. A corporatist movement, founded by commercial networks and civil groups, is gradually gaining popularity.
Source: Jupiter Rochester Sentenced to Life Imprisonment
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« Reply #1189 on: 08 March 2021, 21:45:03 »

The Declaration of Archon Delaine

At the Galactic Summit, the infamous pirate leader Archon Delaine has demanded to be accepted as the legitimate leader of a political power.

A gap in the schedule allowed him to make an address in the main conference chamber:

"Most of you see me as a common criminal, rather than the rightful ruler of multiple systems. That must end now! My efforts to build a Kumo nation deserve respect. I am here to declare my sovereignty and take my rightful place on the political stage."

This was immediately dismissed by many delegations. Princess Aisling Duval said this was a barbaric mockery of nobility, while Shadow President Winters asked how much bloodshed the pirates had caused to obtain their power. Archon Delaine replied:

"Are you all so innocent, then? Every civilisation begins with barbarism, and maintains authority with the threat of violence. None of you can say otherwise. We all wear a crown of bones."

There followed intense debate as to whether the Kumo Crew's territory could be recognised as a new nation-state or was simply a rebranded crime syndicate. There is suspicion that some of the many criminal vessels detected in the Sirius system are from Delaine's pirate fleet.

The Federal and Imperial delegations have offered to remove Archon Delaine's retinue, only to be reminded that Sirius Corporation has granted them full diplomatic immunity.
Source: The Declaration of Archon Delaine
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« Reply #1190 on: 09 March 2021, 18:45:16 »

Thargoid Conflict Discussed at the Galactic Summit

Potential solutions to the threat posed by the Thargoid race are being debated at the diplomatic conference in the Sirius system.

Political correspondent Conrad Sterling reported for Vox Galactica:

"As always, the topic of the Thargoids brings division. The Alliance delegation has portrayed the aliens as a universal danger, while the Empire and Federation took a more balanced view."

"Professor Alba Tesreau's plea to increase support for Aegis was well received, but many delegates argued that further anti-xeno breakthroughs were needed to justify additional funding. To this end, Aegis will undertake new research into the Guardians, hoping to discover a technological advantage from that ancient species."

"Prime Minister Mahon's proposal for strategic cooperation against the Thargoids – known as the Sirius Treaty – is now being examined in detail. Supporters view it as a logical progression from the recently agreed Cornelius-Lasky Convention."

"There was minor uproar when Archon Delaine agreed to be a signatory. Coupled with similar commitments from the Marlinist Colonies and other independents, this has brought pressure upon the Empire and Federation to follow suit."

"If ratified, the Sirius Treaty could be the crowning achievement of the conference. However, putting it into practice will require a huge influx of resources. Decisions are expected before the end of this week."
Source: Thargoid Conflict Discussed at the Galactic Summit
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« Reply #1191 on: 10 March 2021, 21:45:05 »

Galactic Mysteries: The Adamastor

Erik Gunnarson and Francesca Wolfe, two detectives from the Wallglass Investigations Agency, examine the background of the Adamastor megaship.

Gunnarson: "When Wolfe and I started this project, we knew this case would come first. We're both protégés of Benjamin Chester, creator of the Wallglass Archive. He retired years ago, but that old spark kicked in when a 'ghost ship' turned up on his doorstep!"

"The Adamastor is a 200 year old derelict that drifted into the Chukchan system on autopilot. It's still there, with the Alliance Salvage Guild poking through its guts. Chester investigated its owners, a super-secretive company called Azimuth Biochemicals. We don't know what they were searching for, but what they found was possibly the first recorded Thargoid encounter."

"I've since tracked down evidence that the Adamastor had a sister ship – the Hesperus – which in 3113 was sent to… somewhere! Neither ship returned, but we only know what happened on the Adamastor mission. Of course, Wolfe had to go see that with her own eyes."

Wolfe: "Musca Dark Region PJ-P b6-1 is a busy system nowadays, but was unexplored when Professor Carver's survey team were there. Listening to their logs from two centuries ago while examining the research base was chilling… ghost voices from a ghost ship."

"There was evidence of blast scars, but I've seen enough battlefields to know what exchanged gunfire looks like. Azimuth's mercenaries weren't just firing at Thargoids, but at someone who shot back with laser rifles."

"Gunnarson tells me Azimuth was swallowed up by a rival called Pharmasapien. Did they infiltrate the Adamastor and try to take over? Or did the thing that Carver captured drive everyone insane?"

"This is a seriously cold case, even for us. But maybe one day, more tantalising clues will emerge. And that's what we live for."

Source: Galactic Mysteries: The Adamastor
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« Reply #1192 on: 11 March 2021, 17:45:03 »

Nine Starports Hit by Terrorist Bombings

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

Explosions have struck starports across the Alliance, Empire and Federation in a coordinated bombing attack by the NMLA.

The capital systems of all three superpowers – Achenar, Alioth and Sol – have been targeted by the terrorists, as well as six other high-population systems. Precise casualty numbers are unavailable, but several hundred thousand people have been killed with many more injured.

There are urgent calls for independent pilots to rescue survivors and support repair operations at all nine locations:

Dawes Hub in the Achenar system

Donaldson in the Alioth system

Dublin Citadel in the Gateway system

Hahn Gateway in the Nanomam system

Ito Orbital in the Rhea system

Lave Station in the Lave system

Li Qing Jao in the Sol system

Parkinson Dock in the Eotienses system

Shajn Market in the Kamadhenu system

The explosive damage to each station is consistent with corrosive enzyme weapons previously used by the NMLA. This has triggered automated systems designed to respond to Thargoid assaults.

The Alliance Defence Force, Federal Navy and Imperial Navy are on full alert. Other military and security forces across the core systems are preparing for possible further attacks.

The Galactic Summit has been temporarily suspended while Alliance, Empire and Federation leaders respond to the emergency. A full lockdown is in effect in the Sirius system, where the scheduled bounty hunting and trade initiatives have been cancelled.

Source: Nine Starports Hit by Terrorist Bombings
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« Reply #1193 on: 11 March 2021, 17:45:03 »

Galactic Summit Cancelled – NMLA Attacks Superpowers

The conference in the Sirius system has ended prematurely after terrorist bombings against nine starports across the Alliance, Empire and Federation.

Sirius Corporation confirmed that the cancellation was due to fears that Patterson Enterprise station may be the next target. All scheduled business, including finalising the Sirius Treaty, has been halted. The delegations are returning to their home systems under high security.

Temporary permits for the Sirius system will remain in place for one week. Pilots who contributed to the security and trade initiatives held in partnership with the Empire can collect their rewards at the Spirit of Laelaps. Core Dynamics, Gutamaya and Lakon Spaceways will continue to offer a 10% discount on all their ships for one more week.

The Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army has claimed responsibility for the simultaneous attacks in nine systems, including superpower capitals Achenar, Alioth and Sol.

The following message was broadcast on NMLA propaganda channels:

"I no longer have a name. Nor a family. Nor a future. Each taken by the Empire. Now all I have is the dehumanising number printed on my uniform in their torture chambers. Now all I am is Theta Seven."

"The Alliance and Federation's rulers have revealed themselves as imperialist supporters of the Duval dynasty, which has crushed our ideals for a thousand years. Peoples of the galaxy – you can change this. We give you your own Nine Martyrs. Use them to retake control and regain your power."

Media newsfeeds are detailing the impact and implications of the attacks. There is speculation that NMLA activists were concealed among Marlinist refugees that fled to Alliance and Federation space to escape Imperial persecution.

The Marlinist Parliament has officially stated it has "no connection to Neo-Marlinist extremists", and that it will cooperate with security and emergency services during this crisis.
Source: Galactic Summit Cancelled – NMLA Attacks Superpowers
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« Reply #1194 on: 12 March 2021, 21:45:03 »

Starport Bombing Casualties Include Federal Vice President

Vice President Brad Mitchell and a number of Federal Cabinet members have been killed in the recent terrorist attack on a starport orbiting Earth.

The NMLA planted caustic enzyme explosives at Li Qing Jao station, where a government meeting was taking place. The VP and Cabinet members were confirmed to be among tens of thousands of casualties. Eight other starports across all three superpowers were simultaneously bombed.

President Zachary Hudson, who was attending the Galactic Summit during the attack, made this statement:

"This atrocity is nothing less than a declaration of war, and we will respond accordingly. For now, we mourn the loss of my close friend Brad Mitchell and other heroes of the Federation. I will personally appoint replacements to their positions soon."

The Federation has directly accused the Empire of being responsible, by allowing Neo-Marlinist bomb-makers to escape from a secret prison facility. The Imperial Senate reiterated that 'Serene Harbour' does not exist and is part of a Federal disinformation campaign.

Followers of Marlinism have also received much public criticism. The Marlinist Colonies have repeatedly stressed that they do not support the NMLA and are unconnected to the attacks.

Independent pilots have been asked to assist rescue and repair operations in the Achenar, Alioth, Eotienses, Gateway, Kamadhenu, Lave, Nanomam, Rhea and Sol systems.
Source: Starport Bombing Casualties Include Federal Vice President
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« Reply #1195 on: 15 March 2021, 23:45:03 »

Superpowers Respond to 'Nine Martyrs' Attack

Political fallout has been intense after the NMLA simultaneously bombed nine starports in the Alliance, Empire and Federation.

The targeted stations are in the Achenar, Alioth, Eotienses, Gateway, Kamadhenu, Lave, Nanomam, Rhea and Sol systems. These were referred to by NMLA propaganda as the 'Nine Martyrs', a reference to the attack against Kepler Orbital last November.

All three superpowers are treating this as a major emergency. Top-level discussions have taken place between their chiefs of security, using communication protocols recently established at the Galactic Summit.

However, mainstream media has also reported on internal political tensions.

The Imperial Herald: "Senator Patreus proposed that all known Marlinists be arrested immediately as NMLA collaborators. He received a direct rebuke from Chancellor Blaine, who said 'Her Majesty views your blunt tactics as having been counter-productive, and requires more creative solutions.'"

The Federal Times: "President Hudson opened Congress with a minute's silence to honour VP Brad Mitchell and other deceased Cabinet members. He then directly blamed Shadow President Winters for their deaths, claiming 'You invited terrorists with your virtue-signalling aid programme for fake refugees!'"

The Alliance Tribune: "The Assembly broadly welcomed Prime Minister Mahon's call for unity against the NMLA, and praised his efforts on the Sirius Treaty despite it remaining unsigned. But there was also support for Councillor Kaine's viewpoint: 'Our entry fee for the Galactic Summit was hundreds of thousands of lives.'"
Source: Superpowers Respond to 'Nine Martyrs' Attack
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« Reply #1196 on: 17 March 2021, 16:45:06 »

Anti-NMLA Intelligence Unit Formed

The Alliance, Empire and Federation have created a centralised agency dedicated to investigating and eliminating the NMLA paramilitary group.

The new Affiliated Counter-Terrorism unit (ACT) is a direct result of the Cornelius-Lasky Convention, which was signed at the Galactic Summit.

This treaty requires the superpowers to share information on any large-scale threats to civilian populations. With a combined death toll rising over half a million, the recent starport bombings have obtained such status.

ACT will be jointly led by the veterans of the tri-superpower taskforce that defeated the League of Reparation in 3304: Captain Niamh Seutonia of the Imperial Internal Security Service, Inspector Mara Klatt of Alliance Interpol, and Senior Agent Tanya Ramirez of the Federal Intelligence Agency.

Captain Seutonia gave a brief statement:

"ACT is an independent organisation dedicated to bringing the NMLA to justice. We will draw resources from Alliance, Empire and Federation security forces and elsewhere."

"However, we foresee the need for even larger numbers of dedicated personnel. Therefore, we have contacted the Pilots Federation for permission to invite independent pilots to gather information for us when necessary."

Pilots are advised that civilians still require transportation from damaged starports in the Achenar, Alioth, Eotienses, Gateway, Kamadhenu, Lave, Nanomam, Rhea and Sol systems.
Source: Anti-NMLA Intelligence Unit Formed
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« Reply #1197 on: 18 March 2021, 18:45:02 »

Medical Supplies Needed for Starport Bombing Survivors

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

Safeguard Interstellar requires deliveries of medicines to treat casualties from the NMLA's recent terrorist attack.

The humanitarian aid organisation is helping to coordinate relief efforts for the starports in the Alliance, Empire and Federation that were bombed last week. CEO Noel Beaumont announced:

"Hundreds of thousands of civilians still require urgent medical attention after being evacuated from the damaged stations. Many have severe caustic burns inflicted by the corrosive enzyme payload of the explosives. We have already exhausted the majority of supplies in nearby systems."

"To reinforce overstretched health services, we request shipments of basic medicines and advanced medicines. These can be delivered to three starports being used as staging areas:  Krylov Ring in the He Bo system, Mackenzie Relay in the Cemiess system, and Davis Terminal in the Duamta system."

Safeguard Interstellar has partnered with three local factions – Perez Ring Brewery, Lavigny's Legion and the Duamta Gold Creative Corp – to reward pilots and distribute the medicines within each superpower.

Pilots can provide further help by directly delivering repair materials to damaged starports in the Achenar, Alioth, Eotienses, Gateway, Kamadhenu, Lave, Nanomam and Rhea systems. Li Qing Jao station in the Sol system remains an active disaster zone, with civilians still requiring evacuation.

Source: Medical Supplies Needed for Starport Bombing Survivors
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« Reply #1198 on: 19 March 2021, 21:45:03 »

Galactic Mysteries: The NMLA

Private investigators Erik Gunnarson and Francesca Wolfe review the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army.

Gunnarson: "We don't usually get involved with political cases, but it's hard to ignore the largest terrorist attack in history."

"The NMLA is a radical offshoot of Marlinism, a democratic movement named after the Republic of Achenar's original ruler, Marlin Duval. Most are peaceful protester types, but Neo-Marlinists want to overthrow the government by permanently removing the Imperial Family."

"What nobody knows is how the NMLA went from minor troublemakers to interstellar terrorists. The starport bombings last September came from nowhere, and their assassins have killed many Imperial bigwigs including Prince Harold Duval."

"Smart money was on them being funded by Empire's enemies, but now the NMLA treat the Alliance and Federation as equal targets. Hitting all three superpower capitals was a hugely symbolic gesture, and should have been impossible. How did they bypass security and plant explosives without detection? Who the hell are these people?"

"Even Wallglass doesn't have a clue. But we won't stop searching."

Wolfe: "Despite my enquiries – and some unauthorised snooping – there's no trace of the rumoured NMLA bomb factory in LTT 1935. But it did once exist, because the Empire captured its occupants."

"Not that they'll admit it. 'There is no such place as Serene Harbour', right? Well, I've been to R CrA Sector AF-A d42 3b and seen it myself. It's bleak. Hope-crushing. And yet the NMLA prisoners listed as Theta Group escaped, broken out by what seems like Imperial Intelligence double-agents."

"That genuinely scares me. If the NMLA can worm inside the most shadowy security organisation in known space, they could be anywhere. And none of us are safe."
Source: Galactic Mysteries: The NMLA
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« Reply #1199 on: 22 March 2021, 16:45:03 »

ACT Gathers Intelligence on the NMLA

The Affiliated Counter-Terrorism unit (ACT), formed by all three superpowers to combat the NMLA, has launched its investigation.

The organisation has been working closely with Alliance Interpol, the Imperial Internal Security Service and the Federal Intelligence Agency to collate data on the terrorist strikes against nine starports.

Captain Niamh Seutonia, one of ACT's joint leaders, told the media:

"Initial forensic results from the targeted stations suggest the use of a more compact bomb design than in previous attacks, possibly constructed on-site. Worryingly, the NMLA's new generation of weapons seem to be easier to transport and conceal."

"The good news is that a comparison of reports has revealed one very promising lead. I will personally take a team to follow this up, and we're hoping for an early breakthrough."

Inspector Mara Klatt also provided a brief progress report:

"Our working theory is that the NMLA employs an undetectable interstellar communications system to coordinate its attacks. A similar dark-comms network was used by the League of Reparation before we decrypted it, but this version is evidently more sophisticated. We are liaising with local security services to gather evidence."

Source: ACT Gathers Intelligence on the NMLA
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