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« Reply #1020 on: 15 August 2019, 21:45:01 »

Food Delivery Initiative in the Chamas System

The Fortunes Corsairs faction has organised an initiative to transport food commodities to the Chamas system.

A fundraising event has been organised as part of efforts to greenlight the construction of a new asteroid base. Many of the system's elected officials are expected to attend the grand feast, prepared by the most eminent chefs in Chamas.

Silas James, representing the Chamash Foods conglomerate, announced:

"We feel that nothing but the finest foodstuffs from the Inner Orion Spur should be on hand for this momentous occasion. Couriers are invited to play their part in helping the region towards an era of prosperity."

A request has been made for independent traders to deliver fruit and vegetables, fish, grain and synthetic meat to Denton Dock in the Chamas system.

The initiative is scheduled to run from the 15th to the 21st August 3305. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
Source: Food Delivery Initiative in the Chamas System
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« Reply #1021 on: 16 August 2019, 17:45:02 »

Fiction Fans Gather for Literary Event

A celebration of literature at H.G. Wells Terminal in the Olgrea system is the focus of the fourth week of the Alliance Festival of Culture.

Leyton Farris reported on the event for The Alliance Tribune:

"Devotees of both modern and classic fiction have gathered to celebrate a shared love of literature and meet their favourite authors. The event is also an opportunity for writers to promote their work and attract new readers."

"One highlight has been local author Hanna Darrold releasing a novel titled 'Chronicles of Olgrea'. The book concerns a local author releasing a novel during a literature festival, and has become an instant bestseller in the metafiction category."

Fans of the wildly popular Corsair King series expressed hope for an appearance by Olav Redcourt, but he remains in seclusion working on his science fiction novel. A spokesperson for Bonespire Publishing suggested "Redcourt is risking financial ruin by trying to resuscitate a dead genre – nobody reads science fiction anymore."
Source: Fiction Fans Gather for Literary Event
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« Reply #1022 on: 18 August 2019, 18:45:02 »

Week in Review

Here are this week's main stories.

The Alliance Festival of Culture has entered the Olgrea system this week with a celebration of literature. Fans of both modern and classical fiction gathered to discuss their favourite novels and meet popular authors.

The Fortunes Corsairs faction has organised an initiative to transport food commodities to the Chamas system. A fundraiser supporting efforts to construct an asteroid base in the system is scheduled for next week, with a grand feast advertised as the main attraction.

And those are the main stories this week.
Source: Week in Review
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« Reply #1023 on: 23 August 2019, 00:45:04 »

Food Delivery Initiative Concludes Successfully

A campaign to deliver food commodities to the Chamas system has been declared a success by its organisers.

The Fortunes Corsairs efforts to acquire various foods for a glamorous reception were well received. The event, attended by various system officials, appears to have achieved its aim.

Silas James of the Chamash Foods conglomerate released the following statement:

"Due to the overwhelming support from Fortunes Corsairs and other independent traders, the delicious feast helped make our fundraiser a tremendous success. Construction of the new asteroid base will begin immediately."

Contributors to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Denton Dock in the Chamas system.
Source: Food Delivery Initiative Concludes Successfully
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« Reply #1024 on: 23 August 2019, 00:45:04 »

Starship Enterprises Launches Mining Campaign

The Starship Enterprises faction has issued a public request for mined resources.

SE Mining, a subdivision of Starship Enterprises, requires materials to construct a specialised installation in the LP 339-7 system. The proposed starport will serve as a departmental headquarters while also providing services to travellers in the region.

Dr Lewis Chapman, CEO of Starship Enterprises, announced:

"There has long been a rift between our system's prosperous inner worlds and the less wealthy outer gas giants. SE Mining will bridge this divide with a new asteroid base among the rings of the fourth planet, which will generate trade to benefit the entire system."

"SE Mining has been the backbone of my company since its inception. It has seen us through hard times and continues to be one of the corporation's most important assets. I believe a new base of operations is a fine way to reward the division's hard work."

Independent pilots are asked to mine quantities of osmium, samarium, uraninite, monazite and platinum for delivery to Gell-Mann Ring in the LP 339-7 system.

The initiative will run from the 22nd to the 28th of August 3305. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
Source: Starship Enterprises Launches Mining Campaign
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« Reply #1025 on: 24 August 2019, 18:45:04 »

Tionisla Hosts Theatre and Dance Gala

The Alliance Festival of Culture has entered its fifth week, focusing on a wide variety of theatre and dance performances.

Crowds have flocked to New Caledonia in the Tionisla system to enjoy performance art from dozens of systems. Shows ranging from elaborate stage productions to amateur street recitals have offered classical operas, circus shows, theatrical plays and much more.

Art critic Bryony Lindholm published this review on Vox Galactica:

"While the entertainment on display has been nothing short of marvellous, a personal favourite has been the ballet 'Bones of Dreams'. It is performed by skeletal robot dancers made of scrap salvaged from the Tionisla orbital graveyard."

"It is a moving portrayal of inhumanity, and like most of the audience, I was left in tears despite – or perhaps because of – the absence of any sentient organisms depicting grand themes of grief and loss."

The Alliance Festival of Culture continues next week in Alioth and will feature a presentation at the Garden City Gallery.
Source: Tionisla Hosts Theatre and Dance Gala
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« Reply #1026 on: 25 August 2019, 22:45:05 »

Week in Review

Here are this week's main stories.

The Alliance Festival of Culture's fifth week has focused on theatre and dance. Crowds travelling to New Caledonia in the Tionisla system have enjoyed a wide variety of performance art shows, ranging from full stage productions to amateur street acts.

The Fortunes Corsairs faction has announced a successful conclusion to their appeal for food deliveries in the Chamas system. A new starport has been built in Chamas, following the well-received grand feast attended by many government officials.

Finally, the Starship Enterprises faction has issued a public request for mined resources. The intent is to build a new asteroid base in the LP 339-7 system, which would serve as a portal for increased trade and industrial operations for residents.

And those are the main stories this week.
Source: Week in Review
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« Reply #1027 on: 30 August 2019, 00:45:04 »

Starship Enterprises Mining Campaign Concludes

A mining initiative by the Starship Enterprises faction has ended successfully, with the establishment of a new asteroid base in the LP 339-7 system.

Independent miners delivered large quantities of construction materials, which were used to complete construction of the new installation. The starport Miner Prospects has now opened for business in the planetary ring of LP 339-7 4.

Company CEO Dr Lewis Chapman held a press conference to thank those involved:

"The new base will offer much-needed resources to the system's outer reaches, and act as the headquarters for our SE Mining division. I never doubted the galactic community's response, and it is a humbling thing to see in action."

Commanders who contributed to the campaign can now collect their rewards from Gell-Mann Ring in the LP 339-7 system.
Source: Starship Enterprises Mining Campaign Concludes
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« Reply #1028 on: 30 August 2019, 00:45:04 »

Sap Core Legion Commodity Drive

The Sap Core Legion faction has launched an initiative to build a state-of-the-art medical facility in the Heike system.

Heike has some significance in the field of medicine – a species of tea plant native to the system played a vital role in the development of a cure for the Cerberus Plague. Sap Core Legion believes that this detail makes Heike an ideal location for the new installation.

Professor Macklin Fox, speaking on behalf of Sap Core Legion, said:

"Sap Core Legion wishes to build this facility in response to a number of recent outbreaks and epidemics. When one also considers the current Thargoid conflict, we feel humanity would benefit from additional off-world medical resources."

Independent pilots have been invited to deliver advanced medicines, thallium and medical diagnostic equipment to Braun Enterprise in the Heike system.

The initiative is scheduled to run from August 29th to September 4th 3305. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
Source: Sap Core Legion Commodity Drive
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« Reply #1029 on: 31 August 2019, 18:45:04 »

The Winking Cat's Return

The notorious art thief known as the Winking Cat has resurfaced in the Alioth system during the Alliance Festival of Culture.

For the festival's sixth week, Garden City Gallery on Turner's World hosts an exhibition of the visual arts. Advanced security measures have been employed to prevent a repetition of the high-profile incident that occurred in June 3304, where the unique work 'Youscape' was stolen from a gallery vault.

Local correspondent Daron Warmack reported for The Alliance Tribune:

"When gallery staff noticed a painting hanging in a previously empty room, they were shocked to recognise it as 'Penance Street', the long-lost masterpiece of famous artist Megan Madigan."

"Experts have verified that this is the original artwork, which vanished in transit 60 years ago. A graphic of a winking cat was also discovered on the wall behind the picture."

"The Winking Cat has returned one of the Alliance's greatest art treasures – a personal contribution to the festival, perhaps, or maybe an act of penance."

The Alliance Festival of Culture will conclude next week in the Diso system.
Source: The Winking Cat's Return
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« Reply #1030 on: 01 September 2019, 22:45:05 »

Week in Review

Here are this week's main stories.

An exhibition of the visual arts has been upstaged by notorious art thief the Winking Cat during the Alliance Festival of Culture's sixth week. The stolen artwork 'Penance Street' by Megan Madigan was discovered in an empty room of the Garden City Gallery in Alioth. Gallery staff soon found the infamous winking cat motif hidden behind the picture.

The Starship Enterprises faction has confirmed the success of its initiative to establish an asteroid base in the LP 339-7 system. The corporation has expressed hope that an increase in trade and industry will benefit the whole system.

Finally, the Sap Core Legion faction has called for independent pilots to deliver resources for the construction of a medical facility in the Heike system. The organisers hope that the new orbital facility will benefit the region.

And those are the main stories this week.
Source: Week in Review
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« Reply #1031 on: 06 September 2019, 00:45:03 »

Sap Core Legion Initiative Concludes

A commodity drive hosted by the Sap Core Legion faction has ended successfully, resulting in the construction of a medical facility in the Heike system.

With independent pilots having provided commodities in large numbers, Swords Rest Medical Facility has now entered operation around Heike 1.

Professor Macklin Fox offered these words of thanks to contributors:

"I am pleased by the response to this initiative and appreciate the efforts of all involved. Access to off-world medical facilities is not just an Allied issue - it is an issue for the galaxy."

Commanders who contributed to the campaign can now collect their rewards from Braun Enterprise in the Heike system.
Source: Sap Core Legion Initiative Concludes
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« Reply #1032 on: 06 September 2019, 21:45:03 »

Alliance Festival of Culture Celebrates Finale

The Alliance Festival of Culture has entered its final week with a celebration of food and drink on the planet Birmingham in the Diso system.

Corinne Macintyre, culture correspondent for the Alliance Tribune, reported:

"City streets are lined with stalls offering a wide range of food. Dishes range from humble, home-cooked recipes using local speciality Diso Ma Corn, to delicacies such as baked greebles. Drink connoisseurs have sampled everything from Ethgreze Tea Buds to Leestian Evil Juice, while a multi-storey cocktail bar sponsored by distillers of Lavian Brandy has attracted revellers."

"Despite some companies experiencing difficulty sourcing ingredients, following lower than expected harvests in some systems, this event has been enjoyed by millions of hungry visitors."

To mark the conclusion of the seven-week festival, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon made this announcement:

"I'd like to offer my sincerest thanks to everyone who helped make the Alliance Festival of Culture a grand success. We've enjoyed amazing artwork, heard beautiful music and experienced great theatre in recent weeks, much to our delight. I have been reminded just how diverse and colourful the Alliance's shared cultures can be. Artists and creatives across the galaxy are invited to make the Alliance their home and further enrich this vibrant society."
Source: Alliance Festival of Culture Celebrates Finale
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« Reply #1033 on: 08 September 2019, 22:45:02 »

Week in Review

Here are this week's main stories.

The Alliance Festival of Culture has drawn to a close with a celebration of food and drink in the Diso system. Attendees sampled dishes prepared by celebrated chefs, and enjoyed a wide variety of complementary beverages. Suppliers managed to overcome initial concerns that low harvests in nearby systems would impact the festival. Prime Minister Mahon hailed the event as a huge success.

The Sap Core Legion faction has announced the successful conclusion of its initiative to outfit a new orbital medical facility in the Heike system. The installation, Swords Rest Medical Facility, is now operational around Heike 1.

And those are the main stories this week.
Source: Week in Review
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« Reply #1034 on: 13 September 2019, 21:45:04 »

Agricultural Industry Predicts Low Harvest

The Interstellar Association for Agriculture has announced that below-average crop yields are expected in several key locations.

Dr Genevieve Kane, writing on behalf of the organisation, published this statement:

"Recent audits conducted on two primary agricultural worlds, located in Diso and Orerve, indicate that staple food harvests have been markedly lower in recent months."

"Broader data analysis suggests that crop returns in several other systems may also fail to meet projected quotas. An investigation is underway to identify the reasons for this drop in produce."

"To prevent a shortage of produce from impacting consumers, the IAA is reviewing options to enhance the fertility of cropland used for domestic consumption. These include newly proposed synthetic treatments that we hope will increase the sustainability of essential harvests."

The situation was first highlighted during the Alliance Festival of Culture's culinary week, when events in the Diso system were impacted by difficulties in sourcing fresh ingredients. Subsequent reports have indicated that these shortages are not unique to Allied space.
Source: Agricultural Industry Predicts Low Harvest
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