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« Reply #1005 on: 22 July 2019, 23:45:06 »

Carson's Spring Reaches Arque System

Carson's Spring, the megaship transporting Professor Ishmael Palin from the Maia system, has successfully completed its journey, having endured a number of attacks by Thargoid craft.

Admiral Aden Tanner provided this update on behalf of Aegis Research:

"With support from many independent combat pilots, the Thargoid assaults on Carson's Spring have been successfully repelled."

"The megaship has now arrived in the Arque system with Professor Palin and his staff."

Palin currently remains aboard Carson's Spring. Efforts are underway to establish a new permanent home at Abel Laboratory on Arque 4 E, from where Palin's previously offered engineering services can resume.
Source: Carson's Spring Reaches Arque System
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« Reply #1006 on: 25 July 2019, 18:45:02 »

Thargoids Defend Meta-Alloy Sources

The Thargoids have emerged in the Witch Head Nebula, just hours after human expansion efforts in the region began. Numerous attacks in the area indicate that Thargoid craft are aggressively defending the region's barnacle sites.

Professor Alba Tesreau of Aegis Research said in an update:

"Representative factions of the Alliance, Empire and Federation have entered the Witch Head Nebula to begin colonisation efforts. A number of megaships and Ocellus starports arrived in the area on schedule, only to be met with hostile Thargoid vessels soon afterwards."

This development, coupled with increased Thargoid activity in the Pleiades Nebula, suggests that the Thargoids are intent on driving humanity out of regions containing barnacle sites. Tesreau was quick to repeat that securing access to a source of meta-alloys is of great importance to humanity.

"All three superpowers are urgently requesting help to repel Thargoid forces from the Witch Head Nebula," said Tesreau. "Without the galactic community's support, these pioneer factions will be forced to retreat, and vital supplies of meta-alloys will be lost."
Source: Thargoids Defend Meta-Alloy Sources
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« Reply #1007 on: 26 July 2019, 21:45:07 »

Cartel Leader Killed

Jan Sandoval, co-founder of the Red Family cartel, has died while in the custody of the Federal Intelligence Agency.

Executive Agent Viola Trask made the following statement:

"I regret to announce that Jan Sandoval has been found dead in the safe house where she was being held. An autopsy revealed traces of a highly sophisticated neurotoxin that our security measures were unable to detect."

"We have yet to determine how the neurotoxin was administered, or how the individual responsible accessed the safe house. Internal investigations are underway, but we suspect that the assassin has already fled the Sol system."

It is believed that surviving elements of the Red Family arranged this second, successful attempt on Sandoval's life in response to her cooperation with the Federal Intelligence Agency. The FIA's operation against the cartel will continue, but the loss of its primary intelligence source has to be considered a significant setback.
Source: Cartel Leader Killed
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« Reply #1008 on: 27 July 2019, 18:45:03 »

Alliance Festival of Culture Begins

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has announced the start of the Alliance Festival of Culture, a series of events taking place across seven systems.

The Alliance Tribune's cultural correspondent Corinne Macintyre provided a summary of the festival:

"This seven-week tour of Alliance space will begin at the Fine Art Emporium on Lave. We have been promised that a wide range of artistic achievements, entertainment and history will be highlighted."

"Naturally, the Tribune will be offering in-depth coverage over the course of the festival."

The prime minister was visibly pleased to introduce the Alliance Festival of Culture, describing it as "a celebration to lift citizens' spirits in these challenging times". It has been speculated that Mahon is hoping to move forward from the recent political scandals involving Gibson Kincaid.

The centrepiece of the opening ceremony was a tribute to Megan Madigan, widely considered one of the most significant visual artists of the late 33rd Century. Her most famous work, titled 'Penance Street', was tragically lost in transit sixty years ago. The much-loved painting was honoured by modern reinterpretations from dozens of Lave's finest artists.
Source: Alliance Festival of Culture Begins
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« Reply #1009 on: 28 July 2019, 22:45:06 »

Week in Review

Here are this week's main stories.

Thargoid forces have entered the Witch Head Nebula in response to human colonisation efforts in the area. Professor Alba Tesreau of Aegis Research has urged independent pilots to engage Thargoid vessels in the nebula and ensure that the superpowers can establish bases close to nearby meta-alloy sites.

In related news, Professor Palin has successfully relocated with his team to the Arque system. Palin's megaship, Carson's Spring, was able to fend off a number of Thargoid assaults and complete its scheduled journey. Palin's team is currently working to establish a permanent base of operations in the system.

Jan Sandoval, co-founder of the Red Family cartel, has been found dead in a Federal Intelligence Agency safe house. Autopsy reports confirm that a highly specialised neurotoxin was the cause of death. No suspects have been detained, but it is believed that the remaining Red Family leadership arranged the assassination.

And finally, the Alliance Festival of Culture has been inaugurated by Prime Minister Edmund Mahon. The festival will tour a number of Allied systems over the next seven weeks, highlighting a range of artistic and cultural achievements.

And those are the main stories this week.
Source: Week in Review
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« Reply #1010 on: 30 July 2019, 16:45:03 »

A New Home for Professor Palin

Professor Ishmael Palin has established a permanent base of operations in the Arque system.

Aegis Research confirmed the news with a statement from Professor Alba Tesreau:

"Having fled the Maia system, Professor Palin and his staff have installed their equipment at the planetary port Abel Laboratory on Arque 4 E."

"All of the engineering services previously offered by Professor Palin are now available at his new location. His study of meta-alloys and other Thargoid-related materials has also resumed."

"The megaship Carson's Spring, which facilitated an emergency evacuation of the Palin Research Centre, has left the Arque system to resume other duties."
Source: A New Home for Professor Palin
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« Reply #1011 on: 31 July 2019, 20:45:04 »

Enclave Established in Witch Head Nebula

Recent reports from the Witch Head Nebula indicate that the Thargoid forces in the region have been defeated. The initial call to arms from Aegis Research was met with an overwhelming response from independent pilots, who were able to push back Thargoid incursions from the new human colonies.

Admiral Aden Tanner, chief military liaison for Aegis, said:

"Humanity has achieved a decisive victory in the Witch Head Nebula. Significant numbers of Thargoid vessels were destroyed in the conflict, even as many independent pilots were lost. But the sacrifice of these brave souls was not in vain, for the enemy has been forced to withdraw."

"While the threat of occasional incursions from Thargoid craft remains, our colonial assets have been firmly established in the region."

Professor Alba Tesreau of Aegis Research looked to the future:

"The Alliance, Empire and Federation have declared that the Witch Head Nebula is now an official enclave of humanity – a region that their joint efforts have enabled them to share equally."

"But the damage inflicted on our new starports must be repaired before we can harvest the barnacle sites in the area. Independent pilots have already given so much, and for that I am humbled and thankful. And yet, we must ask for one last favour: to support the repair of these starports."
Source: Enclave Established in Witch Head Nebula
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« Reply #1012 on: 02 August 2019, 21:45:04 »

Lave Citizens Comment on Festival

As the first week of the Alliance Festival of Culture draws to a close, Lave residents have shared mixed feelings about the decision to stage the opening ceremony in their home system.

"Clearly this was a political gesture from Edmund Mahon," said Grady Chen, an independent journalist speaking at Lave Station. "An independent faction rules Lave now. There was military conflict here just last year. Yet we have Alliance leaders trying to garner support despite losing control of the system. It's blatant propaganda."

Sarai Messemer, a financial consultant, offered a different opinion when interviewed in The Orange Sidewinder. "Lave has been an Alliance system for decades. We lived by the Alliance's ethos for a couple of generations, y'know? Sure, we've got Lave Radio in control of the system now but that doesn't change who we are, or what makes us Lavians."

A spokesperson for Lave Radio, Dr Allen Stroud, provided the following statement.

"It was quite a surprise that the organisers decided to open the festival in Lave, but I guess they see things the same way we do. We're all just trying to get along and there's much to celebrate about the Alliance, regardless of whether your system is a current or former member."

"I'm looking forward to Lave welcoming as many visitors as possible. Come for the festival, the brandy, the radio station or one of our many other attractions, and we'd be delighted to host you."
Source: Lave Citizens Comment on Festival
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« Reply #1013 on: 02 August 2019, 21:45:04 »

Red Family Operation Concludes

The Federal Intelligence Agency has declared that its campaign against the Red Family cartel is drawing to a close.

As observed by Ethan Takahashi, crime correspondent for The Federal Times:

"In terms of effective action, this has to be considered a great victory for the FIA. A series of coordinated strikes against the Red Family delivered a mortal blow, and the cartel's super-addictive narcotic was destroyed before it could be mass-produced."

"While kingpin Oberon Church remains at liberty, it is unlikely that he could ever rebuild his empire. Still, losing one of the most wanted criminals in the Federation must be frustrating for the agency."

Internal investigations continue regarding Jan Sandoval's death in custody. No conclusive evidence has been uncovered, but many believe that Sandoval could not be reached without the assistance of FIA personnel.

"It is not unreasonable to assume that individuals within the FIA have been bought by Church," said Takahashi.
Source: Red Family Operation Concludes
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« Reply #1014 on: 03 August 2019, 18:45:04 »

Controversy at Film Festival

The Leesti system played host to the second week of the Alliance Festival of Culture, where a new film production has caused minor controversy.

The Alliance Tribune's cultural correspondent Corinne Macintyre offered these details:

"A grand celebration of cinematic art took place at George Lucas station, featuring a wide range of traditional and interactive media from dozens of systems."

"The talking point was undoubtedly 'Unity', a historical drama from award-winning director Hal Raskin. It portrays Alliance founders Mic Turner and Meredith Argent as rivals who faked their romance to rally political support."

"More traditionalist audiences – and not a few critics – took issue with the suggestion that the couple's love was fraudulent, while others applauded it as bold and challenging. But this lively debate did nothing to dampen spirits at the event, which drew appreciative crowds."

The Alliance Festival of Culture is scheduled to continue over the next five weeks.
Source: Controversy at Film Festival
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« Reply #1015 on: 04 August 2019, 22:45:07 »

Week in Review

Here are this week's main stories.

Thargoid forces in the Witch Head Nebula have been defeated. A call to arms from Aegis Research received a considerable response from independent pilots, leading to a victory for humanity. The official establishment of a human enclave in the Witch Head Nebula was declared shortly afterwards. Professor Alba Tesreau has asked the galactic community to assist with station repairs in the area.

Professor Palin and his staff have finished installing equipment at Abel Laboratory on Arque 4 E. The engineering services formerly available at the Palin Research Centre are now available in the Arque system, along with any modules held in Palin's storage facility.

The Alliance Festival of Culture focused on the Leesti system this week. A celebration of cinematic art was held at George Lucas station, featuring a wide range of traditional and interactive media.

In related news, the decision to stage the Alliance Festival of Culture opening ceremony in Lave has drawn a mixed reaction from residents. Supporters highlighted Lave's decades-old membership of the Alliance, while critics have called the ceremony a political gesture aimed at the ruling independent faction.

And finally, the Federal Intelligence Agency's campaign against the Red Family cartel has drawn to a close. While seen as a successful operation, kingpin Oberon Church remains at large. Investigations continue regarding cartel co-founder Jan Sandoval's death while in FIA custody.

And those are the main stories this week.
Source: Week in Review
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« Reply #1016 on: 06 August 2019, 14:45:02 »

Further Migration to Witch Head Nebula

The human enclave in the Witch Head Nebula has attracted thousands of migrants looking for a fresh start.

One of those heading to the area is Chloe Sedesi, a former apprentice of Professor Ishmael Palin. She gave an interview to Leon Banerjee for Vox Galactica:

"I've been working with the professor for years now, and he's taught me so much about rejigging modules to improve their function. He might come across as a bit serious, but Ishmael's actually a total sweetheart. Although he'll probably frown at me for saying that."

"I'd been thinking about striking out on my own for a while, and the creation of the Witch Head enclave seemed like a good opportunity to do just that. All those independent pilots have done so much for the new enclave, I thought it'd be good to offer a little support."

Sedesi is currently overseeing the installation of a facility at Cinder Dock in Witch Head Sector DL-Y d17, which will offer engineering services similar to those previously offered at the Palin Research Centre.

It has also been confirmed that a tech broker and a material trader will be offering their services in the Witch Head Nebula, once the region's starports have been returned to full functionality.
Source: Further Migration to Witch Head Nebula
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« Reply #1017 on: 08 August 2019, 13:45:02 »

Witch Head Planetary Ports Established

Humanity's expansion into the Witch Head Nebula has continued with the introduction of seven planetary ports.

Six ports now occupy systems surrounding the existing enclave. The Alliance, Federation and Empire have each established two ports, strengthening the presence of their representative factions.

The seventh port, Cinder Dock, is located in Witch Head Sector DL-Y d17. Professor Alba Tesreau of Aegis Research provided some additional details:

"A facility managed by the engineer Chloe Sedesi has been installed at Cinder Dock. The engineering blueprints available at the facility offer upgrades to frame shift drives and thrusters."

"Following last-minute discussions held aboard the megaship Spirit of Minue, a tech broker and material trader have also agreed to bring their services to the planetary ports. These contacts are located at Bray Landing and Ratchet Hub respectively."

"With these new resources available ahead of schedule, we hope to accelerate the ongoing efforts to repair the starports damaged during recent Thargoid assaults. Ezra Point is the first to declare itself fully functional, with all standard services back online."

Further installations have been planned over the coming weeks, as migration continues to bring new opportunities and financial investment to the enclave.

"These achievements are founded on the tireless efforts of many independent pilots," said Tesreau. "Their bravery and dedication were key factors in securing humanity's access to meta-alloys within the Witch Head Nebula. On behalf of Aegis, I offer these pilots my deepest gratitude."
Source: Witch Head Planetary Ports Established
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« Reply #1018 on: 10 August 2019, 18:45:03 »

The Greatest Gig in the Galaxy

The Alliance Festival of Culture enters its third week with a massive music festival in the Phekda system drawing thousands of attendees. Organisers are calling the event 'the greatest gig in the galaxy'.

Corinne Macintyre, cultural correspondent for The Alliance Tribune, reported:

"The programme is certainly diverse, encompassing everything from megastars like Spectacular Nemesis and Jade Graceland to up-and-comers such as The Lasting Hold."

"Meanwhile, for those whose knowledge of contemporary music stops with Mahler, the Topaz Philharmonic is one of several orchestras performing this week."

"But the big news is that legendary singer-songwriter Xiona is coming out of retirement for a special one-off performance."

The Alliance Festival of Culture will continue for a further four weeks.
Source: The Greatest Gig in the Galaxy
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« Reply #1019 on: 11 August 2019, 22:45:04 »

Week in Review

Here are this week's main stories.

Expansion of the Witch Head enclave has continued with the installation of seven planetary ports. Focus has turned to supporting the influx of new colonists, now that access to meta-alloys in the region has been secured. It is hoped that the new ports will accelerate ongoing efforts to repair the starports damaged in recent Thargoid attacks.

In related news, new engineer Chloe Sedesi has opened for business at one of the new planetary facilities, Cinder Dock. Sedesi's services have been complemented by a tech broker and material trader, available at Bray Landing and Ratchet Hub respectively.

Finally, the Alliance Festival of Culture has entered its third week with a music festival in the Phekda system, which organisers have called 'the greatest gig in the galaxy'. The line-up includes a mix of established and new talent, with a one-off performance by legendary artist Xiona considered the highlight.

And those are the main stories this week.
Source: Week in Review
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