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HHGG Quote:
Who said anything about panicking? This is still culture shock. You wait till I`ve settled down in the situation and found my bearings a bit. Then I`ll start panicking. - Arthur Dent
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Author Topic: Elite: Dangerous Galnet News  (Read 511533 times)
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« Reply #855 on: 20 December 2018, 18:45:03 »

Supplies Needed for Imperial Festivities

Imperial senator Simone Leatrix has announced plans for a week of revelry at her palatial residence on Capitol in the Achenar system.

The senator told the media:

"We Imperials value the finer things, even during times of political upset. So I intend to celebrate the end of the year with a sumptuous party at my mountaintop retreat, which will be specially renovated for the occasion."

To feed the hundreds of high-profile guests and decorate the senator's residence, Senator Leatrix has asked the Cemiess Imperial Society to organise deliveries of food and newly refined jewels to Mackenzie Relay in the Cemiess system.

The initiatives begin on the 20th of December 3304 and will run for one week. If either initiative meets its targets earlier than planned, that campaign will end immediately.
Source: Supplies Needed for Imperial Festivities
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« Reply #856 on: 21 December 2018, 22:45:02 »

Aisling Duval Rejects Nova Imperium

Princess Aisling Duval has publicly rejected the isolationist group Nova Imperium and its figurehead, Hadrian Duval:

"These extremists cause only division. Hadrian may well be the grandson of Hengist Duval, but that hardly makes him suited to the throne. Arissa has been silent for too long – she must act quickly to resolve this volatile situation."

Senator Zemina Torval responded:

"Much to my surprise, I find myself in agreement with Princess Duval. The notion of an independent pilot becoming ruler of the Empire is preposterous. I am confident that the Emperor will respond accordingly."

Despite this united front, Senator Pal Vespasian stated:

"Many senators are willing to recognise Hadrian Duval as Emperor-in-waiting. Nova Imperium is now a legitimate political movement with several million supporters. The only way the Empire will survive is by accepting the Imperator's proposals."
Source: Aisling Duval Rejects Nova Imperium
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« Reply #857 on: 22 December 2018, 18:45:10 »

Week in Review

Here are this week's major stories.

Disgraced politician Juanita Bishop has called for a forthcoming book about the Far God sect to be banned. In a statement, Bishop described the book's authors as alien sympathisers, and accused them of creating pro-Thargoid propaganda. Gethin Okonkwo, one of the book's writers, suggested that Bishop's desire to halt publication was an attempt to prevent a criminal investigation into her own activities.

A range of new asteroid-mining equipment is expected to trigger an increase in the availability of ores and minerals. A spokesperson for the Industrial Mining Guild said the new tools would prompt a surge in private mining activity.

In other news, Princess Aisling Duval has publicly rejected the isolationist group Nova Imperium and its figurehead, Hadrian Duval. Senator Zemina Torval publicly voiced agreement with Princess Duval, but Senator Pal Vespasian said that many senators were willing to recognise Hadrian Duval as Emperor-in-waiting.

In other news, Clinical trials for nanomedicines developed by Vitadyne Labs have delivered outstanding results. Observers from the Interstellar Health Organisation said that the nanomedicines eliminated malignant cells, boosted immune systems and repaired damaged tissue, and said that the product represented a genuine breakthrough.

Imperial senator Simone Leatrix has announced plans for a week of revelry at her palatial residence on Capitol in the Achenar system. In a statement, the senator said she intended to celebrate the end of the year with a sumptuous party at her mountaintop retreat, which would be specially renovated for the occasion. In support of the event, the Cemiess Imperial Society has placed an open order for various commodities.

Finally, the conflict between two opposing factions in the Wally Bei system has ended. The fleets of both Wally Bei Technical and the Wally Bei Constitution Party were significantly reduced in a prolonged series of battles. The leaders of both organisations issued a joint statement, confirming that for humanitarian reasons they would bring hostilities to an end.

And those are the main stories this week.
Source: Week in Review
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« Reply #858 on: 22 December 2018, 18:45:10 »

Nanomed Trials Successful

Clinical trials for new nanomedicines developed by Vitadyne Labs have delivered outstanding results.

Observers from the Interstellar Health Organisation summarised:

"Our teams carefully monitored the use of Vitadyne nanomeds on patients for whom conventional treatments were unsuitable. In all cases, the nanomedicines eliminated malignant cells, boosted immune systems and repaired damaged tissue."

"There is no doubt that this product represents a breakthrough in nanomedicine, with enormous healthcare potential."

Professor Katrien Rook, owner of Vitadyne Labs, told the media:

"It's highly gratifying to have our work validated in this way. I'm grateful to the IHO for its diligence, and I look forward to introducing our nanomedicines to the galaxy."
Source: Nanomed Trials Successful
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« Reply #859 on: 26 December 2018, 19:45:02 »

Isolde Rochester becomes Shadow Vice President

Federal Shadow President Felicia Winters has appointed Isolde Rochester as the deputy leader of the Federation's Liberal Party.

The new Shadow Vice President made a statement to the media:

"After a decade of serving in Congress, supporting both President Halsey and Shadow President Winters, it is an honour to accept this position. Many challenges face the Federation, and the Liberal Party is ready to meet them."

The former deputy leader, Edgar Santiago, recently made the sudden decision to retire from politics and purchase a private luxury starship, despite not being known for extravagant spending.

Isolde Rochester is the matriarch of the powerful Rochester family, which includes the CEO of Core Dynamics and two Federal Navy officers. Rumours suggest that she called off the wedding of her son Ambasador Jordan Rochester when suggestions arose of Princess Aisling Duval's infidelity.
Source: Isolde Rochester becomes Shadow Vice President
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« Reply #860 on: 27 December 2018, 23:45:02 »

An Heir to the Imperial Throne?

Imperial senators supporting the isolationist group Nova Imperium have demanded that Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval acknowledge its figurehead, Hadrian Augustus Duval.

Senator Eloise Winterstone proclaimed to the Senate:

"The Imperial family must officially recognise Hadrian Duval as one of its own. Given that the Emperor has no children, such an act would secure the future of the Duval bloodline."

Chancellor Anders Blaine replied:

"Our official position is that Nova Imperium is a fringe organisation with no right to determine policy. We have no more to say on the matter."

Political journalist Cassia Carvalho wrote in The Imperial Herald:

"With the possibility of civil war increasing, the suggestion that Arissa accept Hengist Duval's grandson as an heir feels like a reasonable compromise. Her lack of response so far has led to accusations of weakness, with many calling on her to step down and for Hadrian Duval to be instated as sovereign ruler."
Source: An Heir to the Imperial Throne?
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« Reply #861 on: 27 December 2018, 23:45:02 »

Festive Imperial Campaigns End

Initiatives to supply Imperial senator Simone Leatrix's festivities have reached a conclusion.

Mass deliveries of food and jewels took place in the Cemiess system.

As the campaigns drew to a close, Senator Leatrix made this statement:

"My gratitude goes to those who helped make this celebration possible. I hope the sight of my glittering mountaintop retreat serves as an inspiration in these times of civil disquiet."

Traders who supported the initiative can now collect their rewards from Mackenzie Relay in the Cemiess system.
Source: Festive Imperial Campaigns End
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« Reply #862 on: 27 December 2018, 23:45:02 »

Herculean Machines Initiative

The Federal Navy has requested a large shipment of Duradrive personal computers from manufacturer Herculean Machines.

Maddox Hurd, the company's CEO, made this announcement:

"It's a testament to the Duradrive's reliability that the Federal Navy wants to make it standard issue, and we are proud to supply them."

"Fulfilling this order on time requires additional materials, however, so we urgently need deliveries of consumer technology, hardware diagnostic sensors and computer components to Boltzmann Hub in the Blatrimpe system."

"The campaign is being coordinated by our partner, the Blatrimpe Allied Co Commodities, which has placed a kill order on all wanted ships to keep traders safe. I haven't ruled out the possibility that our rivals might recruit agitators to disrupt this operation – who knows what Scorpio DeVorrow is up to these days?"

The initiative begins on the 27th of December 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
Source: Herculean Machines Initiative
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« Reply #863 on: 28 December 2018, 20:45:01 »

Antal Levels Accusation at Vitadyne

Simguru Pranav Antal, leader of Utopia, has made a statement regarding the new nanomedicines developed by Vitadyne Labs:

"The nanomedicines that Professor Katrien Rook claims to have created were in fact developed in Utopia, and have been in use for decades."

"Several months ago, a medical transport disappeared after departing from the Polevnic system. Our assumption is that the ship was attacked and its cargo stolen. Evidently, Professor Rook acquired Utopian technology and is now passing it off as her own creation."

"These nanomedicines were never intended for use outside of Utopia. Such sophisticated materials can only be controlled by Utopian engineers. We demand that our property be returned to us immediately."

There has been no response from Vitadyne Labs. The Interstellar Health Organisation has said that it will investigate Pranav Antal's accusation.
Source: Antal Levels Accusation at Vitadyne
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« Reply #864 on: 29 December 2018, 23:45:03 »

Week in Review

Here are this week's main stories.

Federal Shadow President Felicia Winters has appointed Isolde Rochester as the deputy leader of the Federation's Liberal Party. The new Shadow Vice President is the matriarch of the powerful Rochester family, which includes the CEO of Core Dynamics and two Federal Navy officers. Vice President Rochester said she was honoured to accept the position.

Imperial senators supporting the isolationist group Nova Imperium have demanded that Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval acknowledge its figurehead, Hadrian Augustus Duval. Chancellor Anders Blaine responded by saying that Nova Imperium was a fringe organisation with no right to determine policy. The Emperor's lack of response has led to accusations of weakness, with many calling on her to step down.

In other news, Simguru Pranav Antal has claimed that the nanomedicines developed by Vitadyne Labs were in fact developed in Utopia. In a statement, Simguru said the nanomedicines were never intended for use outside of Utopia, and demanded their immediate return.

The leaders of the Alliance and the Federation have commented on the rise of Nova Imperium. Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon said the unrest afflicting the Empire would be a concern if it affected inter-superpower cooperation, while Federal President Zachary Hudson said the Federation would be forced to intervene if Nova Imperium came to power and the Empire ceased contributions to Aegis.

Meanwhile, the Federal Navy has requested a large shipment of Duradrive personal computers from manufacturer Herculean Machines. Maddox Hurd, the company's CEO, said the request was a testament to the Duradrive's reliability. Herculean has placed an open order for various commodities to fulfil the request.

Finally, twin initiatives to supply Imperial senator Simone Leatrix's festivities have reached a successful conclusion. As the campaigns drew to a close, Senator Leatrix said she hoped the sight of her glittering mountaintop retreat would serve as an inspiration amid the current civil disquiet.

And those are the main stories this week.
Source: Week in Review
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« Reply #865 on: 29 December 2018, 23:45:03 »

Alliance and Federation React to Nova Imperium

The leaders of the Alliance and the Federation have commented on the rise of the isolationist group Nova Imperium.

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon told the Alliance Assembly:

"The civil unrest in the Empire is an internal matter, but it would be a major concern if it resulted in a policy change regarding inter-superpower cooperation. We are therefore watching the situation closely."

In Congress, President Zachary Hudson said:

"If Nova Imperium comes to power and the Empire ceases contributions to Aegis, our combined defences against the Thargoid threat will be jeopardised. In such a case, the Federation would be forced to intervene in order to safeguard humanity's future."

Independent sources have confirmed that Federal Navy resupplies have increased in frequency. Fleet manoeuvres have also taken place in regions bordering Imperial territory.
Source: Alliance and Federation React to Nova Imperium
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« Reply #866 on: 01 January 2019, 19:45:02 »

Theft Ruins New Year Celebration

The theft of a spectacular work of art has soured New Year festivities for thousands of Federal citizens.

Kioko McGrath, culture correspondent for The Federal Times, reported:

"A colossal holo-sculpture was due to be unveiled at midnight to mark the start of 3305. Inspired by the Federal insignia, the intention was for the sculpture to be visible above Olympus Village, and seen by millions of people."

"But upon activation, the image that materialised was a gigantic cat's face, winking repeatedly. The original holo-sculpture code was later discovered to have vanished."

The Federal Security Service believes the culprit to be the same art thief who stole valuable works on Alioth and Eotienses A 3, both of which were marked with an identical 'winking cat' motif.

There are no leads at present.
Source: Theft Ruins New Year Celebration
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« Reply #867 on: 03 January 2019, 19:45:02 »

Vitadyne Admits Nanomeds of Utopian Origin

Professor Katrien Rook has responded to Pranav Antal's claim that her company's nanomedicines are of Utopian origin:

"I confess that Vitadyne Labs did not invent the nanomeds, but neither did we steal them. We were approached by independent pilots who discovered a crashed Utopian transport ship. The recovered cargo canisters were clearly medical in nature, so the foragers sold them to us as legitimate salvage."

"I would be happy to return the original cargo to Utopia with our apologies. The new nanomeds that we have created are our property, however, and I insist that we be allowed to continue their manufacture."

Pranav Antal swiftly issued a reply:

"Any derivative nanomedicines must also be returned to us, and production must cease. Our technology cannot be used outside Utopia."

The Interstellar Health Organisation has said that it will review the case and make a decision.
Source: Vitadyne Admits Nanomeds of Utopian Origin
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« Reply #868 on: 03 January 2019, 19:45:02 »

Supplies for Federal and Imperial Navies

An open order for military supplies has been placed on behalf of the Federal Navy by the League of Zearla. A spokesperson for the organisation gave the following statement:

"The Federal Navy urgently requires shipments of Battle Weapons, Landmines and Performance Enhancers to be delivered to Payson Hub in the Zearla system."

A parallel operation is being run by Imperial faction the Sirsir Co, which announced:

"The Imperial Navy's logistics division has authorised us to process deliveries of Battle Weapons, Reactive Armour and Imperial Slaves. The drop-off point is Mitchell Hangar in the Sirsir system."

Both initiatives begin on the 3rd of January 3305 and will run for one week. If either initiative meets its targets earlier than planned, that campaign will end immediately.
Source: Supplies for Federal and Imperial Navies
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« Reply #869 on: 03 January 2019, 19:45:02 »

Herculean Machines Initiative Concludes

An initiative run by Herculean Machines, manufacturer of Duradrive personal computers, has now concluded.

Multiple shipments of consumer technology, hardware diagnostic sensors and computer components were delivered to the Blatrimpe system, which will be used to fulfil a large order from the Federal Navy.

Maddox Hurd, the company's CEO, made this statement:

"Once again, I offer my thanks to the galactic community for its support. We're very pleased to become a supplier to the Federal Navy, and we hope that the Duradrive remains in production for a long, long time."

Pilots who took part in the initiative can now collect their rewards from Boltzmann Hub in the Blatrimpe system.
Source: Herculean Machines Initiative Concludes
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