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« Reply #735 on: 29 August 2018, 18:45:03 »

The Silence of Aisling Duval

The date of Princess Aisling Duval's wedding to Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester has passed without comment from either party.

Entertainment journalist Solomon Helios discussed the situation:

"Public reaction to the cancelled wedding has ranged from outrage to delight. Jasmina Halsey expressed regret at a 'lost opportunity for long-term peace', while Senator Zemina Torval called it 'the mercy killing of a catastrophically bad idea'."

"With no word from the Imperial Palace or the White House, it's easy to imagine both Emperor Arissa and President Hudson breathing sighs of relief. But the silence from Aisling Duval and Jordan Rochester rings loudest. What might they be feeling? Was their relationship terminated against their wishes? Did it ever really exist?"

"Naturally I invited the princess to tell her story, but her previous openness is apparently a thing of the past. The Rochester family is also shying away from the media. Jarl Toredo, whose alleged affair with Aisling apparently derailed the marriage, has vanished from public sight."

"Was this a tragic love triangle, or just a political chess game? We may never know. But what's certain is that, before long, Aisling Duval will put these failures behind her and be back in the spotlight where she belongs."
Source: The Silence of Aisling Duval
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« Reply #736 on: 29 August 2018, 18:45:03 »

New Thargoid Interceptor Encountered

Independent pilots have reported engaging a previously unseen type of Thargoid vessel.

The Pilots Federation confirmed that several of its members have encountered the ship in both the Pleiades Nebula and the core systems.

Commander Jing-sheng Mendez gave this account:

"My wingmate and I were both hyperdicted while travelling through the Pleiades. We assumed that together we could handle a single Thargoid ship, but this one really soaked up our firepower."

"I managed to get away, but Leonie didn't make it. I've already started retooling my Krait with AX weapons. I want to head back out there…and get some payback."

Admiral Aden Tanner, Aegis's chief military liaison, made this statement:

"We can confirm that this new ship – classified as the Hydra – is a variant of the Thargoid Interceptor. It is structurally stronger than the Cyclops, Basilisk or Medusa, and releases a larger swarm of Thargon drones."

In response to this development, the Pilots Federation has sealed off the Cone Sector FN-J B9-0 system, which is believed to contain high concentrations of Hydra Interceptors. Despite this, it is understood that the Gnosis, flagship of the Canonn Interstellar Research Group, will attempt to complete its scheduled jump into the now permit-locked system

Source: New Thargoid Interceptor Encountered
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« Reply #737 on: 30 August 2018, 22:45:03 »

Aegis Core Relocates to Sol

In May, a criminal organisation known as the Socho Gold Raiders assumed control of the Socho system, headquarters of Aegis Core.

Since then the system has descended further into chaos, culminating in the loss of services at Dantec Enterprise due to Thargoid sensor-related interference. This in turn led to the temporary immobilisation of Aegis's Eagle Eye network, a system of orbital installations designed to determine potential Thargoid attack sites.

In the wake of this calamity, Federal President Zachary Hudson has announced that Aegis Core is to relocate from Socho to the Federal home system of Sol.

In a statement broadcast directly from the White House on Mars, Hudson said:

"Recent events in Socho have taught us that no matter the scale of the Thargoid threat, there will always be those more interested in fighting their fellow man than engaging the enemy."

"Let me be clear: we are at war. The weakening of our defences cannot be tolerated. I have therefore agreed that Aegis Core will relocate to the Sol system, where it can be properly protected."

"Aegis has been charged with defending humanity, and any attempt to undermine it is nothing less than an act of treason."
Source: Aegis Core Relocates to Sol
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« Reply #738 on: 30 August 2018, 22:45:03 »

Juanita Bishop runs for Congress

Juanita Bishop, a leading campaigner against the Far God cult, has announced that she is running for Federal Congress.

Mrs Bishop's vocal condemnation of Thargoid worship has gained her a strong following in many Federal systems. She is now campaigning to be elected to Congress as an independent candidate.

At a rally protesting against the Far God sect, Mrs Bishop addressed the crowd:

"I may lack political experience, but I care about protecting decent families from alien-loving deviants. If you elect me to Congress, I will make sure our leaders rid us of the Thargoid spies undermining our great Federation!"

Dr Jameelah Griffin of the Galactic Interfaith Commune made this response:

"Juanita Bishop is building her powerbase on the fear and paranoia that she herself has invoked. As has happened before, an innocent religion is being used as a scapegoat for society's ills."

"We should be more concerned about the fact that Far God chapters are continuing to vanish without trace. If they are under threat, it is our duty to offer protection. These people are not aliens but citizens with legal rights, despite Bishop's efforts to dehumanise them."
Source: Juanita Bishop runs for Congress
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« Reply #739 on: 30 August 2018, 22:45:03 »

Conflict in Betel Ends

Authorities in the Betel system have confirmed that the conflict between the Silver Creative Network and Betel Free has come to an end.

Both factions received support from independent combat pilots, to whom generous rewards were promised, but ultimately there could be only one victor.

General Hollis of Betel security had this to say:

"Now this feud has been resolved, we will hopefully see a period of prolonged peace in the system."

Pilots who participated in the conflict can now collect their rewards from Amphipolis in the Betel system.
Source: Conflict in Betel Ends
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« Reply #740 on: 31 August 2018, 05:45:03 »

Far God Campaign

The Thargoid-worshipping sect that reveres an entity known as the 'Far God' has issued a request for Thargoid materials.

Chancellor Reegan Tanner, speaking on behalf of LHS 2541 Alliance Combine, which is supporting the campaign, released the following statement:

"To maintain their privacy and avoid further persecution, members of the Far God sect have approached us to facilitate the collection of Thargoid materials. They have made it explicit that these materials will be revered as objects of worship, and will not be used as part of any xenobiological experiments. In the interests of religious freedom, we have decided to fulfil their request."

In support of this campaign, LHS 2541 Alliance Combine has placed an open order for various Thargoid materials, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver these goods to Wheelock Ring in the Zavijah system. The organisation has also placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to ensure that those delivering commodities to Wheelock Ring can do so safely.

The campaign begins on the 30th of August 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
Source: Far God Campaign
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« Reply #741 on: 31 August 2018, 19:45:02 »

Computer Designers' Rivalry Escalates

Maddox Hurd, owner of Herculean Machines, has publicly dismissed the efforts of rival company Supratech. Both companies are currently developing new computer designs.

Mr Hurd referred directly to Supratech's forthcoming product, the Torc, while addressing the media:

"There's a reason Herculean has never explored the concept of wearable devices – it's a ridiculous idea! I bet a million credits that those fragile gizmos will break, or their holograms will start glitching, the moment you turn them on."

"If you want a reliable piece of tech, you need the Duradrive. Believe me, our device will keep on working whatever you throw at it…and even if you throw it."

When invited to comment, Supratech CEO Scorpio DeVorrow responded:

"It's regrettable that those with a clear vision of the future are often denigrated by individuals of limited imagination. We offer an elegant and revolutionary approach to personal computing – not just a rubber brick with a screen. I'm sure customers will make the intelligent choice."

Prototypes for both the Torc and the Duradrive will be unveiled at the Rackham Ultratech Expo on Wednesday the 3rd of October.
Source: Computer Designers' Rivalry Escalates
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« Reply #742 on: 31 August 2018, 19:45:02 »

Alliance President Proposes Changes

Alliance President Gibson Kincaid has confirmed he will campaign for re-election in October.

Addressing the media, President Kincaid also said he wanted to make significant changes to the Alliance constitution:

"The role of Alliance president is largely ceremonial. I believe that should change. I have been lobbying to invest the position with executive powers, over and above the prime minister and the Assembly. By streamlining our bureaucracy, we can make decisions as efficiently as the other superpowers."

"I also believe that each presidential incumbent should remain in office for six years, instead of a maximum of two one-year terms. That will allow time to renegotiate diplomatic relationships and correct past mistakes."

Gibson Kincaid was the governor of the Zaonce system before assuming the presidency in 3303. He has repeatedly claimed that the Alliance is failing to fulfil its true potential.

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon responded:

"Our constitution has served us well for decades and I see no reason to amend it. Its system of checks and balances exists to prevent any individual from becoming too powerful and destabilising the Alliance."

The other presidential candidates will be announced within the next two weeks.
Source: Alliance President Proposes Changes
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« Reply #743 on: 01 September 2018, 22:45:02 »

Week in Review

Here are this week's major stories.

Independent pilots have engaged a previously unseen type of Thargoid vessel in both the Pleiades Nebula and the core systems. Admiral Aden Tanner, Aegis's chief military liaison, confirmed that the new ship – classified as the Hydra – is a variant of the Thargoid Interceptor.

Federal President Zachary Hudson has announced that Aegis Core is to relocate from Socho to the Federal home system of Sol. The move is a response to the criminal occupation of the Socho system, which led to the temporary immobilisation of Aegis's Eagle Eye network, a system of orbital installations designed to determine potential Thargoid attack sites.

Engineer Ram Tah has detected unusual energy signatures in the NGC 2451A sector, the IC 2391 sector and the Synuefe EN-H region. While the precise nature of the signals is unclear, Ram Tah has encouraged independent pilots to investigate.

In other news, the Colonia Council has announced that four engineers have established bases in the Colonia region, to provide services to independent pilots. According to a statement, the Council consulted with engineers in the core systems to identify individuals who could offer similar services in Colonia.

The date of Princess Aisling Duval's wedding to Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester has passed without comment from either party. While Emperor Arissa and President Hudson are thought to be pleased with the cancellation of the wedding, the silence from Aisling Duval and Jordan Rochester leaves questions about the legitimacy of their relationship unanswered.

Maddox Hurd, owner of Herculean Machines, has publicly dismissed the efforts of rival company Supratech. Mr Hurd denounced the idea of wearable devices as ridiculous, prompting Supratech CEO Scorpio DeVorrow to describe him as a man of "limited imagination".

Meanwhile, Alliance President Gibson Kincaid has begun lobbying to invest the position of president with executive powers. He has also said that the incumbent should remain in office for six years, instead of a maximum of two one-year terms. Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has voiced his opposition to the proposal.

Juanita Bishop, a leading campaigner against the Far God cult, has announced that she is running for Federal Congress. Mrs Bishop's vocal condemnation of Thargoid worship has gained her a strong following in many Federal systems. She is now campaigning to be elected to Congress as an independent candidate.

In related news, the Far God sect has issued a public request for Thargoid materials. It is understood that the objects will be revered as objects of worship, and will not be used in any xenobiological experiments.

Finally, authorities in the Betel system have confirmed that the conflict between Betel Free and the Silver Creative Network has come to an end. Both factions received support from independent combat pilots, to whom generous rewards were promised, but ultimately there could be only one victor. It is hoped that the cessation of hostilities will preface a period of peace.

And those are the main stories this week.
Source: Week in Review
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« Reply #744 on: 04 September 2018, 20:45:03 »

Starport Status Update

This report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Thargoid Sensor related interference.

The following starports are currently closed:

Abetti Platform, Ross 1051

George Lucas, Leesti

Napier Station, HIP 94863

Chaviano Dock, Hapats

Sinisalo Holdings, HIP 18305

Thirsk Enterprise, Montet

Meanwhile, the following starports are on the brink of closure:

Alexandria Dock, Chanab

Alexeyev Hub, HIP 36485

Extra Refinery, Azrael

Matheson Prospect, 45 Tauri

Rond d'Alembert Lab, HIP 88595

Wheelock Ring, Zavijah
Source: Starport Status Update
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« Reply #745 on: 05 September 2018, 17:45:02 »

Scandal Hits Rochester Family

The famous actor Tomas Turai, husband of Jupiter Rochester, has been revealed to be having an extramarital affair with an Olympian athlete.

An article in The Mars Tribune stated:

"For the last three years, Tomas Turai has conducted a secret relationship with Reagan Lord, who has won several Olympic gold medals for the Altair system. Their romantic liaison took place without the knowledge of Turei's husband, Jupiter Rochester, or their two children."

There has been no response from Jupiter Rochester. The Rochester family is currently in a media lockdown following the cancelled wedding of Ambassador Jordan Rochester and Princess Aisling Duval.

But Tomas Turai and August Lord, husband of Reagan Lord, have both announced their intention to sue The Mars Tribune for defamation. The publication's owner, billionaire Kingsley Cordova, has confirmed that he will personally cover all legal costs in contesting both civil actions.

Lana Sigrid, chief editor of The Mars Tribune, published this comment:

"We have an obligation to publish the truth wherever we find it. The detailed evidence we've obtained about Tomas Turai's behaviour is beyond dispute. We employ the finest journalists in the Federation, and our soaring subscription figures prove we've earned the public's trust."
Source: Scandal Hits Rochester Family
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« Reply #746 on: 06 September 2018, 00:45:02 »

Scandal Hits Rochester Family

The famous actor Tomas Turai, husband of Jupiter Rochester, has been revealed to be having an extramarital affair with an Olympian athlete.

An article in The Mars Tribune stated:

"For the last three years, Tomas Turai has conducted a secret relationship with Reagan Lord, who has won several Olympic gold medals for the Altair system. Their romantic liaison took place without the knowledge of Turai's husband, Jupiter Rochester, or their two children."

There has been no response from Jupiter Rochester. The Rochester family is currently in a media lockdown following the cancelled wedding of Ambassador Jordan Rochester and Princess Aisling Duval.

But Tomas Turai and August Lord, husband of Reagan Lord, have both announced their intention to sue The Mars Tribune for defamation. The publication's owner, billionaire Kingsley Cordova, has confirmed that he will personally cover all legal costs in contesting both civil actions.

Lana Sigrid, chief editor of The Mars Tribune, published this comment:

"We have an obligation to publish the truth wherever we find it. The detailed evidence we've obtained about Tomas Turai's behaviour is beyond dispute. We employ the finest journalists in the Federation, and our soaring subscription figures prove we've earned the public's trust."
Source: Scandal Hits Rochester Family
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« Reply #747 on: 06 September 2018, 13:45:02 »

Gnosis Stranded

A scientific-research vessel has been left stranded following a Thargoid attack.

The Gnosis, flagship of the Canonn Interstellar Research Group, recently made a hyperspace jump towards the Cone Sector FN-J B9-0 system. A short time later, the following message was received from Captain Mathius Leander of the Gnosis command crew:

"We were a short way into our journey when the Gnosis was hyperdicted by a group of Thargoid vessels. The wrench back into real space caused severe internal damage to multiple systems, including the frame shift drive."

"There's no doubt that we would have been destroyed if not for some of the Commanders travelling with us. They lured the Thargoids away while ejecting meta-alloys from their holds. The aliens were more interested in scooping up the meta-alloys than attacking us. The Commanders later reported that the Thargoid vessels were the recently identified Hydra Interceptors."

"The Gnosis is currently adrift close to the eighth planet of the Outotz ST-I d9-6 system. We have begun essential repairs, but there is a risk that the Thargoids may return before we can escape the system."
Source: Gnosis Stranded
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« Reply #748 on: 06 September 2018, 20:45:02 »

Assembly to Vote on Proposed Changes

The Alliance Assembly has agreed to hold an internal vote on President Gibson Kincaid's proposed changes to the constitution.

Kincaid has lobbied for the role of president to be invested with executive powers, and for each presidential term to last six years.

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon told the media:

"After much discussion, the Assembly has agreed to vote on President Kincaid's proposals in mid-October, at the same time as the presidential election. We will announce any amendments to the constitution shortly afterwards."

Milo Vesper, editor of The Alliance Tribune, discussed this development:

"President Kincaid's proposals are seen by some as a long-overdue restructure of the political system. Compared to the current bureaucratic procedure, having a single person make all executive decisions has an obvious appeal. But some in the Assembly are concerned that such changes could imbue the president with emperor-like levels of authority."

"Prime Minister Mahon is playing down such fears, but the words 'constitutional crisis' have already been heard in Parliament. Whatever happens, this could be the most significant election in the Alliance's history."
Source: Assembly to Vote on Proposed Changes
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« Reply #749 on: 06 September 2018, 20:45:02 »

Alliance Presidential Gala

The Alioth Independents has announced plans to host a gala event in the Alioth system, to officially begin the Alliance presidential election.

The event will give the as-yet unannounced presidential candidates an opportunity to meet distinguished figures from among the upper echelons of Alliance society.

Durien Ballas, chairman of Alioth Independents, issued the following statement:

"Everyone's heard of President Gibson Kincaid, but the other candidates may not be so well known. This will be their chance to shine. As well as hosting key members of the Alliance Assembly, we can also confirm that Prime Minister Edmund Mahon and three members of the Council of Admirals will be in attendance."

To make this a truly spectacular event, the Alioth Independents have placed an open order for Esuseku Caviar, Ceremonial Heike Tea and Live Hecate Sea Worms, promising to reward pilots who deliver these commodities to Smith Landing in the Amber system. The organisation has also placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to ensure that those contributing material to the campaign can do so safely.

The campaign begins on the 6th of September 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
Source: Alliance Presidential Gala
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