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Author Topic: Elite: Dangerous Galnet News  (Read 508757 times)
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« Reply #705 on: 09 August 2018, 16:45:03 »

Further Arrests of Far God Cultists

The Federal Intelligence Agency has apprehended further members of the Far God cult, to determine if they are communicating with the Thargoids.

Media channels report a division in public opinion regarding the FIA's actions. Some see the arrests as illegal and tantamount to religious persecution. Others claim that the Far God worshippers have invited suspicion upon themselves, and that the detainments are justified.

Dr Jameelah Griffin of the Galactic Interfaith Commune commented:

"We strongly oppose this hostility against the Far God sect. These arrests are motivated by fear rather than evidence. We must fight for the civil rights of our fellow citizens, even if we do not share their beliefs."

A prominent campaigner against the Far God cult, Juanita Bishop, told the media:

"This is a victory for right-thinking people everywhere. Those warped alien-lovers are a blight on our system – one that should have been eradicated long ago."

Senior Agent Micah Whitefield of the FIA stated:

"This operation is purely a security matter. Under Federal law, any action that undermines enemy activity during wartime is legal, including the suspension of civil liberties. We are expanding our investigation to include all members of this organisation and anyone with a connection to it."
Source: Further Arrests of Far God Cultists
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« Reply #706 on: 09 August 2018, 22:45:04 »

Aranbarahun Campaign Concludes

A spokesperson for Aranbarahun Purple Creative has announced that its campaign to build a cargo ship has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community. Scores of pilots supported the campaign by delivering commodities to Barnes Terminal and by eliminating agitators in Aranbarahun, thereby ensuring the safety of traders.

Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Barnes Terminal in the Aranbarahun system.
Source: Aranbarahun Campaign Concludes
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« Reply #707 on: 09 August 2018, 22:45:04 »

Pleiades Rescue Operation

After sustained Thargoid attacks on civilian targets in the Pleiades Nebula, system authorities have launched a rescue operation to locate and recover survivors.

The operation is being coordinated by Superintendent Marla Poulsen of Aegis Research, who made this announcement:

"System authorities in the Pleiades have been channelling their resources into combating the Thargoid menace. As a result, search-and-rescue initiatives have been neglected, but we are determined to plug that gap. That means a lot of civilians rescued from escape pods, which also means a lot of hungry mouths to feed, so we'll need to bolster our current food stocks as a precautionary measure."

Pilots are requested to recover occupied escape pods and damaged escape pods. In addition, the following food resources are also required: fruit and vegetables, grain and food cartridges. Both recovered pods and food stocks should be delivered to Donar's Oak in the Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 system.

The campaign begins on the 9th of August 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
Source: Pleiades Rescue Operation
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« Reply #708 on: 10 August 2018, 19:45:02 »

Rogue Robot Missing

A malfunctioning mining robot has run amok through a settlement on Homeland in the Beta Hydri system.

The robot in question was a MacArthur Mining Ltd DG090 model, designed to extract and process minerals from asteroids. It was one of ten brand-new robots being loaded onto an orbital cargo shuttle.

Video feeds show the huge machine self-activating and breaking out of its container. It used its mining lasers, fusion drills and excavator claws to carve a path across the landing field. The robot then burrowed into the ground and disappeared.

Security Chief Sara Kulkarni gave the following statement to the media:

"Sensor drones are performing subterranean scans, but have not yet located the robot. We have therefore declared a regional state of emergency. Should the machine accidentally rupture a water main or pierce an underground power line, the potential for significant damage – even loss of life – is high."

Director Chen Emerson of MacArthur Mining Ltd made this statement:

"We are shocked by this incident, and an urgent inquiry is underway. The DG090 series is highly reliable and has never malfunctioned before. Our theory is that, due to human error, the unit was placed in the incorrect standby mode, and that stray signals from a nearby comms network triggered a preset program. We are supporting all efforts to locate the robot and shut it down."
Source: Rogue Robot Missing
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« Reply #709 on: 10 August 2018, 19:45:02 »

The Death of Nexus?

A medical ship transporting the injured Riri McAllister has vanished and is presumed destroyed. Former rear admiral McAllister was on trial on Turner's World for her crimes as Nexus, the founder of terrorist group the League of Reparation. After being shot by the daughter of the assassinated Senator Nestor Cartesius, McAllister was to be taken to an advanced medical facility.

Deputy Inspector Mara Klatt made this statement:

"Having lost contact with the vessel we despatched ships to its last known location. We found only debris, suggesting the ship was attacked and either vaporised or hijacked. Either way, we assume the transport's crew to be dead."

"This may have been another act of vengeance from those affected by the League's fanaticism. Alternatively, someone connected to the League may have wanted to silence McAllister to prevent her from revealing information. It's also plausible that this was a rescue mission, and that McAllister was liberated by surviving members of the League."

"The League of Reparation is no longer considered a threat. As such, the tri-superpower taskforce formed to investigate them has been disbanded. Agents from Alliance Interpol, the Federal Intelligence Agency and the Imperial Internal Security Service have returned to their regular duties."

"Meanwhile, Riri McAllister has been listed as missing rather than dead. Although her survival is unlikely, we cannot ignore the risk that the woman once known as Nexus may one day reappear to pursue her twisted beliefs."
Source: The Death of Nexus?
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« Reply #710 on: 13 August 2018, 16:45:02 »

Week in Review

Here are this week's major stories.

A ship transporting former rear admiral Riri McAllister has vanished. McAllister, also known as Nexus, was on trial for her crimes as the founder of terrorist group the League of Reparation. While it is likely that the ship was destroyed by the League's enemies, the possibility that McAllister was liberated by surviving members of the League has not been ruled out.

Meanwhile, campaigner Jarl Toredo has resigned from Unchain, the anti-slavery organisation he founded with Princess Aisling Duval. His resignation has prompted speculation about a possible disagreement between him and Duval, with commentators citing earlier rumours of a romance between the pair.

The Federal Intelligence Agency has apprehended further members of the Far God cult, to determine if the sect is communicating with the Thargoids. Some see the arrests as tantamount to religious persecution, while others claim that the Far God worshippers have invited suspicion upon themselves, and that the detainments are justified.

In other news, a malfunctioning mining robot has run amok through a settlement on Homeland in the Beta Hydri system. Sensor drones are now searching for the robot, which tunnelled underground after breaking out of its container. Security personnel are hoping to find the machine before it causes any serious damage.

After sustained Thargoid attacks on civilian targets in the Pleiades Nebula, system authorities have launched a rescue operation to locate and recover survivors. Pilots have been asked to help with the operation, and also to contribute foods so those rescued can be adequately fed.

Finally, a spokesperson for Aranbarahun Purple Creative has announced that its campaign to build a cargo ship has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community. Scores of pilots supported the campaign by delivering commodities to Barnes Terminal and by eliminating agitators in Aranbarahun, thereby ensuring the safety of traders.

And those are the main stories this week.
Source: Week in Review
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« Reply #711 on: 14 August 2018, 19:45:01 »

Starport Status Update

This report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Thargoid Sensor related interference.

The following starports are currently closed:

Caidin Base, Checha

Chaviano Dock, Hapats

Dantec Enterprise, Socho

Kanwar Enterprise, Cerno

Obruchev Orbital, Deive

Pascal Platform, Ahayan

Pordenone Port, Bonawen

Sinisalo Holdings, HIP 18305

Stackpole Platform, Manite

Unity, New Yembo

Meanwhile, the following starports are on the brink of closure:

Chiang Port, Gero Kiaku

Suri Gateway, Vesuvit

Scott Station, HIP 93685

Salgari Enterprise, Mawa

Wakata Port, Wandjera

Bruce Enterprise, Kabiku

Kubasov Station, HIP 90112

McDonald Platform, Hamlet's Harmony

Thirsk Enterprise, Montet
Source: Starport Status Update
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« Reply #712 on: 15 August 2018, 23:45:03 »

Rogue Robot Located

A mining robot that went out of control on Homeland in the Beta Hydri system has been located and disabled.

The MacArthur Mining Ltd DG090 machine disappeared after self-activating and tunnelling underground. It remained lost for several days before being discovered over a hundred kilometres from where it malfunctioned.

Security Chief Sara Kulkarni gave this report:

"Our sensor drones detected the robot as it surfaced in the Blue Peaks mountain range. We believe it was obeying its primary programming by homing in on mineral ores. Federal Navy gunships were immediately dispatched. Once located, the robot was partially destroyed from the air before it could cause any further damage."

Director Chen Emerson of MacArthur Mining Ltd commented:

"An inspection of the robot's remains confirmed our suspicion that it had been placed in the incorrect standby mode. Its comms array was then disrupted by local signals, activating a pre-set mining program. The DG090 series is very reliable, and this unfortunate incident should not be perceived as a blemish on its excellent reputation."
Source: Rogue Robot Located
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« Reply #713 on: 16 August 2018, 19:45:01 »

New Computer Designs Announced

Federal Times journalist Harlow Nassry has highlighted two new personal computer designs currently in development:

"For a long time, the Sirius and Achilles corporations have been the main suppliers of personal computing devices, but two smaller companies are aiming to challenge that monopoly."

"The first company, Supratech, is working on a revolutionary design called the Torc, a flexible ring that coils around the user's wrist or neck. It uses high-resolution holographic projectors to surround the user with illuminated displays and motion-sensitive interfaces."

"The second company, Herculean Machines, has taken a more down-to-earth approach. The Duradrive is a chunky, durable tablet designed to withstand rough handling. Herculean has promised a range of peripherals, allowing users to custom-build their own version of the device."

"Both companies plan to reveal prototypes of their designs at a technology expo in October. But can the market support two rival products? We'll no doubt be hearing more about the Torc and Duradrive in the near future."
Source: New Computer Designs Announced
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« Reply #714 on: 16 August 2018, 19:45:02 »

Billionaire Wins Lottery

Renowned billionaire Zachary Rackham, owner of Rackham Capital Investments, has been confirmed as the winner of a lottery prize of one billion credits.

Tori Theopolis, a spokesperson for the Federal Grand Lottery, announced:

"Our annual galactic jackpot has been claimed and the winning ticket verified. Our congratulations to Mr Rackham – we hope he enjoys his billion-credit prize."

Zachary Rackham, known in some circles as 'Calico Zack', told the media:

"To be honest, this caught me by surprise. I only buy lottery tickets out of habit, a holdover from the days when I used to rattle around space in a rusty old Sidewinder. Naturally I'll be donating this windfall to various charitable programmes."

The Federal Times published this observation from financial journalist Bryanna Blanco:

"It's highly suspicious that a billionaire should play the lottery, and even more suspicious that he should win it. I'm sure that Calico Zack's accountants will indeed put this money to good use – paying the gargantuan bill for unpaid taxes recently submitted to his company. Once a pirate, always a pirate."
Source: Billionaire Wins Lottery
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« Reply #715 on: 16 August 2018, 19:45:02 »

Eagle Eye Installations Offline

Admiral Aden Tanner has confirmed reports that Aegis's Eagle Eye installations are offline.

The development is the result of Thargoid-sensor related interference at Dantec Enterprise, home of Aegis Core, which has neutralised Aegis's ability to transmit data to the orbital installations.

The Eagle Eye installations play a vital role in countering Thargoid aggression by monitoring energy-level fluctuations at Thargoid surface sites. The data allows pilots to determine which systems the Thargoids intend to attack.

Admiral Tanner elaborated on the issue in a brief statement:

"With Dantec Enterprise experiencing widespread technical issues, it's impossible for us to communicate with the Eagle Eye installations. And unless the installations are fed a continuous stream of data, they are essentially useless."

"The Eagle Eye installations are one of the most effective weapons we have in our war against the Thargoids, and we would be grateful to any pilots who could deliver meta-alloys to Dantec Enterprise, to help us get the starport back online."
Source: Eagle Eye Installations Offline
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« Reply #716 on: 17 August 2018, 02:45:04 »

Restoring Order in Kamici

Authorities in the Kamici system have reported a distressing rise in the number of criminals operating in the area. Reports indicate that these felons are attacking pilots travelling in the system, disrupting trade and generally causing mayhem.

To counter this threat, Kamici Incorporated has placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver bounty vouchers to Gaiman Port.

The campaign begins on 16th of August 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
Source: Restoring Order in Kamici
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« Reply #717 on: 17 August 2018, 02:45:04 »

Colonia Hydroponics Initiative

Authorities in Colonia have decided to build a state-of-the-art hydroponics facility, due to research projecting a possible food shortage in the region.

Professor Diana VanCleef, a scientific adviser to the Colonia Council, gave the following statement:

"The growing populace of Colonia means we need to provide a reliable and sustainable source of food for the region. We aim to address this by building a new hydroponics facility that will serve Colonia for generations to come."

The campaign is being run by Colonia Research Division, one of Colonia's partner organisations, which has asked pilots to deliver the requested mined resources to Templar Barracks in the Randgnid system.

The campaign begins on the 16th of August 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
Source: Colonia Hydroponics Initiative
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« Reply #718 on: 17 August 2018, 23:45:02 »

Aisling Duval's Secret Relationship Revealed

Anti-slavery campaigner Jarl Toredo has disclosed that he and Princess Aisling Duval have been conducting a secret romantic relationship, despite her betrothal to Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester.

Entertainment journalist Solomon Helios gave full details on his programme:

"Following Jarl Toredo's resignation from Unchain, I offered to tell his side of the story. Although he declined a formal interview, he did disclose that he could no longer bear working alongside Princess Duval."

"He admitted that he has been romantically involved with the princess since their first meeting several months ago. It seems they both felt it wise to keep the relationship a secret."

"According to Toredo, the princess claimed not to have any romantic feelings for Ambassador Rochester, and insisted that the marriage was merely a means to advance her political plans. Initially Toredo accepted this, but it seems that after her engagement the princess became unreachable."

"Toredo says that his and Aisling's love has been sidelined by her political schemes. Quite simply, he feels betrayed."

Princess Aisling Duval gave this response to the media:

"I am shocked that my good friend Solomon could believe such lies. It's obvious that Mr Toredo is being used by those who want rekindle the hostility between the Empire and the Federation. My relationship with Jordan Rochester is entirely genuine."
Source: Aisling Duval's Secret Relationship Revealed
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« Reply #719 on: 17 August 2018, 23:45:02 »

Ulyanov Arrested

Dr Alfred Ulyanov, a leading exotheologian and an authority on the Far God cult, has been apprehended as a suspected Thargoid sympathiser.

The arrest took place at Dr Ulyanov's home in the Rana system, where he and his family were taken into custody by the Federal Intelligence Agency. Research materials and computer systems were also removed from the property, according to witnesses.

Professor Siobhan Vogel of the Interstellar Association of Universities registered a formal complaint:

"For Dr Ulyanov's academic studies to be viewed as evidence that he is some kind of Thargoid agent is utterly ridiculous. This violation of his rights sets a dangerous precedent."

Federal Intelligence Agency Senior Agent Micah Whitefield gave the following statement:

"When it comes to possible Thargoid allies, we cannot afford to overlook anything. Dr Ulyanov's involvement with the Far God cult makes him a valid person of interest. We are also investigating the Galactic Interfaith Commune, the Spiritual Freedom Movement and other organisations that have supported Thargoid worshippers."

Juanita Bishop, whose campaign against the Far God sect has continued to attract popular support, commented:

"This proves that there are Thargoid collaborators among us, in all walks of life. We must root them out before they start murdering innocent people."
Source: Ulyanov Arrested
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