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« Reply #675 on: 13 July 2018, 20:45:03 »

Search for Lottery Winner

An appeal has been launched to find the owner of a lottery ticket worth one billion credits.

The Federal Grand Lottery is the largest of its kind, regularly handing out millions of credits. The Grand Lottery also funds a wide range of social and infrastructure projects in Federation systems.

The annual Galactic Jackpot is by far the most popular lottery game, but on this occasion the winner has yet to make a claim. Purchase of the winning ticket has been confirmed, but no data is available as to who bought the ticket or when.

Tori Theopolis, a spokesperson for the Federal Grand Lottery, told the media:

"Someone out there is rich beyond his or her wildest dreams – they just don't know it yet. We're keen to find this lucky individual so we can hand over their winnings. We ask all citizens to check with any lottery players they know. Your soon-to-be-billionaire friend or relative might be very grateful for your help!"
Source: Search for Lottery Winner
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« Reply #676 on: 13 July 2018, 20:45:03 »

Details of Aisling Duval's Wedding Announced

The wedding of Princess Aisling Duval and Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester is now in the advanced planning stages, and a date has been confirmed for the ceremony.

An official proclamation was printed in both The Federal Times and The Imperial Herald:

"Her Imperial Highness Princess Aisling Duval and the honourable Ambassador Jordan Rochester are pleased to announce the occasion of their wedding on Saturday 25th August 3304 at the Imperial Palace on Emerald in the Ciemess system."

"Invitations have been extended to representatives of every strata of society. An honour guard of vessels from both the Federal Navy and the Imperial Navy will be in attendance. The couple's wish is for all citizens of the galaxy to join together in celebration of their union."

There has been criticism of Princess Duval's choice of husband, with some Imperial citizens voicing dismay at the forthcoming nuptials. Senator Zemina Torval continued to publicly air her disapproval:

"This is nothing but a PR exercise, designed purely for political and financial gain. The princess should not be undermining the Empire's policies for her own personal benefit."

But there is equal support for what many consider a genuine romance. Former Federal President Jasmina Halsey, now acting as an advisor to the Alliance, stated:

"I am very enthusiastic about the opportunities for peace that this marriage will bring. This relationship symbolises a new era of amity that will benefit all of humanity."
Source: Details of Aisling Duval's Wedding Announced
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« Reply #677 on: 14 July 2018, 22:45:01 »

Week in Review

Here are this week's major stories.

Admiral George Varma of the Alliance Council of Admirals has been arrested by the taskforce investigating terrorist organisation the League of Reparation. Admiral Varma stands accused of redirecting cargo shipments from the Alliance Defence Force to terrorist cells. It is thought that Varma is the organisation's coordinator, operating under the alias Nexus.

The Church of Eternal Void has declared war on the so-called Far God cult, which worships the Thargoids. The announcement has prompted a dramatic upswing in support for the Church, but security forces have issued reminders that the Far God sect is recognised as a religion, and that any hostility against its members would be considered a criminal act.

A date has been set for the wedding of Princess Aisling Duval and Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester. Senator Zemina Torval remains a vocal critic of the marriage, but Former Federal President Jasmina Halsey has expressed enthusiasm for the union.

In other news, an appeal has been launched to find the owner of a lottery ticket worth one billion credits. The annual Galactic Jackpot is by far the most popular lottery game, but on this occasion the winner has yet to make a claim. Purchase of the winning ticket has been confirmed, but no data is available as to who bought the ticket or when.

Cobra Wing, an independent organisation based in Ebor, has launched an initiative to build a new research outpost in the system. The outpost will support further research into the Thargoids, focusing specifically on the possibility of inter-species communication.

Finally, Didiomanja Emperor's Grace has announced that its initiative has reached a successful conclusion. Large quantities of exotic food and drink, and mined resources, were delivered to Leydenfrost Dock over the past week, allowing the organisation to host a sumptuous banquet and construct a monument in honour of Admiral Mira Tiverion.

And those are the main stories this week.
Source: Week in Review
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« Reply #678 on: 17 July 2018, 19:45:02 »

Details of Aisling Duval's Wedding Announced

The wedding of Princess Aisling Duval and Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester is now in the advanced planning stages, and a date has been confirmed for the ceremony.

An official proclamation was printed in both The Federal Times and The Imperial Herald:

"Her Imperial Highness Princess Aisling Duval and the honourable Ambassador Jordan Rochester are pleased to announce the occasion of their wedding on Saturday 25th August 3304 at the Imperial Palace on Emerald in the Cemiess system."

"Invitations have been extended to representatives of every strata of society. An honour guard of vessels from both the Federal Navy and the Imperial Navy will be in attendance. The couple's wish is for all citizens of the galaxy to join together in celebration of their union."

There has been criticism of Princess Duval's choice of husband, with some Imperial citizens voicing dismay at the forthcoming nuptials. Senator Zemina Torval continued to publicly air her disapproval:

"This is nothing but a PR exercise, designed purely for political and financial gain. The princess should not be undermining the Empire's policies for her own personal benefit."

But there is equal support for what many consider a genuine romance. Former Federal President Jasmina Halsey, now acting as an advisor to the Alliance, stated:

"I am very enthusiastic about the opportunities for peace that this marriage will bring. This relationship symbolises a new era of amity that will benefit all of humanity."
Source: Details of Aisling Duval's Wedding Announced
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« Reply #679 on: 18 July 2018, 16:45:03 »

An Interview with Aisling Duval

Princess Aisling Duval has discussed her forthcoming marriage in an exclusive interview with entertainment journalist Solomon Helios.

The princess spoke openly about many topics, including the impact of her announcement:

"I was as surprised as everyone else! After the ball for the Federal delegation, things moved very quickly. Perhaps I should have been more patient, but I wanted people to know my intentions as soon as possible."

On her relationship with Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester, she said:

"I had met Jordan a few times at diplomatic events, and we always got on well. He's much warmer and funnier than one would expect an ambassador to be. I don't know how I managed without him for so long."

She also tackled criticism from Senator Zemina Torval, among others:

"Any negativity around this wedding is based on prejudice and fear. Shouldn't we all be free to love whomever we wish? Maybe if Zemina was capable of such an emotion, she might understand."

Regarding the future, Princess Duval revealed:

"Jordan and I see this marriage as an opportunity for change. Imagine a galaxy where both superpowers work hand in hand, and support each other in times of hardship. Now that's a true marriage."

Solomon Helios concluded the interview with this comment:

"I'd like to sincerely thank Her Imperial Highness for speaking to us, and I'm especially happy to have received an invitation to the wedding of the century! I'll be reporting on every detail of this historic union in weeks to come."
Source: An Interview with Aisling Duval
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« Reply #680 on: 18 July 2018, 16:45:03 »

Identity of Nexus Confirmed

Deputy Inspector Mara Klatt of Alliance Interpol has broken her silence regarding the League of Reparation.

At a special press conference, she made this announcement:

"Prior to her death at the hands of the League of Reparation, I worked closely with my predecessor Chief Inspector Kay Kilbride. She revealed how Fleet Admiral Buchanan's assassination could only have been arranged by a senior figure within the Alliance Defence Force. She was patiently amassing evidence pertaining to this – a task that I inherited when she died."

"Information decrypted from the League's comms network has confirmed Kilbride's suspicions. I can also confirm that the arrest of Admiral George Varma was due to false leads – misdirection on the part of Varma's protégé within the Alliance Defence Force, Rear Admiral Riri McAllister."

"Rear Admiral McAllister is Nexus, the League's central coordinator. She has now been arrested and formally charged with conspiracy to commit terrorism. We have released Admiral Varma with our apologies."

"The decrypted data has also revealed the location of two major League enclaves. The taskforce is organising an operation to eradicate these groups, which we hope will be supported by the galactic community."

Council Member Jed Trager was also present at the conference, and remarked:

"We all owe a debt of gratitude to Inspector Klatt and the late Chief Inspector Kilbride. Thanks to their dedication, Nexus has at last been unmasked. Hopefully this marks the end of the League's reign of terror."
Source: Identity of Nexus Confirmed
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« Reply #681 on: 19 July 2018, 19:45:02 »

Far God Cult Attacked

There has been a spate of violence against the Thargoid-worshipping Far God cult, resulting in dozens of deaths and hundreds of injuries.

Since the Church of Eternal Void declared war against the sect, its members have compelled citizens to attack Far God believers in many systems. Several of the sect's places of worship have been firebombed.

The Far God cultists have offered no resistance to the aggression, and have even refused to leave burning hive-chapels.

Cardinal Hieronymous, representing the Church of Eternal Void, addressed a large crowd:

"Our loyal followers are performing the Guardians' righteous work! Those who serve the Thargoid demons are demons themselves, and we must cast them out with fire and fury."

A vocal campaigner against the Far God sect, Juanita Bishop, told the media:

"It might not be pretty, but what's happening now is no different to what our brave pilots are doing out there in space – defending their own kind. We will do whatever it takes to protect our children from these monsters."

Local security forces have been slow to respond to the incidents, and few arrests have been made. Councillor Quinn Damico commented:

"The lack of an immediate clampdown is inexcusable. The Church is inciting criminal acts and persecuting a legally registered religion. I call upon the authorities to bring the full force of the law against any vigilante behaviour."
Source: Far God Cult Attacked
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« Reply #682 on: 19 July 2018, 19:45:02 »

Unexploded Nuclear Missile Discovered

A thermonuclear weapon, launched over a thousand years ago during Earth's Third World War, has been discovered.

The intercontinental ballistic missile was found beneath the Pacific Ocean, during construction of new undersea habitation off the coast of California.

Lieutenant Commander Page Patterson, a munitions-disposal specialist for the Federal Navy, gave this statement:

"The missile was partially embedded in the ocean floor when aqua-engineering teams found it. Erosion of the casing makes identification difficult, but the design is consistent with strategic ordnance of the mid-21st century. Its thermonuclear warhead would have had an explosive yield of 45 megatons."

"Robotic avatar units have successfully disarmed the missile's uranium core, so the risk to local populations has been nullified. We are now treating the area for radiation leakage. The remains of the missile will be scrapped."

Dr Imogen Ryang, a historian specialising in Earth conflicts, observed:

"A variety of relics from World War III, which took place between 2044 and 2055, have been found over the centuries. All nuclear exchanges between nation states were thought to be well documented, so this discovery comes as quite a shock."

"Although the missile's origin remains a mystery, its location near the western seaboard suggests two possibilities. Either it was a failed launch from a silo in the United States, or it was an inbound enemy missile that failed to reach its target. In the latter case, it was likely disabled by the USA's defensive laser grid, which combined ground turrets with armed satellites. This was how America avoided a nuclear detonation on its soil during the war, unlike most other continents on Earth."
Source: Unexploded Nuclear Missile Discovered
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« Reply #683 on: 19 July 2018, 19:45:02 »

Cobra Wing Campaign Concludes

A spokesperson for the Cobra Wing has announced that its campaign to build a research outpost in the Ebor system has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community. Scores of pilots supported the campaign by delivering commodities to Morris Enterprise and eliminating agitators in Ebor, thereby ensuring the safety of traders.

A spokesperson for the Cobra Wing released the following statement:

"We want to thank all the Commanders who supported this campaign. We hope that the new outpost helps us communicate with our neighbours and achieve peace."

Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Morris Enterprise in the Ebor system.
Source: Cobra Wing Campaign Concludes
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« Reply #684 on: 20 July 2018, 02:45:04 »

Hunt the League of Reparation

A tri-superpower taskforce has launched a campaign to track down and eliminate members of terrorist group, the League of Reparation.

Captain Niamh Seutonia of the IISS, who is a prominent member of the taskforce, made this announcement:

"With the arrest of Riri McAllister, otherwise known as Nexus, we now hold the main coordinator of the League of Reparation in custody. Furthermore, decrypted information has revealed the location of League strongholds in two separate systems, one in Imperial and one in Federal space."

"We are determined to eliminate these terrorists before they can wreak any more havoc, but fully expect tough resistance. Therefore we ask the galactic community to provide support in wiping out these dangerous extremists."

The operation in Zibal will be coordinated by Zibal Power Co. Likewise, military action in Ienpalang will be supported by Ienpalang Corporation.

The campaign begins on the 19th of July 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
Source: Hunt the League of Reparation
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« Reply #685 on: 20 July 2018, 02:45:04 »

Starport Status Update

This report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Thargoid Sensor related interference.

The following starports are currently closed:

Riebe Enterprise, Checha

Singer Orbital, Matsya

Stabenow Survey, Cerno

Vaucouleurs Vision, Veroklist

The following starports continue to experience technical issues:

Sturckow Port, SPOCS 253

Meanwhile, the following starports are on the brink of closure:

Auld Silo, Checha

Darnielle Gateway, Adju

Farmer Laboratory, Ling Deti

Gaensler Dock, Venexo

Irens Dock, Manite

Kneale Survey, Manite

Nagata Vision, Gally Bese

Pinzon Orbital, Manite

Rennie Hub, Yorua

Russ Landing, Segon

Stabenow Reformatory, Peregrina

Weber Dock, Meene

Young Station, Ling Deti
Source: Starport Status Update
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« Reply #686 on: 21 July 2018, 19:45:03 »

Week in Review

Here are this week's major stories.

Mara Klatt of Alliance Interpol has announced that Admiral George Varma, who was arrested last week on suspicion of working with terrorist organisation the League of Reparation, was in fact framed by Rear Admiral Riri McAllister. It is now believed that McAllister is Nexus, the League's central coordinator.

Following this development, information decrypted by a tri-superpower taskforce has revealed the location of League strongholds in two systems – one in Imperial and one in Federal space. A two-pronged operation to destroy these enclaves is now underway.

Princess Aisling Duval has discussed her forthcoming marriage in an interview with Solomon Helios. The princess insisted that any negativity surrounding the wedding was based on prejudice and fear, saying, "Shouldn't we all be free to love whomever we wish?"

Meanwhile, there has been a spate of violence against the Thargoid-worshipping Far God cult, resulting in dozens of deaths and hundreds of injuries. The Far God cultists have offered no resistance to the aggression. Local security forces have been slow to respond to the incidents, and few arrests have been made.

In other news, a thermonuclear weapon, launched over a thousand years ago during Earth's Third World War, has been discovered. The intercontinental ballistic missile was found beneath the Pacific Ocean, during construction of new undersea habitation off the coast of California. The missile's uranium core has been disarmed and the risk to local populations nullified.

Finally, a spokesperson for the Cobra Wing has announced that its campaign to build a research outpost in the Ebor system has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community. Scores of pilots supported the campaign by delivering commodities to Morris Enterprise and eliminating agitators in Ebor, thereby ensuring the safety of traders.

And those are the main stories this week.
Source: Week in Review
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« Reply #687 on: 24 July 2018, 21:45:03 »

Starport Status Update

This report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Thargoid Sensor related interference.

The following starports are currently closed:

Auld Silo, Checha

Darnielle Gateway, Adju

Farmer Laboratory, Ling Deti

Gaensler Dock, Venexo

Irens Dock, Manite

Kneale Survey, Manite

Nagata Vision, Gally Bese

Pinzon Orbital, Manite

Russ Landing, Segon

Weber Dock, Meene

Young Station, Ling Deti

Meanwhile, the following starports are on the brink of closure:

Brashear Landing, Jabugaly

Collins Station, Huichi

Dampier's Progress, Jabugaly

Ford Platform, HIP 41022

Griffiths Horizons, Ruchbah

Israel Port, Mudrama Kaze

Jeury Silo, Obambori

Lindblad Hub, Venexo

Scott Station, HIP 93685

Thomas Orbital, Wolf 1241

Vasilyev Installation, LTT 4560

Wisniewski-Snerg Prospect, Anagorovici
Source: Starport Status Update
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« Reply #688 on: 25 July 2018, 18:45:02 »

Guardian-Worshipping Church Declared Illegal

The Church of Eternal Void, a fringe group that venerates the Guardians, has been declared illegal in every system where it operates.

Cardinal Hieronymous and other senior members of the Church have been arrested for inciting acts of violence against the so-called 'Far God' sect, which worships the Thargoids. The death toll among the Far God sect is now in the hundreds, with many more injured.

Councillor Quinn Damico praised the declaration:

"All citizens have the freedom to practise any religion they choose, provided that religion does not sanction homicide. Authorities have made the right move to prevent further bloodshed."

The decision was condemned by Juanita Bishop, who runs a campaign against the Far God sect:

"So the sick Thargoid-lovers can walk free, while those with the courage to oppose them are put behind bars. It's the traitors who worship the enemy that should be illegal! This perversion of justice will backfire on us, mark my words."

Dr Jameelah Griffin of the Galactic Interfaith Commune made this statement:

"The ability to distinguish between laws and beliefs is the mark of a civilised society. In this case we consider the Far God sect to be the victim rather than the aggressor, despite the controversial nature of their faith."
Source: Guardian-Worshipping Church Declared Illegal
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« Reply #689 on: 26 July 2018, 15:45:03 »

Rochester Family Attacked

Members of the Rochester family have come under personal and political attack following the engagement of Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester to Princess Aisling Duval.

Several media outlets shared news of an incident involving Jordan Rochester's teenage niece:

"A physical assault against Kali Rochester was reported on campus at Olympus Village University yesterday. Students surrounded Ms Rochester and accosted her while chanting anti-Imperial slogans. The assault was repelled by her private security detail."

Meanwhile, Kali's father Jupiter Rochester was featured in a financial report from The Federal Times:

"Core Dynamics stock dropped by 18 per cent this month, undoubtedly due to the CEO's family being linked with an Imperial princess. Jupiter Rochester has come under fire from both shareholders and management, who are concerned that one of the Federation's bedrocks might be losing his integrity."

Questions have also been asked in Congress of Isolde Rochester, Jordan Rochester's mother. Many congressmen have demanded assurances that the Federation will not relinquish influence or territory to the Empire in the wake of the marriage.

Isolde Rochester released the following statement:

"Conservative elements always react negatively to change, even when that change is in society's best interest. My son's relationship with Her Imperial Highness represents not just a union between the Rochesters and the House of Duval, but the start of a new era of cooperation that will strengthen us all."
Source: Rochester Family Attacked
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