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Author Topic: Elite: Dangerous Galnet News  (Read 508270 times)
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« Reply #615 on: 26 May 2018, 16:45:02 »

Week in Review

Here are this week's major stories.

Terrorist group the League of Reparation has committed three further murders in Federation space.

The victims include two members of the Pilots Federation. In both cases, the Commanders' ships were laser-branded with the words 'FOR JAMESON'.

Commodore Riri McAllister of the Alliance Defence Force has been appointed to the Council of Admirals, filling the vacancy left by the late Tulimaq Buchanan, who was killed by the League of Reparation. McAllister has pledged to support efforts against the terrorist group responsible for her predecessor's death.

Meanwhile, entertainment journalist Solomon Helios has been speculating about the romantic life of Princess Aisling Duval, who is understood to have spurned the advances of Admiral Denton Patreus. Three potential suitors have been identified: Senator Caspian Leopold, anti-slavery campaigner Jarl Toredo, and Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester.

In other news, Los Chupacabras, an independent faction based in the LFT 926 system, has announced plans for a musical event known as the Jailhouse Rock and Blues Music Festival. In support of the event, Los Chupacabras have placed an open order for quantities of beer, tobacco, coffee and narcotics, and have promised to reward pilots who deliver these commodities to Meredith City in the LFT 926 system.

Authorities in the T'iensei system have reported a sharp increase in the number of criminals operating in the area. To counter this threat, the Autocracy of T'iensei has placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver bounty vouchers to Dzhanibekov Port.

Finally, two community-led initiatives reached successful conclusions this week. In the core systems, an operation to recover survivors and salvage from a convoy attacked by pirates was supported by scores of independent pilots, while in Colonia, hundreds of Commanders delivered microresources to the Colonia Co-Operative, which is investigating the region's potential to support larger populations in the future.

And those are the main stories this week.
Source: Week in Review
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Deep One

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« Reply #616 on: 30 May 2018, 14:45:03 »

Starport Status Update

This report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Thargoid Sensor related interference.

The following starports are currently closed:

Stackpole City, Lugger

Maausk, Maausk

Mitchell Dock, Meene

Meanwhile, the following starports are on the brink of closure:

Pirate's Lament, HIP 17519

Schwann Port, Hajangai

Darwin Orbital, 82 Pegasi

Landis Orbital, Prajau

Rafferty's Mobius, Azrael

Ciferri Enterprise, Hidatsa

Kennan Vision, NLTT 14879

Source: Starport Status Update
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Deep One

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« Reply #617 on: 30 May 2018, 21:45:02 »

Anarchy in Socho

The Socho system, headquarters of Aegis Core, has been overtaken by a criminal faction. The system is now in a state of anarchy.

A courier carrying a message from Aegis scientist Dr Mia Valencourt managed to escape the system. The message was then broadcast by the Rewired news service:

"This is an urgent call for assistance. Regional security forces have been overrun, and this vicious gang – they call themselves the Socho Gold Raiders – they're in charge now. They've shut everything down. Apparently they're convinced we're building some kind of super-weapon, so that's probably what brought them here."

"They were so clever. We picked up what looked like a Thargoid signal and the security forces went charging in. Everyone was terrified that the Thargoids had come to Socho. But it wasn't the Thargoids – it was a trap. The Raiders were waiting, and they cut those ships to pieces."

"Please, if anyone's listening, this is an emergency. It's absolute chaos here. Please help!"

Professor Alba Tesreau, Aegis's chief scientific advisor, made an emotional plea:

"It is inconceivable that elements of our own society would behave this way when there's so much at stake. There is vital research taking place at Aegis Core. If it's lost, these criminals will have placed all of us at risk!"

"I implore the galactic community to help free Socho from these unthinking vandals. Aegis is defending humanity against the Thargoid threat. We need your help to survive, so that we in turn can protect you and your families."
Source: Anarchy in Socho
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« Reply #618 on: 31 May 2018, 17:45:05 »

Aegis Hails Eagle Eye Success

Aegis has announced that its Eagle Eye initiative is proving to be a great success, and has helped to repel Thargoid forces from systems in the Pleiades Nebula.

The Eagle Eye orbital surveillance installations were established earlier this year to monitor transmissions from known Thargoid surface sites. This data is then made available to independent pilots.

In an interview with The Federal Times, Admiral Aden Tanner remarked:

"I have no doubt that without this surveillance data, more starports in the Pleiades would have been attacked and damaged. Only last week, Thargoid incursions in the Lwalama and Lalande 4141 systems were vigorously resisted thanks to the early warnings provided by Eagle Eye."

"We all owe a huge debt of gratitude to those brave Commanders who have engaged the Thargoids in battle. Aegis was established to help protect the galaxy, and with the help of courageous members of the galactic community we will assuredly triumph."
Source: Aegis Hails Eagle Eye Success
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« Reply #619 on: 01 June 2018, 00:45:03 »

Starport Repair Initiative Announced

Following Thargoid strikes on the fringes of the core systems, a new initiative to restore damaged starports has been announced.

Chief administrator Carter Armstrong spoke on behalf of Aegis Core, which is coordinating the campaign:

"We've set up this fund to reassure citizens that normality will continue, no matter what. I would like to appeal to the galactic community to restore services in the core systems to their previously high standard."

An open order has been placed for construction materials, which will be shipped to the affected starports and used to make repairs. Pilots are asked to make their deliveries to Dantec Enterprise in the Socho system.

The campaign begins on the 31st of May 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
Source: Starport Repair Initiative Announced
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« Reply #620 on: 01 June 2018, 00:45:03 »

Los Chupacabras Campaign Concludes

Los Chupacabras have announced that their plan to host a music festival in the LFT 926 system has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community. Scores of pilots supported the initiative by delivering commodities to Meredith City, the organisation's base of operations.

Los Chupacabras thanked those who supported the campaign, and confirmed that a second festival is already being planned.

Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Meredith City in the LFT 926 system.
Source: Los Chupacabras Campaign Concludes
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Deep One

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« Reply #621 on: 01 June 2018, 00:45:04 »

Order Restored in T'iensei

The Autocracy of T'iensei has announced that its campaign to clear the T'iensei system of agitators has been a success. Hundreds of pilots responded to the appeal, taking to their ships to eliminate the criminals operating in the system.

Authorities in T'iensei have extended their gratitude to those who participated in the operation.

Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Dzhanibekov Port in the T'iensei system.

Source: Order Restored in T'iensei
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« Reply #622 on: 01 June 2018, 07:45:05 »

Campaign for Pleiades Starport Restoration

A fund has been set up by the Aegis Research to repair starports in the Pleiades Nebula that have been damaged during the Thargoid conflict.

Senior engineer Lilith Galloway made this announcement:

"We've had the worst of it here. The Thargoids have given us a bloody nose on several occasions. But we are strong, we will heal, and you can help."

"We're asking for pilots to deliver as much as they can fit in their holds. We're going to rebuild our starports better than ever. Let's get the Pleiades fighting fit once more."

Traders are requested to deliver construction materials to The Oracle in the Pleiades Sector Ir-W D1-55 system.

The campaign begins on the 31st of May 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
Source: Campaign for Pleiades Starport Restoration
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Deep One

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« Reply #623 on: 01 June 2018, 21:45:02 »

Ships Destroyed by the League of Reparation

The Pilots Federation has reported that five independent ships have been attacked by terrorist organisation the League of Reparation, with the loss of all crewmembers.

No details have been released regarding specific names or locations, except that three of the ships were attacked in Alliance-controlled systems, one in a Federal system and one in Imperial space.

The Pilots Federation also confirmed that the message 'FOR JAMESON' had been etched by laser beam into drifting hull fragments from all five ships.

Captain Niamh Seutonia, a member of the tri-power taskforce investigating the League, released this statement:

"We are treating these incidents as terrorist actions by the League of Reparation, targeted against people with ancestral connections to the INRA. Analysts have been despatched to all five locations."

"Meanwhile, we have determined that League agents receive their orders via multi-relayed, encrypted comms channels from a source using the codename 'Nexus'. This suggests a central point of coordination, rather than autonomous cells. Whether Nexus is an individual, a group, or a faction is not yet known."

"We are aware that citizens throughout the Alliance, Empire and Federation are alarmed by these horrific attacks. We assure you that the taskforce is working hard to discover more about this group and eliminate it. In the meantime, we ask everyone to remain vigilant and to report any relevant information to local authorities."

Source: Ships Destroyed by the League of Reparation
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Deep One

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« Reply #624 on: 02 June 2018, 17:45:02 »

Week in Review

Here are this week's major stories.

The Socho system, headquarters of Aegis Core, has been overtaken by the Socho Gold Raiders, a criminal faction. The system is now in a state of anarchy. Aegis personnel, including Dr Mia Valencourt and Professor Alba Tesreau, have appealed to the galactic community to help free Socho from the criminals.

In related news, Aegis has announced that its Eagle Eye initiative has helped to repel Thargoid forces from systems in the Pleiades Nebula. Admiral Aden Tanner, Aegis's chief military liaison, said that Thargoid incursions in the Lwalama and Lalande 4141 systems had been resisted due to the early warnings provided by Eagle Eye.

The Pilots Federation has reported that five independent ships have been attacked by terrorist organisation the League of Reparation, with the loss of all crewmembers. But the taskforce investigating the League made a breakthrough when it discovered that League agents receive their orders from a source codenamed 'Nexus'.

In other news, two campaigns have been launched to repair starports in the Pleiades Nebula that have been damaged by the Thargoids. Open orders have been placed for construction materials, which will be shipped to the affected starports and used to make repairs.

Los Chupacabras have announced that their plan to host a music festival in the LFT 926 system has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community. Scores of pilots supported the initiative by delivering commodities to Meredith City, the organisation's base of operations.

Finally, the Autocracy of T'iensei has announced that its campaign to clear the T'iensei system of agitators has been a success. Hundreds of pilots responded to the appeal, taking to their ships to eliminate the criminals operating in the system.

And those are the main stories this week.
Source: Week in Review
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Deep One

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« Reply #625 on: 05 June 2018, 19:45:02 »

Starport Status Update

This report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Thargoid Sensor related interference.

The following starports are currently closed:

Ciferri Enterprise, Hidatsa

Darwin Orbital, 82 Pegasi

Kennan Vision, NLTT 14879

Landis Orbital, Prajau

Pirate's Lament, HIP 17519

Rafferty's Mobius, Azrael

The following starports continue to experience technical issues:

Schwann Port, Hajangai

Meanwhile, the following starports are on the brink of closure:

Mayer Hub, Kulici

Thornycroft Settlement, Kulici

Forbes Terminal, Algorab

Guidoni Station, 79 Ceti

al-Din Prospect, Alpha Centauri

Source: Starport Status Update
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« Reply #626 on: 06 June 2018, 16:45:01 »

Aisling Duval Hosts Federal Ambassador

Last weekend, Princess Aisling Duval hosted a diplomatic function at which Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester was the guest of honour.

Although security at the event was tight, entertainment journalist Solomon Helios managed to obtain an exclusive insight for his programme.

"If you're wondering what happened to your invitation to the Princess's soirée, it probably ended up in the same black hole as mine. But I can still bring you a little peek from behind closed doors!"

"It's not unusual for the Imperial family to hold parties for visiting ambassadors. What is unusual is that on this occasion, Aisling invited all of Jordan Rochester's staff, including the captain and crew of his ship. Since the FNS Pioneer's commanding officer is none other than Vice Admiral Juno Rochester, one of Jordan's sisters, perhaps this was seen as an opportunity to meet a future in-law?"

"My contacts tell me that despite the variety of uniforms, hairstyles and accents, the night was full of enjoyment. Aisling and Jordan danced together before the ambassador formally thanked the princess on behalf of the Federation."

"But that's not all. The next day, who should arrive at Emerald but Senator Caspian Leopold – who you'll remember is also rumoured to have romantic intentions toward the people's princess. Supposedly he's there on official business, although I understand there's nothing scheduled in his calendar. Or perhaps his invitation arrived late, like mine…"

"So is the princess courting, or merely holding court? As always, Aisling keeps us guessing!"
Source: Aisling Duval Hosts Federal Ambassador
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« Reply #627 on: 07 June 2018, 20:45:02 »

INRA Descendant Murdered

A descendant of Amaro Hem, one of the INRA's senior members, has been murdered by terrorist group the League of Reparation. His body was found in the wreckage of a crashed ship.

Senior Agent Tanya Ramirez, part of the tri-superpower taskforce investigating the League, provided a full explanation at a press conference:

"We have identified the deceased as Luca Hem, an unemployed construction worker living at Houtman City in the Aeternitas system. He was reported missing by his family two weeks ago. We can confirm that he was the great-grandson of Amaro Hem, who was a programme coordinator with the INRA."

"Luca Hem's body was found strapped into an ancient Cobra Mk III, the same model flown by Commander Jameson. Forensics indicate he was still alive when the ship struck an asteroid in the Aeternitas A Belt. The Cobra's derelict condition suggests it wasn't travelling under its own power, and was most likely salvaged from a scrapyard specifically for this purpose."

"According to logs discovered at the Taylor Keep INRA facility, Amaro Hem was responsible for ensuring that Jameson did not return from his mission against the Thargoids. This staged murder, recreating the circumstances of Jameson's death, is obviously intended as an act of poetic justice by the League of Reparation."

"Luca Hem's wife and children have been taken to secure locations for their own protection, as have nine individuals from other families related to Amaro Hem."

Agent Ramirez concluded:

"It's clear that the League is using theatrical tactics to ensure its message reaches the media. Our taskforce is working hard to discover more about this organisation, and to bring these terrorists to justice."
Source: INRA Descendant Murdered
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« Reply #628 on: 07 June 2018, 20:45:02 »

Conflict in Lave

The Lave Radio Network, an independent organisation based in the Lave system, has announced plans to broadcast its annual conference, which this year will take place in the Diso system from the 24th to the 25th of June.

To ensure they can share the event with the entire galaxy, the Lave Radio Network has placed an open order for various commodities, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver these commodities to Lave Station in the Lave system.

But not everyone is enthusiastic about the event. The Lave Jet Family has responded with a rival campaign expressly designed to undermine the Lave Radio initiative, and has invited pilots to deliver commodities to help construct a signal jammer.

The two organisations have set out week-long operations to achieve their aims, which will begin on the 7th of June 3304.
Source: Conflict in Lave
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« Reply #629 on: 07 June 2018, 20:45:02 »

Success for Pleiades Restoration Project

There has been a positive response to the campaign to fund repairs for starports in the Pleiades Nebula. Huge quantities of construction materials were received, which will be used to restore many of the stations damaged by the Thargoids.

Senior engineer Lilith Galloway made a statement on behalf of Aegis Research:

"We didn't expect so many of you to help. But that's the spirit here in the Pleiades – we come back stronger. Our thanks to everyone who supplied us with what we need."

Pilots who contributed to this project can now collect their rewards from The Oracle in the Pleiades Sector Ir-W D1-55 system.
Source: Success for Pleiades Restoration Project
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