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« Reply #570 on: 11 April 2018, 20:45:02 »

Starport Status Update

This report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Thargoid Sensor related interference.

The following starports are currently closed:

Boe Orbital, Abast Samo

Corte-Real Terminal, 19 Phi-2 Ceti

Harvey Ring, Gl 606.1 B

Asire Arena, Dakondunii

Cayley Enterprise, Wolf 359

McDivitt Port, Wolf 1022

Solovyev Colony, Carcinus

Stabenow Reformatory, Peregrina

Talos 1, Peregrina

Talos 2, Peregrina

Weber Dock, Meene

Wye-Delta Station, Carcinus

Meanwhile, the following starports are on the brink of closure:

Altshuller Port, Monoto

Antonelli Station, HR 1201

Beadle Port, Pyemma

Hansen Station, HIP 95256

Reed Dock, Monoto

Thomas' Claim, Telin
Source: Starport Status Update
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« Reply #571 on: 12 April 2018, 17:45:01 »

Signal Could be Ancient Probe

Astronomers based in the Sol system may have detected a signal from New Horizons, a space probe launched in 2006 with a mission to study various objects in the Kuiper belt.

One of the astronomers responsible for the find said:

"New Horizons was launched over a thousand years ago, so this is potentially quite an exciting discovery. We haven't been able to pinpoint the object's precise location, but our data indicates that it is approximately 1,726,716 light seconds from the sun and 1,526,050 light seconds from 90377 Sedna. Perhaps some intrepid explorer will seek it out, and confirm our suspicions!"
Source: Signal Could be Ancient Probe
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« Reply #572 on: 12 April 2018, 17:45:01 »

Support for Aisling Duval

Princess Aisling Duval's recent comments about the effectiveness of Aegis have attracted a measure of support.

One of the most prominent figures to express solidarity is Imperial Senator Pal Vespasian, who said:

"One cannot accuse Aegis of being completely ineffective, but perhaps Her Highness has correctly gauged the mood of the people. A handful of minor victories is simply not enough to allay widespread fear of conquest. There can be no half measures in this situation – if we do not defeat the Thargoids, our civilisation could fall."

Meanwhile, Commodore Riri McAllister of the Alliance Defence Force said:

"I can certainly refute Princess Duval's suggestion that the other powers have not made equal contributions to Aegis. She makes a good point, however, with regard to military strategy. Greater transparency around Aegis's long-term plans would lead to a more coordinated effort in resisting Thargoid forces."

Jast Fernández, chief editor of an independent media outlet, focused on how the public might be starting to view the princess differently:

"We know that Aisling is widely seen as the stereotypical heiress – materially prosperous but intellectually deficient – but could this have been a public mask that she is now discarding? Or perhaps the young princess is finally maturing, and developing some genuine critical faculty? Either way, it's no surprise that she's found an audience – something she has always excelled at."
Source: Support for Aisling Duval
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« Reply #573 on: 12 April 2018, 23:45:05 »

Rind Gold Electronics Org Campaign

The Empire has announced an initiative to bolster the superpower's military strength. The initiative centres on a new training programme designed to create the next generation of starship pilots.

A spokesperson for the Rind Gold Electronics Org, which is overseeing the initiative, released the following statement:

"Over the past six months, a research group based in Achenar has developed a state-of-the-art training programme designed to cultivate applicants' reflexes, coordination, perception and cognitive abilities. Provisional tests indicate that students in the full flush of youth, unburdened with superfluous knowledge, respond extremely well to the programme, resulting in combat pilots of unprecedented skill."

In support of this initiative, the Rind Gold Electronics Org has placed an open order for research materials, which will be used to manufacture essential apparatus. The organisation has also issued an appeal for a range of mined resources, which will be used to construct a dedicated training centre for the new programme.

The campaign begins on the 12th of April 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
Source: Rind Gold Electronics Org Campaign
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« Reply #574 on: 12 April 2018, 23:45:05 »

Atlas Corporation Initiative Concludes

A spokesperson for the Atlas Corporation has announced that its campaign to build a megaship in the Lambda Arae system has reached a successful conclusion. Hundreds of pilots supported the initiative by delivering commodities to Redi Market and by eliminating agitators in Lambda Arae, thereby allowing traders to operate safely.

As the campaign drew to a close, a spokesperson for the Atlas Corporation released the following statement:

"We would like to thank the pilots who helped us achieve our goal. We appreciate the assistance of each and every one of you."

Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Redi Market in the Lambda Arae system.
Source: Atlas Corporation Initiative Concludes
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« Reply #575 on: 12 April 2018, 23:45:05 »

Privateer's Alliance Campaign Concludes

A spokesperson for the Privateer's Alliance has announced that its appeal for commodities has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community, resulting in a massive influx of deliveries to Barjavel Station, the organisation's base of operations.

Construction will now begin on a new military installation in the HIP 33368 system to resist the Thargoid threat.

The Privateer's Alliance has extended its gratitude to those who supported the campaign.

Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Barjavel Station in the HIP 33368 system.
Source: Privateer's Alliance Campaign Concludes
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« Reply #576 on: 13 April 2018, 20:45:03 »

Pirates vs Thargoids?

A new independent report suggests that piracy has declined across occupied space since the return of the Thargoids.

Dr Jin Rameer, who runs a socio-political think tank, made the following observations in her report:

"Statistics show a significant reduction in piracy and criminal behaviour since the Thargoid presence was confirmed. But the reason has not come under scrutiny until now."

"Has the presence of an alien threat dampened felons' appetite for preying on fellow humans? It's widely understood that communities become stronger when faced with a common enemy, so perhaps one positive consequence of the Thargoids' return is the dissolution of barriers between social groups."

"Alternatively, those attracted to piracy may find a greater – and less morally troubling – thrill in turning their weapons on non-human targets. Whether or not their motives are altruistic, criminal elements may be transforming into defenders of the very societies they have previously terrorised."

But a spokesperson for security forces in the Pegasi Sector responded:

"Dr Rameer needs to get out of her comfortable office and into the black. The Kumo Crew have raided dozens of systems in recent months, taking advantage of the fact that our forces are tied up with the Thargoids. Believe me, Archon Delaine sees the Thargoids as an opportunity, not a common enemy. The pirates don't care if the galaxy burns, as long as their pockets are full."
Source: Pirates vs Thargoids?
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« Reply #577 on: 14 April 2018, 17:45:05 »

Week in Review

Here are this week's major stories.

Princess Aisling Duval's comments about Aegis have attracted a measure of support. One Imperial senator suggested that Duval had "correctly gauged the mood of the people", while another commentator suggested that her comments were a sign of maturity.

Meanwhile, an independent report suggests that piracy has declined since the return of the Thargoids. The author of the report has suggested that the presence of an alien threat has dampened felons' appetite for preying on fellow humans. Security forces in the Pegasi Sector have refuted these suggestions, however.

The Empire has announced plans to build a new training centre for novice pilots, and has placed an open order for research materials and mined resources for use in the construction. Once complete, the centre will be home to a state-of-the-art training programme designed to create the next generation of starship pilots.

In other news, astronomers based in the Sol system may have detected a signal from New Horizons, a space probe launched in 2006 with a mission to study various objects in the Kuiper belt. One of the astronomers responsible for the find gave details of the object's approximate location, and encouraged explorers to seek it out.

Finally, a spokesperson for the Atlas Corporation has announced that its campaign to build a megaship has reached a successful conclusion. A parallel initiative from the Privateers Alliance has also achieved its aims, after the organisation's appeal for commodities was enthusiastically received by the galactic community.

And those are the main stories this week.
Source: Week in Review
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« Reply #578 on: 17 April 2018, 20:45:03 »

Starport Status Update

This report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Thargoid Sensor related interference.

The following starports are currently closed:

Altshuller Port, Monoto

Antonelli Station, HR 1201

Asire Arena, Dakondunii

Boe Orbital, Abast Samo

Corte-Real Terminal, 19 Phi-2 Ceti

Hansen Station, HIP 95256

Harvey Ring, Gl 606.1 B

McDivitt Port, Wolf 1022

Reed Dock, Monoto

Solovyev Colony, Carcinus

Talos 1, Peregrina

Talos 2, Peregrina

Thomas' Claim, Telin

Wye-Delta Station, Carcinus

Meanwhile, the following starports are on the brink of closure:

Bokeili Ring, HIP 33368

Farmer Laboratory, Ling Deti

Ford Hub, Khaka

Hutton Dock, Khaka

Kanwar Orbital, Tz'utuls

Kremmen's Respite, Kioti 368

Rand Dock, HIP 33368

Rigaux Survey, HIP 22229

Tanner City, V886 Centauri

Walker Port, HIP 14886

Wegner Market, Rind

Wollheim Vision, Fuelum

Young Station, Ling Deti
Source: Starport Status Update
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« Reply #579 on: 19 April 2018, 19:45:02 »

Peace in Her Time: A Profile of Jasmina Halsey

Independent journalist Chukwuma Grant has published an article on peace activist and former Federal President Jasmina Halsey. Grant has described the report as a wide-ranging analysis that addresses "the political impact of a politician renouncing politics".

Key extracts from the article are reprinted below:

"Some believe that Jasmina Halsey always intended to defect from the Federation and join the Alliance, where she currently acts as an advisor to Prime Minister Edmund Mahon. Others assert that after years of inhumane politics, her conscience broke through – that she sought meaning by helping others and striving for concord between the powers."

"But it was Starship One's destruction that transformed Halsey – something that she herself could not possibly have planned. Her subsequent 'visions' made her politically toxic, at least as far as the Federation was concerned, allowing her to simply walk away from presidential life. In that escape pod, she escaped from more than an exploding ship – she escaped her previous self."

"Critics argue that Halsey's extraordinary claims of encountering super-intelligent beings and seeing paradise are meaningless without evidence. And yet, in a cosmos containing Thargoids and Guardians, can they be easily dismissed? Or are her outlandish claims designed to cultivate a following among the disenfranchised and make her into a messianic figure?"

"If Halsey is walking a deliberate path, it remains an unstable one. Many in the Alliance have questioned why their leader is taking advice from a former psychiatric patient, let alone an ex-Federal President. Whether she is a visionary, a lunatic or a brilliant political manipulator remains to be seen."
Source: Peace in Her Time: A Profile of Jasmina Halsey
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« Reply #580 on: 19 April 2018, 19:45:02 »

The Rekohu Project

Angeli Imperial Enterprises, one of the Empire's key suppliers of foodstuffs and other consumables, has announced plans to build a Bowman-class science vessel.

The construction initiative, dubbed the Rekohu Project, will allow the organisation to increase the biodiversity of its crops. Once complete, the megaship will be deployed to the PLAA AIN Sector to research life on Earth-like worlds.

The organisation's spokesperson, Commander Blain Crighton, released the following statement:

"For a civilisation with near-limitless energy and the ability to cross the stars in the blink of an eye, how is it that we still have systems experiencing famine? The Rekohu Project is an effort to change that, and to find new ways to keep even the poorest fed."

In support of this goal, Angeli Imperial Enterprises has placed an open order for various commodities, promising to reward pilots who deliver these goods to Kanai Enterprise in the Blido Piru system. The organisation has also placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to ensure that those delivering goods to the starport can do so safely.

The campaign begins on the 19th of April 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
Source: The Rekohu Project
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« Reply #581 on: 19 April 2018, 19:45:02 »

Rind Gold Electronics Org Campaign Concludes

The Rind Gold Electronics Org Campaign has announced that its campaign has reached a successful conclusion. Large quantities of research materials and mined resources were delivered to Wegner Market over the past week, allowing the Empire to proceed with the construction of a new pilot-training centre.

A spokesperson for the Rind Gold Electronics Org released the following statement:

"As the dangers facing humanity become more potent, we must not become overly reliant on technology. Instead we must seek to cultivate the human mind, and unlock its boundless potential."

Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Wegner Market in the Rind system.
Source: Rind Gold Electronics Org Campaign Concludes
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« Reply #582 on: 20 April 2018, 21:45:03 »

Imperial Senator Murdered

Imperial Senator Nestor Cartesius has been found dead at his home on Capitol. Regional media streams have confirmed that his death is being treated as a homicide.

Captain Seutonia of the Imperial Internal Security Service conveyed the facts at a press conference:

"The body of Senator Cartesius was discovered in the early hours of this morning. There were no signs of a struggle, but we did discover a note that we assume was deliberately placed there by the murderer. The note read: 'For Jameson'."

"As is well known, last year the ship of historical figure Commander John Jameson was located, following his final mission on behalf of the now-defunct Intergalactic Naval Research Arm. Presumably, this is the Jameson to whom the note refers."

"IISS analysts have confirmed that Nestor Cartesius was directly descended from a senior member of the INRA. We therefore believe that this crime is connected to the recent rediscovery of INRA outposts. Our working hypothesis is that the motive was revenge, driven by perceived misconduct on the part of both the INRA and Cartesius's ancestor."

Captain Seutonia concluded by saying the investigation was ongoing.

Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval made a brief statement:

"The Empire has lost one of its staunchest champions – one whose name will never be forgotten. Rest assured that we will do everything in our power to find those responsible and bring them swiftly to justice."
Source: Imperial Senator Murdered
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« Reply #583 on: 21 April 2018, 17:45:04 »

Week in Review

Here are this week's major stories.

Imperial Senator Nestor Cartesius has been found dead at his home on Capitol. His death is being treated as a homicide. A note found at the crime scene and believed to have been written by the murderer read: 'For Jameson'. It has been confirmed that Cartesius was descended from a senior member of the INRA and it is assumed that the motive for the killing was revenge, driven by perceived misconduct on the part of both the INRA and the senator's ancestor.

Independent journalist Chukwuma Grant has published an article on peace activist and former Federal President Jasmina Halsey. In the article, Grant is open minded about Halsey's claims of encountering super-intelligent beings, while suggesting that her statements might be designed to cultivate a following among the disenfranchised. Grant concludes by saying: "Whether she is a visionary, a lunatic or a brilliant political manipulator remains to be seen."

Meanwhile, Angeli Imperial Enterprises has announced plans to build a Bowman-class science vessel. Once complete, the megaship will research life on Earth-like worlds and allow the organisation to increase the biodiversity of its crops. In support of this goal, Angeli Imperial Enterprises has placed an open order for various commodities, and placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to ensure that those contributing to the campaign can do so safely.

Finally, the Rind Gold Electronics Org has announced that its campaign has reached a successful conclusion. Large quantities of research materials and mined resources were delivered to Wegner Market over the past week, allowing the Empire to proceed with the construction of a new pilot-training centre. A spokesperson for the Rind Gold Electronics Org said: "As the dangers facing humanity become more potent, we must seek to cultivate the human mind, and unlock its boundless potential."

And those are the main stories this week.
Source: Week in Review
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« Reply #584 on: 25 April 2018, 02:45:02 »

Starport Status Update

This report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Thargoid Sensor related interference.

The following starports are currently closed:

Antonelli Station, HR 1201

Asire Arena, Dakondunii

Boe Orbital, Abast Samo

Ford Hub, Khaka

Hutton Dock, Khaka

Kanwar Orbital, Tz'utuls

Solovyev Colony, Carcinus

Thomas' Claim, Telin

Walker Port, HIP 14886

Meanwhile, the following starports are on the brink of closure:

Ali Point, Pehuti

Asimov Dock, Omicron Ursae Majoris

Auld Platform, Djirupatha

Baudin Relay, Li Chen Yun

Bear Settlement, HIP 32350

Born Hub, Amemakarna

Bulychev Laboratory, Lyncis Sector KM-V b2-3

Canonn Institute, Col 285 Sector IX-T d3-43

Eskridge Mine, Saptara

Extra Refinery, Azrael

Gaiman Beacon, Onyayp

Holdstock Beacon, Kamchadals

Kimberlin's Inheritance, Lyncis Sector DQ-Y c9

Makeev Plant, Lyncis Sector MH-V b2-3

Noli Enterprise, HIP 32135

Piccard Escape, Lyncis Sector DQ-Y c15

Pike Works, Agarahma

Qureshi Enterprise, Khaka

Raymo's R and R and R, Cardea

Robinson Landing, HIP 32350

Russell Platform, Alklhaluana

Shaikh Mines, Agarahma
Source: Starport Status Update
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