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Author Topic: Elite: Dangerous Galnet News  (Read 507804 times)
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« Reply #465 on: 07 December 2017, 22:45:04 »

Galactic News: Rogue Runners Appeal Concludes

The Rogue Runners have announced that their campaign to renovate an asteroid base in Run has received the unalloyed support of the galactic community, resulting in a massive influx of deliveries to Smithport, the organisation's base of operations. The initiative was supported by scores of independent combat pilots, who protected those delivering goods to the starport.

Autumn Leif, the founder of Rogue Runners Co., released the following statement as the campaign drew to a close:

"I would like to thank the galactic community for supporting this initiative. We now have everything we need to repair and upgrade Leif Enterprise, which should soon be offering a large selection of ships and modules. This would not have been possible without the help of Rogue Security and the galaxy's independent combat pilots, who provided outstanding protection."

Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Smithport in the Run system.
Source: Galactic News: Rogue Runners Appeal Concludes
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« Reply #466 on: 08 December 2017, 19:45:06 »

Galactic News: Aegis Initiative off to a Promising Start

Reports from the Taygeta system indicate that Aegis's new research programme is already bearing fruit.

Professor Boden Tench, principal researcher at Titan's Daughter, offered the following statement to Universal Scientist:

"We're currently focusing on the Thargoid Probes and Sensors, and we've already learned a great deal about the way the Thargoids transmit and store information."

"We've also been studying the star maps found inside Thargoid structures. We still don't know the precise purpose of these maps, but our analysis has revealed some intriguing details about how the Thargoids categorise geographical data. Indeed, it's entirely possible that their concepts of territory differ dramatically from our own."
Source: Galactic News: Aegis Initiative off to a Promising Start
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« Reply #467 on: 11 December 2017, 23:45:06 »

Community Goal: Diamond Frogs Campaign

The Diamond Frogs, a mercenary outfit based on the lawless fringes of the Capricorni sector, have announced plans to build a new installation in the 63 G. Capricorni system.

The faction's current base of operations has become virtually uninhabitable, as its power and cooling systems have been pushed past their limits.

In support of this goal, the faction has placed an open order for Beer, Liquor, Coffee, Legal Narcotics, Computer Components, Power Generators and Superconductors. They have promised to reward pilots who deliver these commodities to Skvortsov Orbital in the 63 G. Capricorni system.

The campaign begins on the 7th of December 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
Source: Community Goal: Diamond Frogs Campaign
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« Reply #468 on: 13 December 2017, 17:45:05 »

Galactic News: Galactic Leaders Condemn INRA

Following the discovery of further INRA outposts, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval and Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon have issued statements denouncing the now-defunct INRA.

Speaking from the Imperial Palace on Capitol, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval said:

"What the INRA records underscore is that even when faced with dire threats, we cannot abandon our principles. Evidently, the INRA crossed ethical boundaries in its pursuit of victory. Defending civilisation cannot come at the cost of our humanity."

Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon added the following:

"While the INRA records are indeed disturbing, it was the account of John Jameson that troubled me most. Here we have a man – who evidently did a great deal to defend civilisation from the Thargoids – who was deceived, manipulated and ultimately murdered by the INRA."

"I am aware of concerns that Aegis could continue in the same vein. Fortunately, Aegis is bound by the strictest possible codes of conduct. We will not make the same mistakes."

Meanwhile, the descendents of those affected by the INRA's activities are reportedly investigating the possibility of legal action. Legal experts have advised that such efforts are unlikely to yield results, however, given the amount of time that has passed.
Source: Galactic News: Galactic Leaders Condemn INRA
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« Reply #469 on: 14 December 2017, 21:45:02 »

Community Goal: Operation Whirling Dervish

The GalCop Colonial Defence Commission has embarked on a campaign to establish a new Coriolis starport in the Ogmar system. The campaign – dubbed Operation Whirling Dervish – is designed to support further expansion in the Colonia region.

Lou Brady, a spokesperson for the organisation, released the following statement:

"The new starport will be able to accommodate more people, produce high-tech goods, and service larger vessels, making it an ideal platform for future activity in Colonia."

The GalCop Colonial Defence Commission has placed an open order for atmospheric processors, CMM composites, indium, tantalum and thermal cooling units, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver these commodities to Dervish Platform in the Ogmar system.

The campaign begins on the 14th of December 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
Source: Community Goal: Operation Whirling Dervish
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« Reply #470 on: 14 December 2017, 21:45:02 »

Community Goal: Panum Pisciumque

Angeli Imperial Enterprises has announced plans to build a Dionysus-class Agricultural Vessel in support of ongoing resource-extraction operations in the Pleiades. Once built, the enormous starship will orbit a water world in the Pleiades Sector GW-W c1-15 system.

In support of this operation, Angeli Imperial Enterprises has placed an open order for marine equipment, micro controllers, crop harvesters and coltan, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver these commodities to Potagos Port in the Wangal system.

The campaign begins on the 14th of December 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
Source: Community Goal: Panum Pisciumque
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« Reply #471 on: 14 December 2017, 21:45:02 »

Galactic News: Starports Attacked by Thargoids

Recent reports indicate that several starports in the Pleiades have been attacked by Thargoids. The attacks have resulted in significant damage and hundreds – possibly thousands – of deaths.

Galactic authorities have confirmed that the affected starports are Titan's Daughter in the Taygeta system, Liman Legacy in HIP 16753 and the Oracle in the Pleiades Sector IR-W D1-55.

It is understood that the attacks were executed by a previously unseen class of Thargoid craft classified as an Interceptor Medusa. Footage from starport security feeds indicate that the Thargoid ships used their shutdown fields to neutralise station defences before targeting the main reactor. One eyewitness said, "It's like they wanted to cripple rather us rather than destroy us outright".

Authorities in the affected systems have responded with appeals for foods, water, basic medicines and natural fabrics. They have also implored independent pilots to support relief operations by evacuating civilians from the starports.

Responding to the development, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval said:

"Our thoughts are with those affected by these attacks. While I have every confidence that system authorities will be able to address the situation, the Empire is ready to help if necessary."
Source: Galactic News: Starports Attacked by Thargoids
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« Reply #472 on: 15 December 2017, 04:45:04 »

Galactic News: Diamond Frogs Campaign Concludes

The Diamond Frogs have announced that their campaign to construct an installation in the 63 G. Capricorni system has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community. This has resulted in a massive influx of deliveries to Skvortsov Orbital, the organisation's base of operations.

Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Skvortsov Orbital in the 63 G Capricorni system.

Source: Galactic News: Diamond Frogs Campaign Concludes
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« Reply #473 on: 15 December 2017, 04:45:04 »

Galactic News: Colonia Campaign Concludes

The Colonia Council has announced that its appeal for construction materials has reached a successful conclusion. Scores of pilots contributed to the campaign by delivering materials to Skvortsov Orbital, and by eliminating agitators in the 63 G. Capricorni system. The materials will be used to construct new outposts in the Colonia region to support a recent influx of immigrants.

As the campaign drew to a close, the Colonia Council issued the following statement:

"Colonia has always enjoyed the support of the galactic community, and the success of this initiative proves this support has not diminished. We will now set to work creating homes and employment opportunities for our new friends and neighbours."

Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Skvortsov Orbital in the 63 G. Capricorni system.

Source: Galactic News: Colonia Campaign Concludes
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« Reply #474 on: 15 December 2017, 18:45:03 »

Galactic News: Colonia Campaign Concludes

The Colonia Council has announced that its appeal for construction materials has reached a successful conclusion. Scores of pilots contributed to the campaign by delivering materials to Pilkington Orbital, and by eliminating agitators in the Einheriar system. The materials will be used to construct new outposts in the Colonia region to support a recent influx of immigrants.

As the campaign drew to a close, the Colonia Council issued the following statement:

"Colonia has always enjoyed the support of the galactic community, and the success of this initiative proves this support has not diminished. We will now set to work creating homes and employment opportunities for our new friends and neighbours."

Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Pilkington Orbital in the Einheriar system.
Source: Galactic News: Colonia Campaign Concludes
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« Reply #475 on: 16 December 2017, 01:45:04 »

Galactic News: Starports Attacked by Thargoids

Recent reports indicate that several starports in the Pleiades have been attacked by Thargoids. The attacks have resulted in significant damage and hundreds – possibly thousands – of deaths.

Galactic authorities have confirmed that the affected starports are Titan's Daughter in the Taygeta system, Liman Legacy in HIP 16753 and the Oracle in the Pleiades Sector IR-W D1-55.

It is understood that the attacks were executed by a previously unseen class of Thargoid craft classified as an Interceptor Medusa. Footage from starport security feeds indicate that the Thargoid ships used their shutdown fields to neutralise station defences before targeting the main reactor. One eyewitness said, "It's like they wanted to cripple us rather than destroy us outright".

Authorities in the affected systems have responded with appeals for foods, water, basic medicines and natural fabrics. They have also implored independent pilots to support relief operations by evacuating civilians from the starports.

Responding to the development, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval said:

"Our thoughts are with those affected by these attacks. While I have every confidence that system authorities will be able to address the situation, the Empire is ready to help if necessary."
Source: Galactic News: Starports Attacked by Thargoids
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« Reply #476 on: 16 December 2017, 22:45:04 »

Galactic News: Lakon Announces New Ship

The Alliance has commissioned Lakon Spaceways to produce a new ship in response to the recent Thargoid attacks in the Pleiades. The vessel, which has been named the Type-10 Defender, represents a comprehensive revision of the Type–9 Heavy.

Lakon issued the following statement:

"The Type-10 boasts greater speed, acceleration and manoeuvrability than the Type-9, and also offers a more focused hardpoint loadout. We envisage it being particularly effective in combat situations."

The development is significant in that it represents the first overtly military response from the Alliance to the rising Thargoid threat.

Lakon has committed to an aggressive production schedule that should see the Type-10 reaching retailers next week.
Source: Galactic News: Lakon Announces New Ship
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« Reply #477 on: 18 December 2017, 21:45:04 »

Galactic News: Starports Attacked by Thargoids

Recent reports indicate that several starports in the Pleiades have been attacked by Thargoids. The attacks have resulted in significant damage and hundreds – possibly thousands – of deaths.

Galactic authorities have confirmed that the affected starports are Titan's Daughter in the Taygeta system, Liman Legacy in HIP 16753, and the Oracle in the Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55.

It is understood that the attacks were executed by a previously unseen class of Thargoid craft classified as an Interceptor Medusa. Footage from starport security feeds indicate that the Thargoid ships used their shutdown fields to neutralise station defences before targeting the main reactor. One eyewitness said, "It's like they wanted to cripple us rather than destroy us outright."

Authorities in the affected systems have responded with appeals for food, water, basic medicines and natural fabrics. They have also implored independent pilots to support relief operations by evacuating civilians from the starports.

Responding to the development, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval said:

"Our thoughts are with those affected by these attacks. While I have every confidence that system authorities will be able to address the situation, the Empire is ready to help if necessary."
Source: Galactic News: Starports Attacked by Thargoids
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« Reply #478 on: 20 December 2017, 14:45:04 »

Galactic News: Authorities Urge Public Not to Panic

Following the devastating news that the Thargoids have attacked three starports in the Pleiades, authorities in the Taygeta system, home to one of the affected stations, have released the following statement:

"Our priorities remain getting civilians to safety and securing the commodities we need to stabilise the starport. Independent pilots are encouraged to deliver foods, water, basic medicines and natural fabrics to Titan's Daughter and other affected stations."

"The important thing is not to panic. The situation, although critical, is in hand."

It is currently unclear why the pertinent starports were targeted by the Thargoids, but Aegis is investigating the issue.
Source: Galactic News: Authorities Urge Public Not to Panic
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« Reply #479 on: 22 December 2017, 00:45:03 »

Community Goal: Core Dynamics Campaign

Core Dynamics, one of the galaxy's largest starship manufacturers, has announced a new construction initiative in response to the rise in Thargoid attacks.

A spokesperson for Core Dynamics released the following statement:

"The number of ships lost to Thargoid attacks is increasing rapidly, leaving us with no option but to accelerate our production schedule. But we cannot do this without the support of the galactic community."

Guaras Blue Creative Partners have agreed to oversee the initiative, asking pilots to deliver titanium, power converters and superconductors to Klimuk Ring in the Guaras system. When the campaign officially ends on the 28th of December 3303, a discount of up to 20 per cent will be applied to the Federal Dropship, Federal Gunship and Federal Assault Ship for one week. Additionally, the rank requirements for those ships will be temporarily lifted.

The campaign begins on the 21st of December 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.
Source: Community Goal: Core Dynamics Campaign
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