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Author Topic: Elite: Dangerous Galnet News  (Read 508689 times)
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« Reply #300 on: 02 October 2015, 02:45:12 »

Emperor Issues his traditional 'Empire Day' message

Emperor Issues his traditional 'Empire Day' message In keeping with tradition the Emperor has declared today a national holiday celebrating the day in 2264 when Marlin Duval first landed on Capitol. He gave his traditional message from the throne room in the Imperial Palace, referring in general terms to another great year, and looking forwards to the next. Observant commentators noticed a small mark on his ear - seen by looking at the image of his head from behind - that was also present in a clip recorded in the summer, suggesting this too was recorded in the summer. These same commentators implied that the Emperor may be more unwell than is being reported. No one was available from the Palace for comment, though one Senator (who did not want to be named) did point out that this had been pre-recorded to allow the Emperor and his family to have an uninterrupted Empire Day.

Source: Galnet News
Source: Emperor Issues his traditional 'Empire Day' message
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« Reply #301 on: 02 October 2015, 07:45:06 »

Torval Celebrates Empire Day

Torval Celebrates Empire Day Senator Torval has freed a further 10,000 unregulated slaves bought from private traders in the Federation to celebrate Empire Day. In a statement released this morning, she said, "I want to see the end of unregulated slavery throughout the galaxy. Imperial slavery is a respected tradition, and not to be besmirched by the terrible practice with a similar name tolerated in the Federation by turning a blind eye to it." Her statement seems to have ruffled a few feathers in Congress. We couldn’t get a comment on record from any of the leadership, but we did get a reply from an aide trying to sneak past the few remaining 'Oniongate' demonstrators on the steps of Congress, “That is a bit ripe coming from her. Slavery is illegal throughout the Federation. It is people like her, paying for slaves that keep the trade going, which is why we find it so hard to crack down on it!”

Source: Galnet News
Source: Torval Celebrates Empire Day
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« Reply #302 on: 02 October 2015, 07:45:07 »

Chancellor Blaine supports Arissa

Chancellor Blaine supports Arissa In a short interview outside his mansion on the shores of Lake Parisot on Topaz, FaceceChancellor Anders Blaine was asked about his views on the succession, and he replied, "I appreciated Arissa's kind words just before the New Year. She is of course absolutely right. Stability is what the Empire needs more than anything. She has been around court for much of her life and I know her well. “Emperor Hengist has made it clear to me he would wish her to be his successor. His marriage to Florence Lavigny will clear this up and Arissa will be the heir to the throne, and I support her." This has helped quell some of the speculation caused by comments from other senior senators like Patreus and Torval. Markets have responded positively to what seems like a resolution to the succession.

Source: Galnet News
Source: Chancellor Blaine supports Arissa
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« Reply #303 on: 02 October 2015, 07:45:07 »

Dulos joins Sanna’s bid to leave Federation

Dulos joins Sanna’s bid to leave Federation Congressman Jane Garvey for Dulos agrees with Congressman Albertson from Sanna. In a statement made outside Congress on Mars, amid some persistent ‘Oniongate’ protesters, she made a statement this morning before entering Congress, “The latest round of Federal tax rises is unfair on the frontier. In Dulos, like Sanna, we only get one vote. The core systems get hundreds. They control Congress and take our money. We too would like to become independent and masters of our own destiny. Then our votes will also matter. We are supposed to be a Federation, but we are not. We have two tiers, and it is the successful frontier systems like mine in the lower tier that pay for the lethargy and luxury here in the core.” She then entered Congress amid clapping and cheers from the protesters – who seem to support anyone who speaks against the government.

Source: Galnet News
Source: Dulos joins Sanna’s bid to leave Federation
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« Reply #304 on: 02 October 2015, 12:45:06 »

Federal President Booed

This morning during the ceremony to mark the start of term at the prestigious Olympus Village University When President Halsey began her talk a large number of the assembled students began booing her. The university principal apologised profusely to the President before she left. Nevertheless the damage was done, and the event was carried on newsfeeds throughout much of human space . and her embarrassed and indecisive reaction and she attempted to proceed with her speech is now the butt of much satirical humour.

Source: Galnet News
Source: Federal President Booed
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« Reply #305 on: 02 October 2015, 12:45:06 »

Bombing of Panem Resumes

Despite the continuing .Oniongate. protest on the steps of Congress, Admiral Vincent has announced that surface bombing of Panem in the Kappa Fornacis system has resumed, but this time with targeted, genetically engineered biocides to destroy the onionhead crop. .Automated munitions deployed from orbit, release a gentle mist that then descends on the crop. It is harmless to humans and to other flora and fauna.. This time, the protests are more muted, and the Shadow President Hudson claimed on the political panel show .Face the People. - .On the contrary. Now we see the layabouts are more worried about where their next onionhead fix will come from than about the farmers on Panem!.

Source: Galnet News
Source: Bombing of Panem Resumes
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« Reply #306 on: 02 October 2015, 12:45:06 »

Fallout from  Sorbago Slave Rebellion

Last night a relaxed-looking Senator Zemina Torval announced what had happened to the leaders of the Sorbago rebellion in a press conference following the return from her holiday cruise- .We managed to fight off the Federal rabble rousers due to excellent support from many independent pilots fighting to support the honourable tradition that is Imperial slavery, and I.d like to pass on my thanks to them.. Production has already restarted, and a small number of slaves that had succumbed to the persuasions of the foreign trouble-makers have now been punished.. She also commented on the recent uprising in Ongkuma. "These rabble rousers don't appear to learn very quickly. We will have the system back in working order soon." Senator Torval has paid generous combat bonds to independent ships that have helped her in large numbers over the last few weeks. It is understood the ringleaders of the Sorbago rebellion were executed.

Source: Galnet...

Fallout from  Sorbago Slave Rebellion
Source: Fallout from  Sorbago Slave Rebellion
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« Reply #307 on: 02 October 2015, 17:45:14 »

Federal President Clarifies Approach to Onionhead

In an attempt to quell the clamour for her resignation President Jasmina Halsey has tried to clarify the rift between the Admiral of the Fleet, Admiral Vincent, and her office. .Admiral Vincent runs our Navy, and I run the government. From time to time, he gives me a status report on naval operations, and we discuss issues of importance to the Federation. On the events in Kappa Fornacis the Admiral acted unilaterally, and simply reported his actions after the orders had been carried out. It is not my role to interfere with naval operations, but I do expect to be consulted when decisions of such import are made.. Political pundits are speculating that this carefully worded speech she read out must have been the results of negotiations between the Navy and Halsey.s office. They are rumoured to detest each other, and the friendship between the Shadow President and Admiral Vincent has doubtless not gone unnoticed.

Source: Galnet...

Federal President Clarifies Approach to Onionhead
Source: Federal President Clarifies Approach to Onionhead
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« Reply #308 on: 02 October 2015, 17:45:17 »

Federal Vice President Dies in Swimming Accident

In a shocking development on Mars, Federal Vice President Nigel Smeaton was discovered dead in his private swimming pool at his luxury apartment on the foothills of Mount Olympus. A heart attack is suspected, but an investigation is ongoing. The news will come as another blow to an already beleaguered President who some pundits claim is considering resigning her post. A new VP will have to be appointed, and several senior Congressmen have suddenly been giving doorstep speeches to get themselves in the public eye.

Source: Galnet News
Source: Federal Vice President Dies in Swimming Accident
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« Reply #309 on: 02 October 2015, 17:45:17 »

Suspicions raised over VP Death

Fresh revelations have added uncertainty to reports Vice President Smeaton.s death due to a suspected heart attack. Retrieved data from the security systems at his apartment indicate they were not functioning at the time. It.s also been revealed that he completed a clean full medical scan in his private scanner only an hour before his death. His partner Alder Simons, who was not there at the time, believes Smeaton was murdered. He explained there were other irregularities such as the apartment appearing to have just been cleaned. The mystery deepened with the revelation that six minutes of the satellite surveillance data for the area appeared to have been distorted by electromagnetic interference. This does happen from time to time, but rarely in calm weather conditions such as those on the night of the Vice President.s death.

Source: Galnet News
Source: Suspicions raised over VP Death
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« Reply #310 on: 02 October 2015, 22:45:06 »

Changes Brewing in the Lugh System

Changes Brewing in the Lugh System We’ve received reports from the Lugh system of the Federal backed Lugh for Equality faction losing ground in the political struggle with the rising Crimson State Group. According to opinion polls support for the Crimson State Group independence movement has risen to over 66%. The staggering increase in influence has seen them victorious in a civil war against the Lugh Defence Force and thereby gaining control of the Balandin Gateway starport. Observers indicate that the group’s success is due to a huge level of support from independent pilots. Financial forecasters are also astounded at the volume of trading by the Crimson State Group and are now predicting an economic boom for them. This can only come as more bad news for the beleaguered system owners. The question on everyone’s lips is how will the Federation respond to this? Especially considering rumours of other Federal systems seeking independence.


Changes Brewing in the Lugh System
Source: Changes Brewing in the Lugh System
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« Reply #311 on: 02 October 2015, 22:45:06 »

Slave Revolt in Ongkuma Crushed

Slave Revolt in Ongkuma Crushed Following a surprise move from the Ongkuma Progressive Party withdrawing their support for the slave rebellion, the last of the rebels have been killed or captured. In a statement Senator Torval declared - “Once again the machinations of Federal agitators have been defeated. They will never learn. They deceived some of our loyal citizens into supporting their actions, but now they have publicly admitted their fault, in this instance we will be magnanimous.” She also praised the actions of the many independent pilots who once again supported her campaign. Commentators have expressed their support for the Senator’s merciful action. The Onguma Progressive Party has long been a part of the system’s political landscape and their survival – even in a reduced form it continues the traditions of this system.

Source: Galnet News
Source: Slave Revolt in Ongkuma Crushed
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« Reply #312 on: 02 October 2015, 22:45:06 »

Sanna and Dulos Independence Movement News

Sanna and Dulos Independence Movement News In contrasting news reports from the Sanna and Dulos systems, reporters revealed the latest on the independence movements in those systems. The Federal-supporting factions in the Sanna system are comfortably holding their ground and local commentators believe that their efforts to leave the Federation will soon collapse. In Dulos the independence movement has gained more traction thanks to the efforts of the Dulos Defence Party and their supporters. It is reported that independent pilots from around the region are providing support for both sides in the struggle.

Source: Galnet News
Source: Sanna and Dulos Independence Movement News
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« Reply #313 on: 03 October 2015, 03:45:23 »

Major Corporation Declares Independence

Major Corporation Declares Independence In a shock move the Purple Netcoms Holdings Corporation has declared itself as independent and have called on commanders to help it to withdraw the Sugrivik system from the Federation. The CEO of the company angrily denounced the recent tax rises by President Halsey and claiming that her actions are a direct blow to the viability of the corporation and the well-being of its population. “These tax rises put people’s jobs on the line and we are not going to let a President without any working knowledge of the economy ruins our lives or livelihood!” Responding to the statement a representative of Sugrivik Labour condemned the declaration and affirmed their support for the President, without explicitly supporting the tax rises.

Source: Galnet News
Source: Major Corporation Declares Independence
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« Reply #314 on: 03 October 2015, 03:45:23 »

Extremist Leader Calls for Zero Tax Policy

Extremist Leader Calls for Zero Tax Policy Call Hagen, the leader of the League of Nabatean Defence Party, today called for a zero tax policy for citizens of the system of Nabatean at an impromptu rally. “We citizens of the Federation are treated poorly compared to the progressive policies evident within the Empire. The Federation is older and stronger but our heritage is weighed down with the bondage of taxation. Let us learn from the strong leadership of Senator Patreus and his Imperial colleagues and ensure that our own society is not a burden upon our families.” A spokesperson for the Workers of Nabatean refused to comment on what he described ‘the ravings of a mad man’. Ignoring the speech may be a mistake for the current ruling party as the opposition received a massive swing in support after the speech.

Source: Galnet News
Source: Extremist Leader Calls for Zero Tax Policy
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