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Author Topic: Elite: Dangerous Galnet News  (Read 491361 times)
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« Reply #120 on: 15 April 2015, 12:45:08 »

Operation Tomahawk Aims to Rid Lave of CODE Threat

As the war in Lave continues between CODE and Cosmic State, reports have emerged to suggest that Cosmic State have chosen Adle's Armada as unlikely allies in what's being called Operation Tomahawk.

The accusation is that CODE are charging traders and others passers-by for "travel passes" in the Lave system, which are valid only for a set period, and will provide protection against CODE attacks.

These reports would seem to indicate that no visitor to Lave is safe unless a travel pass has been...

Operation Tomahawk Aims to Rid Lave of CODE Threat
Source: Operation Tomahawk Aims to Rid Lave of CODE Threat
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« Reply #121 on: 15 April 2015, 12:45:08 »

Exphiay Entertains Shadow President

This evening marks the 153rd annual Exphiay Bankers' Ball. Shadow President Hudson will be in attendance, as will Frank Hall – CEO of Gallant Investment, Paul Wiggins – CEO of Wiggins Development Trust, and Patricia Spellman – Vice President of Sirius Finance.

The 1 million-credits-a-head dinner will see the Federation's rich and famous rub shoulders with some of the galaxy's most influential powerbrokers. One of the main topics of conversation is expected to revolve around fiscal...

Exphiay Entertains Shadow President
Source: Exphiay Entertains Shadow President
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« Reply #122 on: 15 April 2015, 12:45:08 »

The Low Cost of Lives

The office of Senator Arissa Lavigny-Duval issued a statement this morning to reveal what information had been collected by members of the Imperial Court loyal to the House of Duval.

"The Princess is extremely grateful for the support offered by her allies in these difficult times."

"As expected, the interrogation of the would-be-assassin failed to produce any useful information as to who ordered the attack. Fortunately the ex-assassin was persuaded to divulge the name of the organisation...

The Low Cost of Lives
Source: The Low Cost of Lives
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« Reply #123 on: 15 April 2015, 22:45:03 »

The Talons of Justice

During an exclusive interview with the popular Imperial politics programme, 'Question Everything', Senator Arissa Lavigny-Duval provided some new insight into the ongoing investigation into the attempted assassination of Emperor Hengist Duval.

"The fact that anyone would attack the Emperor, in his own palace, when for all intents and purposes he's already on his deathbed, is symptomatic of a very serious sickness within our society."

"Certain elements, criminal and otherwise, see the current...

The Talons of Justice
Source: The Talons of Justice
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« Reply #124 on: 16 April 2015, 13:45:13 »

East India Company Announces Galactic Silk Road

The East India Company, one of the larger pilots' federation members, recently announced a new initiative they are calling "the Galactic Silk Road". This is a public trade route available to all, and features seventeen of the most highly profitable stops in civilised space.

Although profitable trade routes are nothing new, the East India Company spokesperson in charge of the route, a CMDR Bunny, announced that the organisation will provide protection to those traders wanting to benefit, and...

East India Company Announces Galactic Silk Road
Source: East India Company Announces Galactic Silk Road
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« Reply #125 on: 16 April 2015, 23:45:06 »

Imperial Law and Order: Investigation into Attack on Emperor Continues

Arissa Lavigny-Duval's ongoing investigation in to the attack on the Emperor took the Princess to Nehet yesterday, where the Senator from Facece directed her followers to launch an all out attack on the Nehet Silver Ring.

Hundreds of pilots answered Arissa's call to arms, and under the direction of the Patrons of Law the makeshift fleet was able to provide more than enough firepower to grind the Nehet Silver Ring into dust. While crime is still a problem for the citizens of Nehet, at least...

Imperial Law and Order: Investigation into Attack on Emperor Continues
Source: Imperial Law and Order: Investigation into Attack on Emperor Continues
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« Reply #126 on: 17 April 2015, 19:45:07 »

Synteini Slave Sale Honours Emperor

Last week Zemina Torval and Aisling Duval went head to head in a contest Imperial citizens have dubbed the 'Great Slaver Showdown'. Both parties used the competition as an excuse to promote their own radical philosophies regarding the laws surrounding Imperial Slavery, and it looks like we finally know whose stance the Imperial public supports more.

During the course of the competition, Aisling's Angels freed an impressive 1,149,756 slaves, but this effort was dwarfed by supporters of the...

Synteini Slave Sale Honours Emperor
Source: Synteini Slave Sale Honours Emperor
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« Reply #127 on: 20 April 2015, 22:45:04 »

The Hunt for Justice

Senator Patreus has today begun the process of sending his agents to reclaim the debt owed to him by the government of Kui Hsien.

The Friends of Kui Hsien, the cooperative council that rules over the region, had previously entered into an agreement with Senator Patreus to supply Kui Hsien with the arms they needed to repel an invasion by the Federal-aligned Future of LTT 911 Party. Kui Hsien's economy was devastated during the war with LTT 911, and the Friends now find themselves in the...

The Hunt for Justice
Source: The Hunt for Justice
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« Reply #128 on: 21 April 2015, 13:45:06 »

Silver Allied Network Implicated in Attack on Emperor!

Thousands of Imperial bounty hunters answered the call of Princess Arissa over the last week, joining her in the hunt to uncover the identity of the cabal behind the cowardly attack on the ailing Emperor.

Acting on the advice of several trustworthy members of the Imperial court, the Princess began by disrupting several large-scale criminal operations taking place in Nehet and Mictlan. Hundreds of Imperial Commanders loyal to the Princess descended on the systems in force. The fury of the...

Silver Allied Network Implicated in Attack on Emperor!
Source: Silver Allied Network Implicated in Attack on Emperor!
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« Reply #129 on: 21 April 2015, 23:45:10 »

Torval Apologises for Synteini Slave Snafu

Last weekend the Imperial Slavers Association was supposed to make 5 million Imperial Slaves available for a significant discount in the markets aboard Lagerkvist Gateway. Much to the dismay of hundreds of eager Imperial traders, the slaves (and their associated discount) were delayed by members of Princess Lavigny-Duval's retinue as they attempted to pass through LTT 9810.

This unfortunate snafu meant that the ISA was unable to make good on Senator Zemina Torval's promise. Reports from...

Torval Apologises for Synteini Slave Snafu
Source: Torval Apologises for Synteini Slave Snafu
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« Reply #130 on: 21 April 2015, 23:45:11 »

Eotienses Rejuvenation Project Unveiled

In what many pundits are calling a clear attempt to consolidate his position as the most influential arms dealer in the Empire, Senator Denton Patreus has today announced an initiative to rejuvenate Parkinson Dock, in order to promote the development of High Tech goods in Eotienses.

The initiative, which is being overseen by the Citizens' Forum, aims to bring thousands of new jobs to the region. Imperial corporations are already engaged in a hot bidding war over rights to establish a...

Eotienses Rejuvenation Project Unveiled
Source: Eotienses Rejuvenation Project Unveiled
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« Reply #131 on: 23 April 2015, 00:45:04 »

In the Emperor's Name

The last week has seen a bustle of activity in Imperial space.

Senator Torval went head to head with Aisling Duval to prove once and for all that Imperial Slavery is here to stay. Aisling's Angels did the best they could to support the people's princess, freeing an astonishing 1,149,756 Imperial Slaves in the span of just one week. Unfortunately for the diva Duval, the Imperial Slavers Association managed to acquire a staggering 2,387,567 Unregulated Slaves in the same space of time.

The Unregulated Slaves are currently undergoing an intensive ISA-certified retraining regime. The graduates of which are expected to go on sale from Lagerkvist Gateway next weekend.

Princess Arissa has been making her presence felt by shining a light on the darker corners of the Empire. Thousands of criminals have been apprehended by Commanders working on behalf of Arissa, although sadly only a handful of them have been able to provide any clues as to who ordered the attack on the Emperor. The Princess will announce what new information has come to light once her Imperial courtiers have finished with their current investigation.

Finally, Senator Patreus has reached a new financial agreement with Themiscrya, a system that owes the Senator a sizeable debt due to loans taken out by the current government before they came to power. In less pleasant news, Silver Universal PLC (the Senator's financial services subsidiary) has announced that from next week it will be raising interest rates on all outstanding debts owed to the Senator.

Source: Galnet News
Source: In the Emperor's Name
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« Reply #132 on: 23 April 2015, 00:45:04 »

When Worlds Collide

Reports are coming in from all over the Federation of a resurgence in nightclubs catering to under-40s. Analysts are at a loss to explain why so many Federal youths have suddenly decided to abandon their artificial realities in favour of physical content, but the numbers don't lie.

Over 30% of under-40s who responded to a recent GalNet poll said that they'd visited a physical nightclub in the last month, compared to just 12% during the same period last year.

The shift has already seen billions of credits being poured into local Federal economies. This is causing a series of economic booms that are allowing some previously stagnant systems to begin a period of expansion, the likes of which they haven't experienced in years.

It isn't all good news, though. Several dozen regions have reported an increase in violent crimes linked with various youth gatherings. So far most instances of violence have been self-contained, but political pundits are concerned about more widespread implications should the number of gatherings continue to grow.

Source: Galnet News
Source: When Worlds Collide
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« Reply #133 on: 23 April 2015, 00:45:04 »

Imperial Citizens are Meant to Fly

Evidently the Senator from Facece wasn't engaging in empty political posturing when she said that she would find those responsible for the attack on her father. On Arissa's orders a sizeable number of Counts and Earls have flocked to Facece to help investigate both their fellow nobility and the citizenry under their care.

Now, in a move doubtlessly spurred by the ongoing investigation, reports coming from Nu state that the Princess Lavigny-Duval has ordered a sizeable fleet of Imperial Clippers be constructed in the shipyards of Syromyatnikov Horizons. The Senator's office on Facece has stated that the project will be jointly overseen by the Citizens of Tradition and the Gutamaya Corporation.

When asked why she felt the need to establish her own personal fleet, the Princess had this to say:

"There is a venom running through the veins of our great nation, a poison that threatens to consume each and every one of us through our own avarice and spite. This fleet represents a cure. It will be a lance of light that acts to purge the darkness threatening to engulf our homes and corrupt our children. With this fleet I will reclaim our people's honour, and in doing so I will bring a true and lasting peace to the streets of the Empire."

Source: Galnet News
Source: Imperial Citizens are Meant to Fly
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« Reply #134 on: 23 April 2015, 10:45:06 »

Public Polled on President

Recent GalPoll results show that the President's popularity continues to fall, with her approval rating now down to an abysmal 16%, the lowest approval rating of any President to have ever remained in office in the history of the Federation.

Some (anonymous) comments from the survey are included below:

"This woman, who bombs innocent planets, who happily slaughters people, and, you know, pumps the food chain full of garbage and just everything evil she does, she probably thinks it's funny. Well it's not funny. It's sick. She should be ashamed of herself. "

"Does President Halsey even stand for anything? Seems to me all she does is chase around desperately trying to get people to like her. Well, newsflash, Mrs President, no one likes you."

"I think the President is a good woman. She did a lot of good back home and I'm sure she could do a lot of good as a member of Congress. A good President though? No. I'm afraid she's just not a good fit."

"I didn't vote for her then, and I wouldn't vote for her now!"

Source: Galnet News
Source: Public Polled on President
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