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Author Topic: Elite: Dangerous Galnet News  (Read 511760 times)
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« Reply #105 on: 03 April 2015, 00:45:03 »

Patreus Demands Debt from Themiscrya

The small system of Themiscrya has found itself embroiled in a row with Imperial Senator Denton Patreus. According to sources close to the situation, last year the Nationals of Themiscrya borrowed heavily from Senator Patreus in order to initiate regime change in Themiscrya. Now the Senator has called in the debt, and the Nationals of Themiscrya find themselves in the unfortunate position of being unable to make good on their obligations.

Since taking over the government of Themiscrya last...

Patreus Demands Debt from Themiscrya
Source: Patreus Demands Debt from Themiscrya
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« Reply #106 on: 03 April 2015, 00:45:03 »

Aisling's Angels Challenge the Senator's Slavers

The fortunes of societies least fortunate may finally be changing this week, as Senator Torval has accepted a challenge to go head to head with the Diva Duval to prove once and for all whose position the citizens of the Empire truly support.

Senator Torval and the Imperial Society will be buying up all the unregulated Slaves they can get their hands on at Lagerkvist Gateway in Synteini.

Aisling Duval, in association with Stop Slavery Stupid and the Empire Party, will be accepting donations...

Aisling's Angels Challenge the Senator's Slavers
Source: Aisling's Angels Challenge the Senator's Slavers
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« Reply #107 on: 03 April 2015, 10:45:04 »

Princess Arissa Addresses the Nation

In what can only be seen as a result of the attack on her alleged father, Princess Arissa Lavigny-Duval has today broken her long silence in an address to the nation on the steps of the Imperial Palace.

"Honoured citizens of the Empire, my Imperial brothers and sisters, I come before you today not as a Princess or as a Senator, but as a concerned daughter of this nation."

"In our father's long absence, certain undesirable elements have sought to usurp the right and just laws which govern our...

Princess Arissa Addresses the Nation
Source: Princess Arissa Addresses the Nation
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« Reply #108 on: 03 April 2015, 20:45:05 »

A Light in the Dark

Since Princess Arissa's impassioned speech on the steps of the Imperial palace yesterday evening, Citizens the length and breadth of the Empire have been speculating as to which group (or groups) prompted the princess to take such a public stand against them.

Despite rumours suggesting that the speech was intended as a warning to Senators Torval and Patreus, both of whom have flouted Imperial law on multiple occasions, GalNet can now exclusively reveal that the Princess was in fact talking...

A Light in the Dark
Source: A Light in the Dark
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« Reply #109 on: 08 April 2015, 00:45:18 »

President Halsey Addresses Accusations

President Jasmina Halsey has finally chosen to directly address Shadow President Hudson's campaign to see her removed from office. In a statement issued during a rare appearance on 'Face the People', the President had this to say about her current situation:

"I am deeply disappointed by Mr Hudson's conduct. Have mistakes been made? Perhaps. But I say to you, any mistakes that were made, were made worse due to the constant interference of certain parties within our own ranks."


President Halsey Addresses Accusations
Source: President Halsey Addresses Accusations
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« Reply #110 on: 08 April 2015, 00:45:18 »

Hudson Takes Tour of Brightlight Facilities in Hors

Shadow President Hudson, accompanied by several of Admiral Vincent's closest aides, received a warm greeting when he visited the Hors system earlier today. The group met with Duke Sanders to discuss the possibility of extending the remit of Brightlight Training's Federal contracts.

Representing the gold standard in private training centres, Brightlight offers a variety of educational services to corporations throughout the Federation. With the recent failures in communication between the...

Hudson Takes Tour of Brightlight Facilities in Hors
Source: Hudson Takes Tour of Brightlight Facilities in Hors
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« Reply #111 on: 09 April 2015, 11:45:04 »

In the Emperor's Name

The last week has seen a bustle of activity in Imperial space.

Senator Torval went head to head with Aisling Duval to prove once and for all that Imperial Slavery is here to stay. Aisling's Angels did the best they could to support the people's princess, freeing an astonishing 1,149,756 Imperial Slaves in the span of just one week. Unfortunately for the diva Duval, the Imperial Slavers Association managed to acquire a staggering 2,387,567 Unregulated Slaves in the same space of time.


In the Emperor's Name
Source: In the Emperor's Name
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« Reply #112 on: 09 April 2015, 11:45:04 »

Themiscrya Reaches Agreement on National Debt

Senator Denton Patreus issued notice 8 days ago of his intention to seek legal recourse over the Nationals of Themiscrya's failure to meet their financial obligations. The news sent waves of panic through the tiny independent system, with many residents choosing to flee rather than risk being turned into assets to appease the Senator.

However, reports coming from Ritchey Port indicate that a new debt agreement has been reached between Silver Universal PLC and the Nationals of Themiscrya,...

Themiscrya Reaches Agreement on National Debt
Source: Themiscrya Reaches Agreement on National Debt
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« Reply #113 on: 10 April 2015, 12:45:09 »

When Worlds Collide

Reports are coming in from all over the Federation of a resurgence in nightclubs catering to under-40s. Analysts are at a loss to explain why so many Federal youths have suddenly decided to abandon their artificial realities in favour of physical content, but the numbers don't lie.

Over 30% of under-40s who responded to a recent GalNet poll said that they'd visited a physical nightclub in the last month, compared to just 12% during the same period last year.

The shift has already seen...

When Worlds Collide
Source: When Worlds Collide
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« Reply #114 on: 11 April 2015, 18:45:04 »

Imperial Citizens are Meant to Fly

Evidently the Senator from Facece wasn't engaging in empty political posturing when she said that she would find those responsible for the attack on her father. On Arissa's orders a sizeable number of Counts and Earls have flocked to Facece to help investigate both their fellow nobility and the citizenry under their care.

Now, in a move doubtlessly spurred by the ongoing investigation, reports coming from Nu state that the Princess Lavigny-Duval has ordered a sizeable fleet of Imperial...

Imperial Citizens are Meant to Fly
Source: Imperial Citizens are Meant to Fly
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« Reply #115 on: 12 April 2015, 19:31:57 »

Public Polled on President

Recent GalPoll results show that the President's popularity continues to fall, with her approval rating now down to an abysmal 16%, the lowest approval rating of any President to have ever remained in office in the history of the Federation.

Some (anonymous) comments from the survey are included below:

"This woman, who bombs innocent planets, who happily slaughters people, and, you know, pumps the food chain full of garbage and just everything evil she does, she probably thinks it's funny....

Public Polled on President
Source: Public Polled on President
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« Reply #116 on: 13 April 2015, 15:45:05 »

Patreus and the Princess Share Food for Thought

Denton Patreus and Aisling Duval were spotted grabbing dinner in Capitol late last night at the very exclusive pop-up restaurant, Fodder. The Empire's favourite power couple appeared to have a good time, with the pair polishing off several bottles of Chateau De Aegaeon during the course of their three-hour meal.

Aisling looked stunning in a lace red dress with matching accessories. Senator Patreus was his usual dashing self, although he had chosen to go for a more casual unbuttoned look for...

Patreus and the Princess Share Food for Thought
Source: Patreus and the Princess Share Food for Thought
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« Reply #117 on: 13 April 2015, 15:45:05 »

Kui Hsien and Quivira Refuse Raise in Rates

Last week it was announced that Silver Universal PLC, the financial branch of the military corporate conglomerate led by Senator Patreus, would be raising interest rates on all outstanding loan agreements.

Following the news, several dozen independent systems reached out to Silver Universal PLC to ask to refinance their previously agreed loans. Silver Universal PLC was gracious enough to work with its debtors to come to new arrangements wherever possible. In some instances, new deals could...

Kui Hsien and Quivira Refuse Raise in Rates
Source: Kui Hsien and Quivira Refuse Raise in Rates
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« Reply #118 on: 14 April 2015, 21:45:08 »

Hudson has Medical Meeting in Mongan

The Shadow President's tour of the Federation continued this week with a visit to the Reyan BPS headquarters aboard Moisuc Station, Mongan.

Shadow President Hudson met with healthcare mogul and Reyan BPS CEO, Sam Reyan, to discuss ways in which Reyan BPS and the Federal government can come together to ensure a healthier future for all members of the Federation.

Subjects under discussion included a potential universal healthcare scheme, improved supply chains for frontier worlds and a number...

Hudson has Medical Meeting in Mongan
Source: Hudson has Medical Meeting in Mongan
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« Reply #119 on: 14 April 2015, 21:45:08 »

President Under Pressure to Punish Panem

Shadow President Hudson appeared before Congress earlier today to demand that President Halsey address the continued spread of Onionhead throughout Federal space.

Despite the implementation of aggressive Federal policies aimed at criminalising possession and distribution of Onionhead, recent reports suggest that Onionhead sales have gone up by as much as 800% in some regions.

With prohibition clearly failing, Congress is now calling on the President to once again act against the Onionhead...

President Under Pressure to Punish Panem
Source: President Under Pressure to Punish Panem
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