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« Reply #90 on: 01 April 2015, 18:45:03 » |
President Orders Strike on Federal RefugeesDisaster struck in Lugh today, following orders given by President Halsey demanding that Federal pilots attack and destroy an unarmed refugee convoy as it fled from the fighting around Lugh 6. It is estimated that 9,322 innocent Federal civilians lost their lives in the attack. The President claims that she was presented with evidence by the Joint Intelligence Committee which confirmed that Éamonn Uà Laoghire, leader of the Crimson State Group, would be aboard one of the transports with his... President Orders Strike on Federal RefugeesSource: President Orders Strike on Federal Refugees
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« Reply #91 on: 01 April 2015, 18:45:03 » |
Faith in President FallingRecent popularity polls have scored the President at a shockingly low 26% approval rating, with 43% of those questioned stating that they strongly disapprove of the President's current policy decisions. Doubtless the latest developments in the war for Lugh are sure to be of huge concern for President Halsey. Not only has her mismanagement of the war caused the death of countless innocent Federal civilians, many of whom died as a direct result of orders given by the President, but it also now... Faith in President FallingSource: Faith in President Falling
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« Reply #92 on: 01 April 2015, 23:45:04 » |
Nvidia GeForce GTX Titan Black Prototypes RevealedThe NVIDIA labs, in association with Reynhardt IntelliSys, are pleased to announce that prototypes of the GeForce GTX Titan Black graphics card are now available for purchase from one exclusive outlet. A masterpiece of engineering, the NVIDIA Geforce GTX Titan Black represents the cutting edge of display technology. It balances a sleek design with uncompromising performance and unparalleled processing power, making the Titan Black one of the most desirable display modules in the entire... Nvidia GeForce GTX Titan Black Prototypes RevealedSource: Nvidia GeForce GTX Titan Black Prototypes Revealed
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« Reply #93 on: 01 April 2015, 23:45:04 » |
The Battle for HartsfieldIn what can only be described as a devastating blow for the Federation, the Crimson State Group and the Sons of Conn have managed to wrestle control of Hartsfield Market from the Lugh for Equality Party. The fighting in the halls of Hartsfield was particularly bloody, with tens of thousands having been killed on both sides of the conflict. Federal forces managed to hold the bridge for almost 78 hours after the rest of the station fell, but the Sons of Conn were eventually able to break... The Battle for HartsfieldSource: The Battle for Hartsfield
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« Reply #94 on: 01 April 2015, 23:45:04 » |
Late Night Session Held Over Lugh EscalationThe debate in Congress turned ugly tonight, as members of both parties grilled the President over her mishandling of the Federation's interests during the last six months. Particularly hot topics included the heavy-handed ban against Onionhead, the resultant bombing of Panem, the loss of multiple frontier systems to pirates and apathy, as well as her most recent blunders in the handling of the attack on Lugh. Shadow President Hudson went so far as to remark: "The Federal Navy handed you... Late Night Session Held Over Lugh EscalationSource: Late Night Session Held Over Lugh Escalation
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Deep One

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« Reply #95 on: 02 April 2015, 09:45:08 » |
Navy Withdraws from Lugh – Fighting ContinuesFollowing last night's special session, Congress has decided to temporarily pull the Federal Navy from active duty in Lugh. Navy vessels are currently in the process of being diverted to Qureshi Enterprise in Khaka, where they will remain until such time as Congress decides on how to best end the current conflict. Despite the official withdrawal of the Federal Navy, Lugh continues to find itself embroiled in an ongoing civil war between the Crimson State Group and the Lugh for Equality... Navy Withdraws from Lugh – Fighting ContinuesSource: Navy Withdraws from Lugh – Fighting Continues
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« Reply #96 on: 02 April 2015, 09:45:09 » |
Demand for Original Onionhead Higher Than EverThousands of traders have started flocking back to Kappa Fornacis following the announcement that Onionhead is once again available for sale onboard Harvestport. Demand for the original strain of Onionhead has remained high over the last few months, despite (or perhaps due to) the Federation's attempts to completely wipe the plant from the face of the galaxy. Street prices for the totally organic narcotic had skyrocketed by several hundred per cent, although the price is expected to level... Demand for Original Onionhead Higher Than EverSource: Demand for Original Onionhead Higher Than Ever
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Deep One

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« Reply #97 on: 02 April 2015, 09:45:09 » |
The War for Lugh: A Temporary PeaceThe strike against Federal civilians by the Federal Navy, coupled with the capture of Hartsfield Market a few hours later, caused mass confusion and disenchantment among Federal pilots operating in the area. Mercenaries who had previously fought for the Federation began defecting en masse, bolstering CSG forces to the point where they almost equalled the Federal forces in size. As a result of having gained control of Lugh's satellite defence system during the capture of Hartsfield Market,... The War for Lugh: A Temporary PeaceSource: The War for Lugh: A Temporary Peace
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Deep One

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« Reply #98 on: 02 April 2015, 14:45:04 » |
The War for Lugh: The Turning PointThe turning point in the war came during the Federation's attack on Read Gateway. Cormac UÃ Laoghire led the defence of the outpost personally, and after several days of fierce fighting, the Crimson State Group finally managed to achieve their first victory by successfully defending Read Gateway. However, the reality is that it was more a failure on President Halsey's part than a victory on behalf of Crimson State. The defence only succeeded due to the Federation running dangerously low on... The War for Lugh: The Turning PointSource: The War for Lugh: The Turning Point
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« Reply #99 on: 02 April 2015, 14:45:04 » |
The War for Lugh: Federal DominationThe past fortnight has seen a devastating war rage through the once peaceful nation of Lugh. The Crimson State Group, led by Éamonn Uà Laoghire, has long sought to establish Lugh as an independent system. However, it wasn't until Éamonn attempted to gain support from Alliance officials that things began to get violent. Fearful that yet another rich, powerful system would soon leave the Federal fold, President Jasmina Halsey ordered the Federal Navy to suppress the populist uprising.... The War for Lugh: Federal DominationSource: The War for Lugh: Federal Domination
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« Reply #100 on: 02 April 2015, 14:45:04 » |
NVIDIA GeForce GTX Titan Black Prototypes RevealedThe NVIDIA labs, in association with Reynhardt IntelliSys, are pleased to announce that prototypes of the GeForce GTX Titan Black graphics card are now available for purchase from one exclusive outlet. A masterpiece of engineering, the NVIDIA Geforce GTX Titan Black represents the cutting edge of display technology. It balances a sleek design with uncompromising performance and unparalleled processing power, making the Titan Black one of the most desirable display modules in the entire... NVIDIA GeForce GTX Titan Black Prototypes RevealedSource: NVIDIA GeForce GTX Titan Black Prototypes Revealed
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Deep One

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« Reply #101 on: 02 April 2015, 19:45:08 » |
Explorers Needed for Alliance Colonisation ProgrammeBeyond the borders of occupied human space, the vast mysteries of the universe are waiting to be discovered. The last thousand years of human history have been shaped by our combined ability to travel through the stars in search of a better future. Yet what has humanity done with this precious gift? The same thing we've always done. We wasted it. Greed and war run rampant throughout the galaxy, and the concept of freedom has become nothing more than a buzzword spewed by people who have... Explorers Needed for Alliance Colonisation ProgrammeSource: Explorers Needed for Alliance Colonisation Programme
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Deep One

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« Reply #102 on: 02 April 2015, 19:45:08 » |
Aisling Calls Out ZeminaAisling Duval was in the spotlight again last night, as the diva Duval took to the streams on the popular Imperial talk show, 'A Fireside Chat with Serena'. Aisling started the show with some high praise for her 'Angels' , who have been working hard to remove all unruly elements on Cemiess. "What they've done, it's just so uplifting, you know. To know that I, like, inspire people like that. It's just really great, y'know. Especially when certain people, certain ancient, misguided, possibly... Aisling Calls Out ZeminaSource: Aisling Calls Out Zemina
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« Reply #103 on: 02 April 2015, 19:45:08 » |
Hudson Attacks President's HistoryShadow President Hudson held a press conference on Mars earlier today to address rumours that he would be seeking support to oust President Halsey from office. "President Halsey has proven time and time again that she is completely unfit for office. She complains about our youth wasting away in legally sanctioned virtual realities, and then off the back of shaky intelligence reports, orders the death of thousands of innocent Federal civilians trying to escape a nightmarish reality of her own... Hudson Attacks President's HistorySource: Hudson Attacks President's History
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Deep One

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« Reply #104 on: 03 April 2015, 00:45:03 » |
Naylor Pledges Support of HalseyAfter Shadow President Hudson's scathing attack on President Halsey earlier this morning, Vice President Naylor has sworn to continue his support of President Halsey. "The President has had to make some hard decisions. Is she always right? That's not for me to say. What I can say is that if I were in her shoes, having to make decisions based on the same information, I would have almost certainly made the same decisions." "Loss of life is always regrettable, as is the loss of any member... Naylor Pledges Support of HalseySource: Naylor Pledges Support of Halsey