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Deep One

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« Reply #330 on: 22 August 2017, 12:45:06 » |
Galactic News: Weekly Economic ReportThis report presents the latest data on the economic health of the galaxy's minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience an economic boom: Order of Ethgreze Green Party of HIP 103138 Union of Wolf 359 Labour GCRV 4654 State Interstellar Coquim Industry Opila Ltd Chamunda Crimson Gang Kini Drug Empire Brani Federal Holdings AG+21 1754 Citizen Party Boom is usually the result of consistent trade profit and completed trade contracts. When a faction experiences a boom, the wealth of the system it controls temporarily increases and trade missions completed in the system have double the effect on influence. The faction's influence may also increase. Booms typically last until they naturally expire. Here are the latest factions to experience an economic bust: LHS 3479 Interstellar Morgor Crimson Pirates BD-13 2439 Comms Systems LHS 2884 Dominion Lambda Hydri Industry People's LFT 551 League LHS 3006 Blue Brotherhood Partnership of Alpha Centauri Earls of Dahan The Order of Justice When a faction experiences a bust, the wealth of the system it controls is temporarily reduced and the faction's influence is temporarily diminished. Trade actions do not contribute to boom while a bust is active. A bust typically has to run its course before ending. Source: Galactic News: Weekly Economic Report
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Deep One

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« Reply #331 on: 22 August 2017, 12:45:06 » |
Galactic News: Weekly Security ReportThis report presents the latest data on the security status of the galaxy's minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience a lockdown: Brotherhood of LP 98-132 Green Party of Lung Alliance of HIP 13269 Crimson Major Incorporated Republic Party of Thraskias Revolutionary Kanean Resistance HIP 24655 allied Monarchy of HIP 24655 Dhak Union Party Opontani Nationals When a faction experiences a lockdown, the security rating of the system it controls temporarily increases and the system's wealth temporarily decreases. Bounty hunting activity can shorten the lockdown period. Here are the latest factions to experience civil unrest: Apoyota Domain Ngadjal Citizens' Forum Hecate Creative Industries Mafia of Chacobog Revolutionary Kanean Resistance HIP 29241 Conservatives Traditional Hehe Flag NLTT 47967 Purple Brotherhood Phra Indji Crimson Mob Auta Isuang Blue Hand Gang Civil unrest is the result of illegal activity. When a faction is affected by civil unrest, the standard of living in the system it controls temporarily decreases, as does the system's wealth. Combat missions and activities can bring civil unrest to an end. Source: Galactic News: Weekly Security Report
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Deep One

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« Reply #332 on: 22 August 2017, 12:45:06 » |
Galactic News: Alliance Defends Research InitiativeThe Alliance has been criticised for its recent appeal for Thargoid data, which began only days after a joint-superpower initiative was established to study the Thargoids. A number of independent factions, including the Federal Republican Command, have censured the Alliance for its apparently contradictory stance. A spokesperson for the Alliance was quick to respond: "Aegis emerged from a spirit of unity, so we can understand why an independent initiative could be seen as undermining that philosophy. The simple truth is that it takes a long time to plan a campaign of this sort, and in this case our preparations began long before Aegis was established. Cancelling the campaign would have had dire repercussions for our partners, the Kaushpoos Pro-Alliance Union, to whom we have a contractual obligation. Rest assured that the instruments we plan to develop will be made available to Aegis, to which the Alliance is fully committed." Source: Galactic News: Alliance Defends Research Initiative
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Deep One

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« Reply #333 on: 22 August 2017, 17:45:02 » |
Galactic News: Starport Status UpdateThis report presents the latest data on starports experiencing technical issues as a result of Unknown-Artefact related interference. The following starports are currently closed: Gehry Gateway, Checha Source: Galactic News: Starport Status Update
Global Moderator
Deep One

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« Reply #334 on: 22 August 2017, 17:45:02 » |
Galactic News: Weekly Health ReportThis report presents the latest data on health issues among the galaxy's minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience famine: Left Party of HIP 43845 HIP 105577 One HIP 5712 State Corp. Kvenland Services HIP 19773 Shared Ololos Drug Empire HIP 15545 Public Network Marquis du HIP 110867 HIP 9610 Jet Legal Systems Pi Pavonis Transport Corp. When a faction is affected by famine the standard of living in the system it controls temporarily decreases. Combat activity has no effect on influence while a famine is active. Completing food-trade missions can bring a famine to an end. Here are the latest factions to experience an outbreak: Kvenland Services HIP 10570 Constitution Party Allied FK5 2550 Autocracy Hatmehit Purple Crew Chukchair Fortune Group HIP 111486 First Aonghus Co Dulos Defence Party Hajon Industries Parhul Silver Electronics Hldgs When a faction is affected by an outbreak the standard of living in the system it controls temporarily decreases. Combat activity has no effect on influence while an outbreak is active. Completing medicine-supply missions can bring an outbreak to an end. Source: Galactic News: Weekly Health Report
Global Moderator
Deep One

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« Reply #335 on: 22 August 2017, 17:45:02 » |
Powerplay: Incoming UpdateAt 7.00 am tomorrow morning (GMT), the monitoring of powers' activities will go offline for a short period while the latest data is assembled. Pilots who operate for one of the powers should deliver any cargo or vouchers before this time to ensure their activities are registered. Source: Powerplay: Incoming Update
Global Moderator
Deep One

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« Reply #336 on: 22 August 2017, 22:45:03 » |
Galactic News: Weekly Democracy ReportThis report presents the latest data on democratic activity among the galaxy's minor factions. Here are the latest factions to hold elections: Bodb Den Advanced Network Aymifa Resistance HIP 96289 Blue Major Inc Zhu Veddi State Limited Parhul Silver Electronics Hldgs Autocracy of Phi Gruis Ambivas Power Partners BD+07 4267 Gold General PLC LHS 3384 Progressive Party Nuenets Corp. Elections occur when two minor factions with a similar political structure resolve a conflict over ownership and influence within a system. Source: Galactic News: Weekly Democracy Report
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Deep One

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« Reply #337 on: 22 August 2017, 22:45:03 » |
Community Goal: The Sigma SummitSecoya Emperor's Grace has been announced as the organiser of this year's Sigma Summit, a three-day conference for some of the Empire's most powerful individuals. Figures from the worlds of finance, politics and entertainment are expected to attend the event, which this year will be held in the Secoya system. The Summit is not without its detractors, with political commentator Sal Riley recently condemning it as "a grotesquely opulent and outmoded display of self-congratulation". Nevertheless, the number of influential figures in attendance has prompted suggestions that more policy making is concluded at the Summit than in the Senate. As the event approaches, Secoya Emperor's Grace has placed an open order for a range of luxury commodities, promising to reward pilots who delivering master chefs, Kamitra cigars and Sanuma decorative meat to Joy Port in the Secoya system. The campaign begins on the 17th of August 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately. Source: Community Goal: The Sigma Summit
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Deep One

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« Reply #338 on: 22 August 2017, 22:45:03 » |
Community Goal: Restoring Order in KaalAuthorities in the Kaal system have reported a sharp increase in the number of criminals operating in the area. Reports indicate that the agitators are attacking pilots travelling in the system, disrupting trade and generally causing discord. To counter this threat, the Kuk Silver Fortune Company has placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver bounty vouchers to Vercors Station. The campaign begins on 17th of August 3303 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately. Source: Community Goal: Restoring Order in Kaal
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Deep One

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« Reply #339 on: 23 August 2017, 03:45:04 » |
Galactic News: Alliance Campaign ConcludesThe Alliance has announced that its new research initiative has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community. Huge quantities of resources were delivered to Neville Horizons over the past week, allowing the Alliance to start constructing a range of instruments expressly designed to analyse Thargoid material. The campaign also received the support of hundreds of independent combat pilots, who took to their ships to protect the spaceways and defend the traders contributing to the initiative. As the campaign drew to a close, an Alliance spokesperson said: "With the aid of the galactic community, we are now in a position to embark on a detailed study of Thargoid technology and other material. I hasten to add, however, that analysis of this kind is a slow process. The public should not expect profound revelations in the immediate future! But rest assured that our scientists will be working tirelessly to deepen our understanding of the Thargoids." Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Neville Horizons in the Kaushpoos system. Source: Galactic News: Alliance Campaign Concludes
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Deep One

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« Reply #340 on: 23 August 2017, 03:45:04 » |
Galactic News: Weekly Conflict ReportThis report presents the latest data on conflict among the galaxy's minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience a civil war: Coquim Industry Camorra of Waime LTT 1349 Transport Industry LHS 1387 Jet Mob HIP 105639 Party Luyten 674-15 Industries Mob of HIP 7106 People's Islastyara Revolutionary Party Epsilon Phoenicis Forum New CD-61 6801 Flag Civil wars occur when minor factions compete for control of major assets such as starports. When a faction is involved in a civil war, the standard of living, development level and security level in the system it controls are temporarily reduced. Combat activities can bring a civil war to an end. Here are the latest factions to experience war: Kokary Liberals Blue Dynamic Group Democrats of BD-02 4304 i Bootis Democrats Branglal PLC Zeus Bureau New 31 Aquilae Green Party Limapa Blue State Commodities Orrere Ring People's Changthini for Equality Wars occur when a minor faction invades a star system controlled by another minor faction. For the duration of the war, the standard of living, wealth level and security level in the disputed system are reduced. Combat activity between the two warring factions determines the outcome of the conflict. If neither faction succeeds in dominating the other, the war ends in a ceasefire. Source: Galactic News: Weekly Conflict Report
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Deep One

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« Reply #341 on: 23 August 2017, 03:45:04 » |
Galactic News: Federal Security Chief Liaising with AegisReports have surfaced that Admiral Aden Tanner, Chief of Federal Security and so-called 'alien tsar', is now liaising with Aegis, the inter-superpower initiative established to investigate the Thargoids. News of Admiral Tanner's involvement has already prompted speculation that the cold war between the Empire and the Federation could be thawing. Contrasting voices have suggested that Tanner's association could divert Aegis from its scientific agenda and set it on a more militaristic course. In the wake of this development, Admiral Tanner made the following statement: "It is my sincere pleasure to support Aegis in its mission and contribute to what I hope will be a new era of collaboration. I know there are those who have questioned my involvement with Aegis, but I can assure you that after forty years in the military, I am ready for some peace." "Our current priorities are determining the scale of the Thargoids' presence in human space and confirming their intentions regarding humanity. We have no concrete information to share with the galactic community at this time, however." Source: Galactic News: Federal Security Chief Liaising with Aegis
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Deep One

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« Reply #342 on: 23 August 2017, 08:45:03 » |
Galactic News: Weekly Expansion ReportThis report presents the latest data on expansion and withdrawal among the galaxy's minor factions. Here are the latest factions to have expanded into new systems: HIP 13269 Silver Drug Empire Partnership of Chankates HIP 80700 Jet Central PLC Democrats of HIP 57080 G 139-50 Electronics Partners HIP 9473 Industries Progressive Party of Uracenufon Clayagro Interstellar LHS 3631 Network Friends of Fugeniez Expansions occur when a minor faction reaches a sufficient level of influence and there is a populated system within striking distance. Expansion is costly, so when a faction expands, the wealth and development level of the system it controls are temporarily reduced. Here are the latest factions in withdrawal: Order of Ethgreze Crimson State Group HIP 9610 Jet Legal Systems Gitxsan Limited Kuwemargl Patrons of Law Brotherhood of Caerete Begovans Industry Coalition of Bodedi HIP 113454 Crew Gyvata Indi Purple Syndicate Factions are considered to be in withdrawal if their level of influence within a system drops below a certain level. If the faction's influence remains low for a total of five days, the faction must leave the system entirely. If the faction manages to increase its level of influence, it remains in the system. Source: Galactic News: Weekly Expansion Report
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Deep One

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« Reply #343 on: 23 August 2017, 08:45:03 » |
Galactic News: Weekly Economic ReportThis report presents the latest data on the economic health of the galaxy's minor factions. Here are the latest factions to experience an economic boom: Order of Ethgreze Brotherhood of LP 98-132 Laedla and Co Liberty Party of Zeessze Green Party of HIP 103138 Union of Wolf 359 Labour GCRV 4654 State Interstellar Zelano Systems Opila Ltd Chamunda Crimson Gang Boom is usually the result of consistent trade profit and completed trade contracts. When a faction experiences a boom, the wealth of the system it controls temporarily increases and trade missions completed in the system have double the effect on influence. The faction's influence may also increase. Booms typically last until they naturally expire. Here are the latest factions to experience an economic bust: Kini Drug Empire LHS 3479 Interstellar WISE 0855-0714 Gold Gang Nationalists of Aulin BD-13 2439 Comms Systems Workers of Lalande 29917 Green Party Indines Commodities Lambda Hydri Industry Independents of 22 g Leonis Brothers of Abroin When a faction experiences a bust, the wealth of the system it controls is temporarily reduced and the faction's influence is temporarily diminished. Trade actions do not contribute to boom while a bust is active. A bust typically has to run its course before ending. Source: Galactic News: Weekly Economic Report
Global Moderator
Deep One

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« Reply #344 on: 23 August 2017, 08:45:03 » |
Community Goal: Total EclipseThe Kpelidoog Empire Assembly, an Imperial organisation based in the Kpelidoog system, has announced plans to build a new Wells-class Carrier to support astronomical research. In a statement, a spokesperson for the organisation said: "Many of the galaxy's scientific groups are currently focused on the Thargoids, but we think it's important to keep an eye on the bigger picture. Once complete, this new ship will gather data on stellar bodies and unusual celestial phenomena." The Kpelidoog Empire Assembly has placed an open order for titanium, semiconductors and power generators for use in the construction, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver these commodities to Hipparchus Terminal in the Kpelidoog system. The spokesperson went on to say: "The success of this initiative depends largely on the support of the galactic community. That's why we've decided to incorporate the name of the pilot who makes the largest contribution into the name of the new vessel." The campaign begins on the 21st of August 3303 and will run until the 24th of August 3303. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately. Source: Community Goal: Total Eclipse